The sqltoast
library is an Apache 2 licensed C++ library designed for both
fast and fully thread-safe parsing of SQL into a collection of structs that
represent the abstract syntax tree (thus SQL to AST, or "sqltoast").
There is one primary function that the library publishes: sqltoast::parse()
This function comes in two flavors; one which accepts just the string to be parsed and one which accepts the string to be parsed along with a struct representing parsing options and instructions for sqltoast.
The return value of sqltoast::parse()
is a reference to a struct
that describes the results of the parse:
#include <iostream>
#include <sqltoast/sqltoast.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
std::string input;
if (argc == 2) {
} else
std::cout << "Supply a SQL string to parse." << std::endl;
return 1;
sqltoast::parse_result_t res;
sqltoast::parse_input_t subject(input.cbegin(), input.cend());
res = sqltoast::parse(subject);
if (res.code == sqltoast::PARSE_OK)
std::cout << "Success!" << std::endl;
else if (res.code == sqltoast::PARSE_SYNTAX_ERROR)
std::cout << "Syntax error: " << res.error << std::endl;
An important attribute of the sqltoast::parse_result_t
struct is the
field, which is of type
. For each valid SQL
statement parsed by sqltoast::parse()
, there will be a
subclassed struct in the statements
The example program included in the
sqltoaster/ directory can be a good guide to lean about the
collection of sqltoast::statement_t
The example program contains "printer functions" for each type of
struct that is part of the sqltoast
library. The
example program outputs in a variety of formats, including YAML, so you can,
for example, see a YAML document that describes the parsed
type. Reading through the printer functions can give
you a good idea of the structure of these sqltoast::statement_t
types and how
to utilize the parsed information.
After building the sqltoaster
binary, let's ask it to parse a SELECT
statement and output the parsed information as a YAML document.
sqltoaster --yaml "SELECT a FROM t1"
- type: SELECT
- column-reference[a]
- t1
(took 15790 nanoseconds)
By examining the sqltoaster::print::to_yaml()
function in the sqltoaster
program, we can see how to read information about a particular
struct that is contained in the
struct's statements
NOTE: I've trimmed the code below and slightly modified it (removing some indenting-related fluff) for brevity.
First, let's take a look at the sqltoaster::print::to_yaml()
function that
receives a sqltoast::statement_t
object. This is our "top-level" YAML-output
function for SQL statements.
void to_yaml(printer_t& ptr, std::ostream& out, const sqltoast::statement_t& stmt) {
switch (stmt.type) {
// ...
out << "type: SELECT";
const sqltoast::select_statement_t& sub =
static_cast<const sqltoast::select_statement_t&>(stmt);
to_yaml(ptr, out, sub);
// ...
The above demonstrates an important pattern deployed in the sqltoast
and a fundamental technique used by the example sqltoaster
program to sift
through the components of the parse tree.
For performance reasons, sqltoast
is built with no run-time type
identification (RTTI). All type identification must be handled at compile time,
and due to this, users of the sqltoast
library (in this case, the example
program) use a "type switch" approach to determine what class of
statement the supplied sqltoast::statement_t
reference is and then use a
to convert the sqltoast::statement_t&
into the appropriate
derived type.
Once you've static_cast<>
'd to a reference of the derived type, you would
operate on that derived type reference, as shown in this code that examines the
elements of the sqltoast::select_statement_t
sub-type and outputs those
elements into the YAML document.
void to_yaml(printer_t& ptr, std::ostream& out, const sqltoast::select_statement_t& stmt) {
if (stmt.distinct)
out << "distinct: true";
out << "selected_columns:";
for (const sqltoast::derived_column_t& dc : stmt.selected_columns)
out << "- " << dc;
out << "referenced_tables:";
for (const std::unique_ptr<sqltoast::table_reference_t>& tr : stmt.referenced_tables)
out << "- " << *tr;
if (stmt.where_condition)
out << "where:" << *stmt.where_condition;
if (! stmt.group_by_columns.empty()) {
out << "group_by:";
for (const sqltoast::grouping_column_reference_t& gcr : stmt.group_by_columns)
out << "- " << gcr;
if (stmt.having_condition)
out << "having:" << *stmt.having_condition;
This source repository contains two directories with C++ code: the
libsqltoast directory contains the source code and headers
for the sqltoast
library; the sqltoaster directory contains
source files for an example program that utilizes the sqltoast
Finally, there is a tests directory which contains various test files and test infrastructure.
uses cmake as its primary build toolchain.
NOTE: If you add a new source or header file or dependency, you will need
to edit the CMakeLists.txt
file in either the libsqltoast
directory or the sqltoaster directory.
To build the sqltoast
library and sqltoaster
example executable, first,
create a directory to use for building:
mkdir -p $BUILD_DIR
Then change directory into your build directory and run cmake
cmake ..
this will regenerate the Makefile
s as needed and you may then build the
library and sqltoaster
binary with a simple:
After building the library and sqltoaster
binary, you can run tests by
changing into the tests/grammar directory and executing the
Python test runner, like so:
cd tests/grammar
python run
which will run all the grammar tests and output something like this:
jaypipes@uberbox:~/src/$ cd tests/grammar/
jaypipes@uberbox:~/src/$ python run
Running ansi-92/alter-table ... OK
Running ansi-92/case-expressions ... OK
Running ansi-92/column-definitions ... OK
Running ansi-92/create-schema ... OK
Running ansi-92/create-table ... OK
Running ansi-92/create-view ... OK
Running ansi-92/datetime-expressions ... OK
Running ansi-92/delete ... OK
Running ansi-92/drop-schema ... OK
Running ansi-92/drop-table ... OK
Running ansi-92/drop-view ... OK
Running ansi-92/grant ... OK
Running ansi-92/identifiers ... OK
Running ansi-92/joins ... OK
Running ansi-92/insert-select ... OK
Running ansi-92/insert-values ... OK
Running ansi-92/interval-expressions ... OK
Running ansi-92/numeric-expressions ... OK
Running ansi-92/predicates ... OK
Running ansi-92/row-value-constructors ... OK
Running ansi-92/string-expressions ... OK
Running ansi-92/table-references ... OK
Running ansi-92/update ... OK