This project is no longer maintained and needs a bunch of rails upgrades to be secure.
This is a pretty standard Rails app that you might use as a starting point for a custom CMS.
Content Management System - Pages organized by Categories, in-page functions which can auto-generate lists and links; uses CKeditor for Rich Text Editing
Wikis - Multiple Wikis can be created, each with it’s own Pages and Tags; uses CKeditor for Rich Text Editing (minimal interface)
Forums - Multiple Forums can be created, each with it’s own Topics and Posts; uses CKeditor for Rich Text Editing (minimal interface)
Events Calendar - allows start and end date/time, file attachments, links
Blog - create blog articles, allow comments
User Group System - Multiple user groups can be created and read/write permissions to Wikis and Forums can be set by Group
Basic Theme Support
Admin interface allows you to change layout, change base colors, and edit CSS directly
Rails 3.0.1
and for testing:
Set up like any other Rails app.
copy config/database-example.yml to config/database.yml and edit as necessary
run: rake db:create
run: rake db:schema:load
start with rails server (or mongrel or thin or passenger or whatever)
first user to get created is made an administrator