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Models BaseMixin

Kyle J. Roux edited this page Sep 7, 2015 · 3 revisions


To use the BaseMixin class, please define DATABASE_URI in your settings, ie:

DATABASE_URI = 'sqlite:///xxx.db'

This does not work with flask-sqlalchemy, please do not use together or you will get errors.

For easy model creation, we have a class we can inherit many useful methods, flask_xxl.basemodels.BaseMixin. This class has a number of goodies:

  • attrs
  • session -> defined on the Baseclass so this is shared by all model instances
  • engine -> defined on baseclass so this is also shared
  • metadata -> also shared
  • query -> defined on model class, so each model class has individual query
  • methods
    • save -> instance level save method, returns instance so method chaining is possible
      • ie:
    • delete -> instance level delete method
    • get -> alias to model.query(model).filter()
    • get_all -> alias to model.query(model).all()

also defines your models __tablename__ using the inflection library to generate the plural of your class name, and provides an auto generated id column using sqlalchemy.ext.declarative.declarred_attr

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