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UE5 | UE4
This is an Unreal Engine plugin that automatically generates C++ code bindings for UMG blueprint widgets and animations
- Widgets that you want to export to C++ need to have "Is Variable" checked
- You still need to manually include the header files for the widget classes, but most IDEs provide smart suggestions for quick import
- UMG blueprint files should be named with either "WBP_" or "BP_" as a prefix
- If a widget is a blueprint type but its parent class ultimately derives from a C++ class, the plugin will keep searching up the inheritance chain until it finds a C++ class and insert the necessary binding code, making it easier to program
- Depending on your project directory structure, you may need to adjust the project settings in
Project Settings-> Plugins->UMGExporter
: The relative path of UMG blueprint files to this directory will be maintained and generated to theExportTargetPath
directory below. The default is theContent
directory, but some project conventions may create a directory with the same name as the project under the Content directory, in which case you should set this item to that directoryExportTargetPath
: The relative path for exporting generated files. The default is theSource/ProjectName