Hi there 👋 My name is Oluwaseun Ilori AKA Jide Ilori. I am a machine learning engineer who is passionate about computer vision.
I have worked on several projects involving structured and unstructured datasets and completed many courses from data analysis to deep learning. Moreover, I have participated in a number of internships. Some projects I have worked on are displayed here on my github and other accomplishments can be viewed on my Linkedin.
- Python
- Data wrangling/analysis - Pandas |Numpy
- Data vizualization - Matplotlib |Seaborn
- Machine and Deep learning - scikit learn | TensorFlow/Keras | PyTorch
- Computer vision - OpenCV | PIL | Dlib| TensorFlow/Keras
- Webscraping - Beautiful soup | Scrapy
- Api - Flask |FastApi
- Cloud - Google Cloud Platform | Azure Machine learning Studio
other technologies/frameworks i have worked with include MATLAB/Simulink, Docker, MLFlow, SQL.
Interested in collaborating on a machine learning project? Kindly reach out to me