Welcome to my profile!
I like creating projects using Python.
My interests range from machine learning to generative art.
Let me introduce you to some of my projects:
In this project I am building a simple chess game. I am using the python programming language and the Matplotlib library.
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Currently you can move and capture pieces and illegal moves are excluded (still in progress). In the future I want to add the option to import PGN Data to replay and study past games. Another goal with this project is, to offer the option of playing Hand-and-Brain Chess. This is a chess variant in which pairs of two players play against each other. This variant is not supported by most platforms, that is why I decided to build my own version.In this project I observed the behaviour of enclosed air within a structure that is under water and applied to a cylindrical body which is rotating. I took images over a period of several days. To analyze the many images, I had to develop an algorithm that evaluated the image data.
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Here you can see the experimental setup: I used the effect of "total internal reflection" of the air surface which is visible in the left image below and (in the program) set a brightness-threshold so that below a certain brightness of a pixel it will be counted as black and otherwise as white. Provided there is no external distubance (e.g. change in lighting), the ammount of white pixels then is the unit that characterizes the ammount of air entailed in the structure. Here are some example images. The left image shows how the images looked like when taken with the camera. The right image is a visual representation of the evaluated data. The air appears white on the right image As visible in the right image, some of the air surface is not detected by the algorithm. This is due to the air surface not being uniform and therefore not reflecting the light the same way everywhere. I solved this issue by taking multiple images at random locations of the rotating sample. I then averaged over the ammounts of white pixels in this set of images and therefore could account for the deviation.Future ideas for this project are to apply it to new problems like for example X-Ray imaging.
I love crafting dynamic digital environments with unique physics, where the movement of objects is entirely determined by initial conditions – which I randomize for each run. This results in unique images and movement any time I run the code. I am using Python within a Processing environment.
Skills: Python / Processing / C++
- 🔭 I’m currently working on this page.