This program's primary purpose is to construct all the needed calls to submit a proposal as an OpenGov referendum on Kusama or Polkadot. It assumes that you construct the proposal (i.e., the privileged call you want to execute) elsewhere (e.g. Polkadot JS Apps UI Extrinsics tab). It will return all the calls that you will need to sign and submit (also using, e.g., the Apps UI Extrinsics tab). Note that you may need to submit calls on multiple chains.
It also provides a utility to construct a runtime upgrade call that will batch the upgrades of the Kusama or Polkadot Relay Chain with the upgrades of all their respective system parachains.
This is a CLI program. To get started:
$ git clone
$ cd opengov-cli
$ cargo build
$ ./target/debug/opengov-cli --help
Utilities for submitting OpenGov referenda and constructing tedious calls
Usage: opengov-cli <COMMAND>
build-upgrade Generate a single call that will upgrade a Relay Chain and all of its system parachains
submit-referendum Generate all the calls needed to submit a proposal as a referendum in OpenGov
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help
The submit-referendum
subcommand will take a proposal and some parameters and create all the necessary calls. Note that they can actually be submitted in any order. The preimages do not need to be submitted in order to start the referenda, but they will eventually in order to enact.
$ ./target/debug/opengov-cli submit-referendum --help
Generate all the calls needed to submit a proposal as a referendum in OpenGov
Usage: opengov-cli submit-referendum [OPTIONS] --proposal <PROPOSAL> --network <NETWORK> --track <TRACK>
-p, --proposal <PROPOSAL>
The encoded proposal that we want to submit. This can either be the call data itself, e.g. "0x0102...", or a file path that contains the data, e.g. "./"
-n, --network <NETWORK>
Network on which to submit the referendum. `polkadot` or `kusama`
-t, --track <TRACK>
Track on which to submit the referendum
--at <AT>
Optional: Enact at a particular block number
--after <AFTER>
Optional: Enact after a given number of blocks
--output-len-limit <OUTPUT_LEN_LIMIT>
Output length limit. Defaults to 1,000
Do not print batch calls. Defaults to false
--output <OUTPUT>
Form of output. `AppsUiLink` or `CallData`. Defaults to Apps UI
-h, --help
Print help
The build-upgrade
subcommand will take a Relay Chain name and version and construct a single call to upgrade the Relay Chain and all of its system parachains.
$ ./target/debug/opengov-cli build-upgrade --help
Generate a single call that will upgrade a Relay Chain and all of its system parachains
Usage: opengov-cli build-upgrade [OPTIONS] --network <NETWORK> --relay-version <RELAY_VERSION>
-n, --network <NETWORK> Network on which to submit the referendum. `polkadot` or `kusama`
--relay-version <RELAY_VERSION> The Fellowship release version. Should be semver and correspond to the release published
--asset-hub <ASSET_HUB> Optional. The runtime version of Asset Hub to which to upgrade. If not provided, it will use the Relay Chain's version
--bridge-hub <BRIDGE_HUB> Optional. The runtime version of Bridge Hub to which to upgrade. If not provided, it will use the Relay Chain's version
--collectives <COLLECTIVES> Optional. The runtime version of Collectives to which to upgrade. If not provided, it will use the Relay Chain's version
--filename <FILENAME> Name of the file to which to write the output. If not provided, a default will be constructed
--additional <ADDITIONAL> Some additional call that you want executed on the Relay Chain along with the upgrade
-h, --help Print help
$ ./target/release/opengov-cli build-upgrade --network polkadot --relay-version "1.0.0"
Downloading runtimes.
Downloading... polkadot_runtime-v1000000.compact.compressed.wasm
Downloading... asset_hub_polkadot_runtime-v1000000.compact.compressed.wasm
Downloading... collectives_polkadot_runtime-v1000000.compact.compressed.wasm
Downloading... bridge_hub_polkadot_runtime-v1000000.compact.compressed.wasm
Generating parachain authorization calls. The runtime hashes are logged if you would like to verify them with srtool.
