This is the OwnTracks Android app. For setup instructions and documentation see general Owntracks wiki.
The application can be installed from Google Play.
To build a development version of the app from source, follow the instructions outlined below.
Download and install Android Studio
Clone the project or a fork of it to your local development machine
Import the project into Android Studio
Click on Sync Project with Gradle files to download all the dependencies
Open the SDK manager to install the required Android SDK Tools and Android SDK Build-tools
The project contains a preconfigured keystore to sign debug builds. If you already have a custom keystore you can specify it in build.gradle android.signingConfigs.debug
Copy the file
. If thesrc/main/res/values-v1
directory does not exist, create it. -
Required: Create a custom Google Maps API Key
- Go go to
- Scroll down to Obtain a Google Maps API key and follow the instructions
- If you use the preconfigured debug keystore, enter
- If you use a custom keystore run
keytool -list -v -keystore $PATH_TO_YOUR_KEYSTORE.jks
and replace BC:CF:...:D9:65 with your SHA1 fingerprint - Replace
with the generated forty-character API key
Build the project