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Testing SNP calling methods for HMAS data (downstream of HMAS QC)

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Contains info on the SNP Calling pipeline, for downstream of analysis after QC of HMAS data

Location of Data

Current Path: /scicomp/home/ick4/data/snpcalling (referred to herein as $HOME/$PROJECT) Path for data used in analysis: $HOME/$PROJECT

Raw data located here: /scicomp/groups/OID/NCEZID/DFWED/EDLB/projects/CIMS/Salmonella/SnpCalling

Description of Contents

$HOME/$PROJECT/ Script for calling SNPs from HMAS data.
At the moment this script takes sorted, de-duplicated .bam files (follows from Sean's GATK script)

$HOME/$PROJECT/ A stripped-down version of that only extracts SNPs from vcf files.
I made this because I needed to run some very large bam files through mpileup manually.

$HOME/$PROJECT/SNP_Calling_Flowchart.pdf A simple flowchart to track the logic of the SNP calling

Data manipulations done in SNP Calling tests

After running on the 266 files in DesignSet and LyveSet, some of them stalled. I created a table to show bam, bcf, and vcf files (columns) for each sample (row) There are blanks where files did not get generated.

4 of the 5 samples that didn't finish were excessively large files (>1G) and 1 is corrupt.

Trying to figure out which files mpileup could not complete

import os, glob
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

def check_if_exists(x, orig_list, new_list):
	na = ""
	if any(x in s for s in orig_list):
		orig_x = [i for i in orig_list if x in i]

bams = sorted(glob.glob('./*deDup.bam'))
bcfs = sorted(glob.glob('./*deDup.bcf'))
vcfs = sorted(glob.glob('./*deDup.vcf'))

bams = [os.path.basename(x) for x in bams]
bcfs = [os.path.basename(x) for x in bcfs]
vcfs = [os.path.basename(x) for x in vcfs]

basenames = [os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(x))[0] for x in bams]

base_bams = [os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(x))[0] for x in bams] # Same as basenames
base_bcfs = [os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(x))[0] for x in bcfs]
base_vcfs = [os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(x))[0] for x in vcfs]

df = pd.DataFrame(columns = np.arange(3))
for f in basenames:
	bam = check_if_exists(f, bams, new_list)
	bcf = check_if_exists(f, bcfs, new_list)
	vcf = check_if_exists(f, vcfs, new_list)
	pd_list = pd.Series([bam,bcf,vcf], index = df.columns)
	df = df.append(pd_list, ignore_index = True)

df.to_csv('snp_caller_struggles.txt',sep='\t', header = False, index = False, index_label = None)

Struggled to figure out how to do this with pandas, so after 5 minutes of Googling I just used sed

sed -i "s/'//g"  snp_caller_struggles.txt
sed -i "s/\[//g"  snp_caller_struggles.txt
sed -i "s/\[//g"  snp_caller_struggles.txt

Files that samtools mpileup choked on:
1.8G Sal_JEG_EC20121176deDup.bam ran this one by hand; took a full day
1.2G Sal_JEG_EC20121179deDup.bam ran this and next 4 in 3-4 hours (after work hours)
1.3G Sal_JEG_EC20121180deDup.bam
856K Sal_JEG_OLF-SE4-0317-8deDup.bam
3.4M Sal_JR3_62-z36_RKS2983deDup.bam bcf was produced but not the vcf (tried again and it was still corrupted 'No BGZF EOF marker; file may be truncated')

Commands to run by hand:
bcftools mpileup -O b -o Sal_JEG_EC20121177deDup.bcf -f /scicomp/home/ick4/data/snpcalling/test/ReferenceSequenceFiles/GCA_000022165.1_ASM2216v1_genomic.fna Sal_JEG_EC20121176deDup.bam

bcftools call --ploidy 2 -m -v -o Sal_JEG_EC20121176deDup.vcf Sal_JEG_EC20121176deDup.bcf

Created by: Jessica Rowell Last modified: 9/4/2020



Testing SNP calling methods for HMAS data (downstream of HMAS QC)






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