bgfx-beef Bgfx wrapper for the Beef Programming Language
To build C/C++ API it needs the following parallel structure:
|__ sdl2-beef\
|__ bgfx-beef\
You need to clone sdl2-beef by yourself.
- To initialize submodules run git submodule update --init --recursive
- Visual Studio 2019 Community/Professional (it can be built with other versions though, check build_windows_vs2019.cmd for more information)
- To build prerequisites run build_windows_vs2019.cmd
- Please note that Windows 10 SDK is required, it's possible to change to 8.1 in the build_windows_vs2019.cmd if needed.
- To build prerequisites run ./
- To build prerequisites run ./ (EXPERIMENTAL - tested just that it builds and links on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS with WSL2)
Open workspace and set Example as Startup project and Run!
Example can run in two modes
- Buildtime mode where example/buildtime directory is found and the resources are built if they were changed or added (or not built before)
- Runtime mode where example/buildtime directory is not found and example/runtime is already built (used when distributing the application)
When running in Buildtime mode the changes to the existing assets (in example/buildtime directory) will be built on the fly.
MacOS/Linux can be built and run with provided VSCode project (expects Beef git clone in the same root folder as this project).
iOS and Android build scripts.
Clouds: Rain drop: