Java 8
Glassfish 4.1.1 [Download]
Maven 3.3.3
Access to Glassfish Panel Control at http://localhost:4848
Access to http://localhost:8080/javaee8-mvc
Build your own docker image.
./mvnw package docker:build
Then, execute the command below and application will be running at http://<docker_host>:8080/javaee8-mvc
docker run --name mvc-example -p 8080:8080 adoptajsr/javaee8-mvc
Models, Views and Controllers
Exception Handling
Redirect and RedirectScoped
MVC Context
Fork this repo
Download this repo and follow the steps
Create a new Pipeline Job
Choose 'Pipeline script from SCM'
in Jenkinsfile by your docker hub's username -
Create 'edsonchavez' user in Jenkins