Clients can connect to the server via TCP and send a textual program, which is a list of commands whose grammar is given below. The server executes the program, sends textual output back to the client, and disconnects. Executing a program may cause data to be stored on the server, which can be accessed later by other programs. The server accepts one connection at a time (so programs never execute concurrently).
Testing will be done with the Pytest packages. This can be installed by running the following:
pip install pytest
Unit tests must completely pass for code to be merged in. Tests can be run with the following from the root directory:
pytest build/
Linting will be done with the Flake8 package. This can be installed by running the following:
pip install flake8
Linting will be done to check warnings and undefined definitions with the following commands from the root directory:
flake8 . --count --select=E9,F63,F7,F82 --show-source --statistics
flake8 . --count --exit-zero --max-complexity=10 --max-line-length=127 --statistics
Warnings will be treated as errors for linting purposes.
When programs execute, they will create a temporary version of the database so that any changes that are invalid can be rolled back to the old version of the database. If changes are valid to completion of the program, the temporary Database
replaces the older version of the database.
Local variables will be destroyed from the local store when the program completes execution. Any local permssions from principals will also be destoryed.
class Database:
def __init__(self):
self.principals = {"name": Principal}
self.default_delegator = Principal
self.local_store = Store
self.global_store = Store
class Store:
def __init__(self): = {"record_name": "<value>"}
def set_record(self):
def append_record(self):
def read_record(self):
def for_each_record(self):
def change_permissions(self):
def delete_permissions(self):
class Principal:
def __init__(self, username, password):
self.username = username
self.password = password
self.local_permissions = {}
self.global_permissions = {}
def authenticate(self, password):
def add_local_permission():
def delete_local_permission():
def add_global_permission():
def delete_global_permission():
def check_permission():
"status": "status_message",
"output": "<value>"