Polkadot Asset Hub Runtime Hash: 0x52c2f520914514a196059fc8cc74f516a004f2463ba11d7385b5241bb5d50ee4
Polkadot Collectives Runtime Hash: 0xb061815642328374a62b3282c78fa8bef5a27cd313d4ac79cbd49e43e0a4b879
Polkadot Bridge Hub Runtime Hash: 0xf43e890a5eca0230a7eaaf88a60b8cc5ccb0ef157986f628650b071e47f7d323
Generating Relay Chain upgrade call. The runtime hash is logged if you would like to verify it with srtool.
Polkadot Relay Chain Runtime Hash: 0x17e1c7023134c196678f202daf8071a25f63f3e7b3937d8632a7474c618dc9a4
Batching calls.
Success! The call data was written to ./upgrade-polkadot-1.0.0/
To submit this as a referendum in OpenGov, run:
opengov-cli submit-referendum \
--proposal "./upgrade-polkadot-1.0.0/" \
--network "polkadot" --track <"root" or "whitelistedcaller">
As a proposal, send an XCM to Kusama Asset Hub to authorize an upgrade.
Call data:
This has a call hash of 0x4149bf15976cd3c0c244ca0cd43d59fed76f4bb936b186cc18bd88dee6edd986
$ ./target/debug/opengov-cli submit-referendum \
--proposal "0x630001000100a10f0204060202286bee880102957f0c9b47bc84d11116aef273e61565cf893801e7db0223aeea112e53922a4a" \
--network "kusama" --track "whitelistedcaller" \
--after "10"
Submit the preimage for the Fellowship referendum:
Open a Fellowship referendum to whitelist the call:
Submit the preimage for the public referendum:
Open a public referendum to dispatch the call:
Batch to submit on Kusama Relay Chain:
This will return either two or four calls, the latter if the origin is WhitelistedCaller
, which will require a preimage and referendum for the Fellowship. It also returns a batch call if you want to submit them all at once (you can hide this with --no-batch "true"
For Polkadot, we will use a proposal of 0x0000645468652046656c6c6f777368697020736179732068656c6c6f
, which is a system.remark
call. We will use the Fellowship to whitelist it.
The Fellowship is on the Collectives parachain, so this will require a referendum on the Collectives chain for the Fellowship to whitelist a call, and a referendum on the Relay Chain for it to pass public vote. Notice the WSS nodes pointing to different chains in the output.
$ ./target/debug/opengov-cli submit-referendum \
--proposal "0x0000645468652046656c6c6f777368697020736179732068656c6c6f" \
--network "polkadot" --track "whitelistedcaller" \
--after "10"
Submit the preimage for the Fellowship referendum:
Open a Fellowship referendum to whitelist the call:
Submit the preimage for the public referendum:
Open a public referendum to dispatch the call:
Batch to submit on Polkadot Relay Chain:
Batch to submit on Polkadot Collectives Chain:
We will use the Kusama referendum example to check the output. Let's check each of these calls and ensure they match our expectations.
The first one just gives us some bytes wrapped in a note_preimage
Let's of course look at those bytes:
This whitelists a call with the hash of our proposal, 0x4149bf15976cd3c0c244ca0cd43d59fed76f4bb936b186cc18bd88dee6edd986
, good.
The second call starts a Fellowship referendum:
Note that the hash is for the whitelist_call
instruction, not our actual proposal.
The third call submits another preimage, this time a dispatch_whitelisted_call_with_preimage
wrapping our actual proposal. The Fellowship referendum will have had to have passed before this executes.
Let's again inspect the noted bytes. We should find that they contain our original proposal!
It does, wrapped in the dispatch instruction.
Finally, the fourth call submits a referendum to the public:
Again, note that the hash of the referendum is the hash of the dispatch instructions that contain our actual proposal.