Releases: jmkao/obs-midi-ui
Quasar 2.0 and more
- Updated from Quasar 1 to 2
- Added right-click context menu to transition bar to enable linking of timetable advance/retract to transition.
- JavaScript handlers for MIDI input/output loaded from files instead of inline editor
- Added settings storage in local storage for:
- Transition link
- MIDI Input/Output Device (must click on dropdown to populate saved values)
- OBS Address (saved after successful connect)
Added event for autoUpdateFaders
MIDI event for autoUpdateFaders (called autoUpdateFaders) now available to be dispatched in the MIDI input dispatcher JS.
This allows the behavior of the "magic" icon to be triggered by a MIDI button.
Padding & Green Local
Two new features:
- Padding every 16 buttons to demarcate banks for banked controllers like the MIDI Fighter and DDJ-XP1
- Green color button and events to indicate actively playing local media.
Added buttons to trigger screenshot hotkey for Active scene, including an event listener for
"screenshot" for MIDI mappings.
Button to update Fader Sources
There is now a button that will update all of the fader sources set to 0 (-100 dB) relative to the nearest prior source that is a non-zero value.
Local Update Cooldown Fix
When a local change (either via MIDI fader or UI) updates the OBS volume, that change is bounced back to the originating UI via the websocket callback for volume updates.
Previously, each time a local change is made, a flag is set to ignore the next websocket update in order to not create any potential loops. However, this mechanism is imperfect because a remote OBS Studio is subject to network delays and several updates may be issued before the websocket update comes back, resulting in several remote updates coming back to the UI in a batch.
This is has no impact on the UI based fader, but MIDI faders will lose their lock frequently in this case.
The logic has been changed so rather than ignoring the next update, a 300ms cooldown timer is created so that remote updates will be ignored for the next 300ms since they are presumed to be the local UIs own updates being reflected back.
Version 1.2: No volume jumps!
This release includes two fader behavior updates designed to prevent volume jumps due to multiple potential sources of source volume control.
- Listen for websocket updates to source volume changes and update UI in response to keep UI always representative of the true volume levels in OBS
- MIDI fader grab behavior - when the MIDI fader's position becomes desynced from the true volume in OBS, indicate the MIDI faders position with a grey dot and require that it be brought close to the true level before the MIDI fader control takes effect again.
wss and websocket polling
This release adds the following:
- Support for secure websocket connections by prefixing the Connection Address with wss://
- 1 second polling of GetStreamingStatus in order to keep the websocket connection active. This evades a problem where iOS browsers lag in updates.
Stable 1.0 Release
Fully functional 1.0 release used in the Dec 4 show.