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A demo to illustrate how to go from an API design to implementing (and hosting) it on tinybird...


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A demo to illustrate how to go from an API design to implementing (and hosting) it on Tinybird...

While this example focuses on publishing weather data, the underlying concepts should apply to an other data domain.

The first step was finding a data source to work with. After searching around, I landed on, with their free plan for the "Current weather and forecasts" service. It seems to offer a generous amount of API calls per minute, and the endpoint has been a pleasure to work with.

Admittedly, this demo has its roots in an overall semi-silly design, where we are pulling data from a weather API just to turn around and make the data available from another weather API. Yet the patterns demonstrated here apply to however you ingest your 'source' data into Tinybird. You could easily imagine some other generator of weather data standing in for OpenWeatherMap.

Getting started (WIP!)

  • Go to OpenWeatherMap and create a free account for the "Current Weather and Forecasts" API.
    • Generate an API key.
  • Go to Tinybird and create an account with the forever-free Build tier.
    • Reference your Admin Token or create a User Token with read permissions.
  • In Tinybird, create Data Source and Pipe.
  • Set up Python script to load near-real-time OpenWeatherMap data into Tinybird.
    • Configure ./config/.env with the OpenWeatherMap and Tinybird tokens.
    • Run the script.

Loading weather data into Tinybird.

The first step of implementing a Tinybird API Endpoint is creating a Data Source, and establishing an ingestiom process to provide 'fresh' data. There are many ways to ingest data into Tinybird, and the one you'll use depends on how your data is generated. Real-time data is commonly published to kafka-based streams. Data is commonly loaded into data stores ranging from local databases to cloud-based data stores such as BigQuery and Snowflake. And one of the most common pathways is making API requests to a third-party generator and sending that data to Tinybird using the Events API. That is the pathway that drives this demo, requesting data from the OpenWeatherMap API, preparing a simple 'weather report' JSON object and posting it to the Events API.

For this example, the 'weather report' JSON we are sending looks like this:

	"timestamp": "2023-05-04 18:07:08",
	"site_name": "New York City",
	"temp_f": 52.12,
	"precip": 0.0,
	"humidity": 79,
	"pressure": 1017,
	"wind_speed": 10.36,
	"wind_dir": 190,
	"clouds": 100,
	"description": "overcast clouds"

Creating a new Data Source by posting JSON with the new Data Source weather_data name:

curl \
      -X POST '' \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer {TOKEN}" \
      -d $' {"timestamp": "2023-05-01 12:45:53","site_name": "New York City","temp_f": 59.65,"precip": 0.0,"humidity": 41,"pressure": 994,"wind_speed": 21.85,"wind_dir": 240,"clouds": 100,"description": "overcast clouds"}'

Sending these weather report JSON objects to Tinybird via the Events API.

 # Send the JSON object to the Tinybird Events API
 headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {tinybird_token}", "Content-Type": "application/json"}
 response =, headers=headers, data=json_data)

API Endpoint design


  • One /weather_data.json endpoint that returns weather data.

Query parameters

  • We are serving temporal data, so will want start_time and end_time query parameters.
    • start_time defaults to 7 days ago.
    • end_time defaults to the time of the request time (i.e. now).
    • So one week of data is returned if you do not specify these.
    • Note: All timestamps are in UTC.
  • Let users request a specific sensor_type. Supported values: temp, precip, wind, hunidity, pressure, and clouds. Note that wind returns both velocity (mph) and direction (degrees).
  • Let's have a max_results for giving users control on how much they retrieve.
  • Let the user select a single city to get data for.

Example requests

In the form of example requests, here is the design:

The root URL for all of these examples is In these examples, we will reference just the /weather_data.json portion along with the query parameters.

  • Request the latest 1000 weather reports from around the US.
  • Request precipitation reports from around the US.
  • Request just temperature data from the city of Minneapolis.
  • Request data for the city of Denver, and for May 3, 2023, midnight to midnight local time (MDT).
weather_data?city=denver&start_time=2023-05-03 06:00:00&end_time=2023-05-04 06:00:00
  • Retrieve the top ten precipitation 1-hr totals over the past week.

For the above request, we are baking in a 'special' convention, where if you specify use sensor_type AND set max_results, you will get the highest values for that sensor type. In all other cases (when sensor_type is NOT used), the data is ordered temporally in reverse chronological order.

For the purposes of this demo, we now have the design of our first API Endpoint. We have landed on a set of query parameters that should provide users flexible ways to retrieve current and recent weather data from across the US. Now it's time to implement the API Endpoint on Tinybird.


