This Git has four different sub-project which are
- ElgamalEncrypt -> Implimentation of Elgamal encription algorithm
- ElgamalDeccrypt-> Implimentation of Elgamal decryption algorithm
- ElgamalSignature -> Implimentation of Elgamal signature algorithm
- ElgamalVarification-> Implimentation of Elgamal verification algorithm
- Java
- Eclipse (not mandatory)
Import all the folders into Eclipse using import project.<br >
to test the algorithm every project contains file which contains main file and is used to test algorithm functionlality. <br >
So if you want to Encript File
- Go to src folder of the project (Elgamal\ElgamalEncrypt\src) and execute command javac -d ..\bin *.java
- Go to bin directory (cd ..\bin) and execute command java MyElGamalTst a.text (you can put name of your file)
- Output will be created in folder name with first charecter of algorithm. exapmle for Encrypt it will be in folder E (cd ..\E)
- Click on Run -> Run Configurations
- Click on Arguments tab
- In Program Arguments section , Enter your arguments (file name a.txt).
- Click Apply
To run other algorithms follow the same procedure.