The following instructions are a little tuned to Mac OS X, if you're running linux you can skip the Vagrant stuff and just run docker.
- Install Vagrant
- clone pyramid-docker repo and run
vagrant up
from there - clone this repo into pyramid-docker
- connect to vagrant with
vagrant ssh
- cd /vagrant/pyramid-dev
Building the images only have to be done once, except later if there are more instructions added to the DockerFiles, at that time, the images can be updated.
at vagrant@ubuntu-14:~$
docker build -t johnwlockwood/pyramid-base dockerfiles/pyramid-base/
Wait for it to finish, then build the development image:
at vagrant@ubuntu-14:~$
docker build -t johnwlockwood/db-client-base dockerfiles/db-client-base/
docker build -t johnwlockwood/myproject-web dockerfiles/myproject-web/
The web application will connect to the database, so the database needs to be setup first. Today, we will use MySQL.
at vagrant@ubuntu-14:~$
docker run --name db_mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword -d mysql
The mysql image will be installed and run as the container named db_mysql
at vagrant@ubuntu-14:~$
docker run --rm -v /vagrant:/workspace --workdir="/workspace/pyramid-dev/MyProject" johnwlockwood/myproject-web sh -c "python develop"
Run the development config of the server with auto-reload on changes:
docker run --name devweb1 -v /vagrant:/workspace --link db_mysql:mysql -p 6543:6543 -P -d --workdir="/workspace/pyramid-dev/MyProject" johnwlockwood/myproject-web pserve development.ini --reload
With your browser, access the [development site] (http://localhost:6543/). You can access it from any computer on your network using your host computer's IP address instead of localhost.
From another terminal on your computer cd into the pyramid-dev directory and you can run git commands on this project such as pulling down the latest changes to a branch or making your own branch to work on. Doing it this way let's you use your github ssh key already setup and keeps it off the virtual machine.
Edit the files in MyProject such as one of the template files in MyProject/myproject/templates
or one of the css files such as MyProject/myproject/static/assets/css/theme.css
and then when you refresh the browser you will see the changes.
MyProject is a pyramid project
Webassets is installed and a sample bundle is defined in MyProject/myproject/
It compiles a few different css and SASS files into one css file or in debug mode, it just compiles the SASS file into a css file when changes are made to it.
Once you cd into the pyramid-docker you can run vagrant commands to control the virtual machine.
Check it's status, it may aready be running if you had started it previously:
pyramid-docker $ vagrant status
Current machine states:
default saved (virtualbox)
To resume this VM, simply run `vagrant up`.
If it's not saved or not running, you will do vagrant up
to start or resume it.
then do vagrant status
pyramid-docker $ vagrant status
Current machine states:
default running (virtualbox)
The VM is running. To stop this VM, you can run `vagrant halt` to
shut it down forcefully, or you can run `vagrant suspend` to simply
suspend the virtual machine. In either case, to restart it again,
simply run `vagrant up`.
It describes how to stop the VM and restart it. Before you turn off your computer it's best to suspend the virtual machine so when it is resumed, it still has everything running as before.
Once it's running, then you can connect to it via ssh:
pyramid-docker $ vagrant ssh
Welcome to Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.13.0-24-generic x86_64)
* Documentation:
Last login: Sat Jul 12 05:44:55 2014 from
This puts you at the virtual machine's command prompt. From here you can run docker commands.
I since I had suspended the VM from before, when I check the running docker containers with
the docker ps
command, it shows the devweb1
container is running:
vagrant@ubuntu-14:~$ docker ps
142b95084ce1 johnwlockwood/myproject-web:latest pserve development.i 3 days ago Up 39 hours>6543/tcp devweb1
If it is running, you can try stopping it by name
at vagrant@ubuntu-14:~$
docker stop devweb1
If there is no container running, you won't see anything below the headers.
vagrant@ubuntu-14:~$ docker ps
If you previously ran the commands above that start with docker run
, you may
just need to start it.
vagrant@ubuntu-14:~$ docker ps -a
142b95084ce1 johnwlockwood/myproject-web:latest pserve development.i 3 days ago Up 40 hours>6543/tcp devweb1
The webserver container is named devweb1
, start it with the docker start command:
vagrant@ubuntu-14:~$ docker start devweb1
At this point I can go to the web browser on my computer and browse to http://localhost:6543.
If you are in the VM, you see the vagrant@ubuntu-14:~$
prompt, then you can exit the VM with exit
it will remain running and you can vagrant ssh
back into it a will.
Run a container interactively to initialize the volume /workspace:
vagrant@ubuntu-14:~$ docker run --rm -v /vagrant:/workspace --link db_mysql:mysql -t -i -P --workdir="/workspace/pyramid-dev/MyProject" johnwlockwood/myproject-web /bin/bash
Exiting the container will bring you back to the vagrant command prompt:
root@cc77be734ced:/workspace/pyramid-dev/MyProject# exit
docker run -it --link db_mysql:mysql --rm mysql sh -c 'exec mysql -h"$MYSQL_PORT_3306_TCP_ADDR" -P"$MYSQL_PORT_3306_TCP_PORT" -uroot -p"$MYSQL_ENV_MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD"'