Selecting the location and time period of interest

The 'city_and_period_of_interest' Node

In this Node, we are checking for the use of the city, start_time, and end_time parameters. All of these are checked for and applied in the WHERE clause. By applying these here, we can reduce the amount of data retrieved during this first query. This is where we apply the "period of interest" logic, where start_time defaults to seven days ago, and where end_time defaults to now().

Here is what that Node defintion looks like:

NODE city_and_period_of_interest
    Applying 'city', 'start_time', and 'end_time' query parameters. A case where we pull in every field and do not take this opportunity to drop fields. The fields arriving via the Event API have already been curated by a Python script.

FROM incoming_weather_data
     {% if defined(city) %}
        AND lowerUTF8(site_name) LIKE lowerUTF8({{ String(city, description="Name of US City to get data for. Data is available for the 175 most populated cities in the US.") }})
     {% end %}
     {% if defined(start_time) and defined(end_time) %}
         AND toDateTime(timestamp) BETWEEN {{ DateTime(start_time, description="'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'. UTC. Defaults to 24 hours ago. The oldest timestamp of data provided. Defines the start of the period of interest. ") }} AND {{ DateTime(end_time, description="'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'. UTC. Defaults to time of request. The newest timestamp of data provided. Defines the end of the period of interest.") }}
     {% end %}
     {% if not defined(start_time) and not defined(end_time) %}
        AND toDateTime(timestamp) BETWEEN addDays(now(),-1) AND now()
     {% end %}
     {% if defined(start_time) and not defined(end_time) %}
         AND toDateTime(timestamp) BETWEEN {{ DateTime(start_time) }} AND now()
     {% end %}
     {% if not defined(start_time) and defined(end_time) %}
         AND toDateTime(timestamp) BETWEEN addDays(toDateTime({{DateTime(end_time)}}),-1) AND {{ DateTime(end_time) }}
     {% end %}
ORDER BY timestamp DESC

Selecting the weather data type of interest

The 'select_sensor_type' Node

In this Node, we check if the sensor_type parameter is used, and if it is, we use the setting to affect the SELECT fields. Here we have a if/else-if/else statement that SELECTs just type selected, or else includes all the types.

{{ String(sensor_type, 'all', description="Type of weather data to return. Default is all types. Available types: 'temp', 'precip', 'wind', 'humidity', 'pressure', and 'clouds'. Wind returns both velocity and direction paramters. Units: temperature (F), precip (inches per hour), wind (mph and degrees) humidity (%), pressure (hPa), clouds (% coverage), ")}}

    {% if defined(sensor_type) and sensor_type == 'temp' %} temp_f
    {% elif defined(sensor_type) and sensor_type == 'precip' %} precip
    {% elif defined(sensor_type) and sensor_type == 'wind' %} wind_speed, wind_dir
    {% elif defined(sensor_type) and sensor_type == 'humidity' %} humidity
    {% elif defined(sensor_type) and sensor_type == 'pressure' %} pressure
    {% elif defined(sensor_type) and sensor_type == 'clouds' %} clouds
    {% else %}
        temp_f, precip, wind_speed, wind_dir, humidity, pressure, clouds, description
    {% end %} 
FROM city_and_period_of_interest

Applying the 'max_results' query parameter

endpoint Node

In this Node, we apply the max_results parameter. If the sensor_type parameter is not include, we just apply the max_results as the query LIMIT and ORDER by timestamp DESC. If the sensor_type is included, we do the extra work to ORDER BY the value of that type in descending order, while applying max_results as a LIMIT on those results. This convention enables the retrieval of the "top X" of highest temperatures, or precipitation, or whatever type, for the time period and location of interest. Or "top" values for the entire US over the last week.

NODE endpoint
    Here we apply the 'max_results' parameter, and if a sensor_type parameter is included, we order by descending values of that sensor type. So, sensor_type=temp&limit=10 will return the top highest temperatures for the period of interest.

FROM select_sensor_type
{% if defined(sensor_type) and defined(max_results) %}
    {% if sensor_type == 'temp' %} 
      ORDER BY temp_f DESC
    {% elif sensor_type == 'precip' %} 
      ORDER BY precip DESC
    {% elif sensor_type == 'wind' %} 
      ORDER BY wind_speed DESC
    {% elif sensor_type == 'humidity' %} 
      ORDER BY humidity DESC	
    {% elif sensor_type == 'pressure' %} 
      ORDER BY pressure DESC
    {% elif sensor_type == 'clouds' %} 
      ORDER BY clouds DESC
    {% end %}
{% else %}
  ORDER BY timestamp DESC
{% end %} 
{% if defined(max_results) %}
  LIMIT {{ Int32(max_results, 1000, description="The maximum number of reports to return per response. When used with 'sensor_type', data will be sorted by that type's value, in descending order.") }}
{% end %}


A demo to illustrate how to go from an API design to implementing (and hosting) it on tinybird...







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