A collection of simple examples to accompany the "Authentication and Security in gRPC Microservices Examples" talk.
Full talk video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_y-lzjdVEf0
This examples have been setup on Google Kubernetes Engines, but they should work on any other kubernetes cluster (public or private).
- Create a demo GKE cluster https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/how-to/creating-a-container-cluster
and set up the
to make it the default cluster. - Make sure you can use the
command line tool by following: https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/quickstart
Build the docker images and push them to container registry so that we can later deploy them in our kubernetes cluster.
$ kubernetes/docker_build_and_push.sh
# deploy client and server
$ kubectl create -f greeter-server-tls.yaml
$ kubectl create -f greeter-client-tls.yaml
# show client logs
$ kubectl logs greeter-client-tls
Assumes server from previous example is still running
$ kubectl create -f greeter-client-jwt.yaml
# show client logs indicating that we've authenticated using JWT token
$ kubectl logs greeter-client-jwt
# replace existing server with one that requires mutual authentication
$ kubectl apply -f greeter-server-mtls.yaml
# deploy client with mTLS
$ kubectl create -f greeter-client-mtls.yaml
# show client logs indicating that we've authenticated using mTLS
$ kubectl logs greeter-client-mtls
gRPC client and server are using insecure channels and trust the proxy to perform mutual authentication on their behalf.
Before running the examples, you must install istio using instuctions in https://istio.io/docs/setup/kubernetes/install/kubernetes/
and running kubectl apply -f install/kubernetes/istio-demo-auth.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f <(istioctl kube-inject -f greeter-server-istio.yaml)
$ kubectl create -f <(istioctl kube-inject -f greeter-client-istio.yaml)
# show that client can make requests to server
$ kubectl logs greeter-client-istio greeter-client-istio
# show that mTLS is actually used by the service mesh
$ kubectl logs greeter-client-istio greeter-client-istio
: configuration for running examples on Kubernetes