This library is based on the Firebase for ML Kit quickstart tutorial.
It allows you to easily integrate the Firebase ML Kit barcode scanning engine into your app. The Firebase ML Kit is better than ZXing for some bar codes, especially PDF417 used for driver's licenses.
The following steps enable you to use this library.
General instructions are available here. You can also generate it directly using the firebase console.
Make sure the generated google-services.json
file ends up in the app/
Documentation is available here.
If you're not using Firebase in any other way, you don't have to add the
implementation ''
instruction to your app/build.gradle
Refer to jitpack's documentation for instructions.
Add the following lines to your app/build.gradle
implementation "com.github.johnnylambada:fibamlscan:0.1.3"
- Review the PreviewActivity.
- Review the PreviewActivity's layout.