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Spring Boot Authorization Server Example

This project is an example implementation of a OAuth2 Authorization Server.

Keycloak is used as the Relying Party for testing purposes

Quick Start

Installing and running the Spring Boot Authorization Server application

mvn spring-boot:run

Configuring Keycloak as the Relying Party to Broker to Spring Authorization Server

Start Keycloak

kc start-dev

Access Keycloak at http://localhost:8080/

  • Create an administrative user
  • Login to the administrative console
  • Create the test realm
    • Click on the Keycloak dropdown on the left navigation bar
    • Select Create Realm
    • Set test as the Realm name and click on Create
  • Create the spring-authorization-server Identity provider
    • Click on Identity providers on the left navigation bar
    • Click on OpenID Connect v1.0
    • Set spring-authorization-server as the Alias
    • Set Spring Authorization Server as the Display name
    • Set http://localhost:9000/.well-known/openid-configuration as the Discovery endpoint
    • Select JWT signed with private key as the Client authentication
    • Set keycloak-client as the Client ID
    • Click on Add
  • Configure the Mappers for Spring Authorization Server
    • Click on Mappers
    • Add email mapper
      • Click on Add mapper
      • Set email as Name
      • Select Attribute Importer as Mapper type
      • Set email as Claim
      • Select email as User Attribute Name
    • Add given_name mapper
      • Click on Add mapper
      • Set given_name as Name
      • Select Attribute Importer as Mapper type
      • Set given_name as Claim
      • Select firstName as User Attribute Name
    • Add family_name mapper
      • Click on Add mapper
      • Set family_name as Name
      • Select Attribute Importer as Mapper type
      • Set family_name as Claim
      • Select lastName as User Attribute Name

Testing the example Authorization Server

Access the Keycloak user account page at http://localhost:8080/realms/test/account/

  • Click on Spring Authorization Server to login to the Spring Boot Authorization Server
  • Login using username user1 and password password

View the public keys at http://localhost:9000/oauth2/jwks

View the OpenID Configuration at http://localhost:9000/.well-known/openid-configuration

Integration Details

Note that this example does not securely store the private keys which are located in src/main/resources/jwks.json. This should be securely stored and rotated, for instance on AWS this should be stored in AWS Secrets Manager with a Secrets Manager Rotation Lambda. This can be configured in Spring using Spring Cloud AWS Secrets Manager.



    participant User
    participant Browser
    participant Keycloak
    participant Authorization Server

    User->>Browser: Navigate to user account page

    Browser->>Keycloak: Send request for user account page (/realms/test/account)

    Keycloak->>Keycloak: Not authenticated. Generate Authorization Request

    Keycloak-->>Browser: Redirect to Keycloak with Authorization Request

    Browser->>Keycloak: Send Authorization Request (/realms/test/protocol/openid-connect/auth)

    Keycloak->>Keycloak: Generate login page

    Keycloak-->>Browser: Return login page

    User->>Browser: Select Spring Authorization Server

    Browser->>Keycloak: Send request for Spring Authorization Server (/realms/test/broker/spring-authorization-server/login)

    Keycloak-->>Browser: Redirect to Spring Authorization Server

    Browser->>Authorization Server: Send Authorization Request (/oauth2/authorize)

    Authorization Server-->>Browser: Redirect to login page

    Browser->>Authorization Server: Send request for login page (/login)

    Authorization Server->>Authorization Server: Generate login page

    Authorization Server-->>Browser: Return login page

    User->>Browser: Enter login credentials

    Browser->>Authorization Server: Send login credentials 

    Authorization Server->>Authorization Server: Process login credentials

    Authorization Server-->>Browser: Redirect to Authorization Server

    Browser->>Authorization Server: Send Authorization Request (/oauth2/authorize)

    Authorization Server-->>Browser: Redirect to Keycloak with Authorization Response with code

    Browser->>Keycloak: Send Authorization Response with code (/realms/test/broker/spring-authorization-server/endpoint)

    Keycloak->>Keycloak: Generate Token Request and client credentials

    Keycloak->>Authorization Server: Send Token Request with client credentials (/oauth2/token)

    Authorization Server->>Keycloak: Send request for client json web key set (/realms/test/protocol/openid-connect/certs)

    Keycloak-->>Authorization Server: Return client json web key set

    Authorization Server->>Authorization Server: Process client credentials and create tokens

    Authorization Server-->>Keycloak: Return Token Response with access, refresh and id tokens

    Keycloak->>Keycloak: Process first broker login flow if new user

    Keycloak-->>Browser: Redirect to user account page

    Browser->>Keycloak: Send request for user account page (/account)

    Keycloak-->>Browser: Return user information page


Spring Boot Example using Spring Authorization Server








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