This is a small framework for performing large amounts of DNS lookups using Hadoop. This is a work in progress, pull requests are welcome.
cd GeoIPJava-1.2.5/source/com/maxmind/geoip/
javac *.java
cd ../../../
zip -r maxmind.jar com/
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=maxmind.jar -DgroupId=com.maxmind -DartifactId=geo-ip -Dversion=1.2.5 -Dpackaging=jar
gzip -d GeoLiteCity.dat.gz
gzip -d GeoIPASNum.dat.gz
# you may want to split these domain files before placing in HDFS in order to use more mappers
split -a 5 -d -l 100000 domains.txt domains_
hadoop fs -put domains_* /data/domains/
git clone https://[email protected]/jt6211/hadoop-dns-mining.git
cd hadoop-dns-mining
mvn package assembly:assembly
# These are the records that will be requested
# performs A record, MX record, and NS record lookups on each domain provided using 50
# resolving threads per Mapper using the nameserver of and store the results in
# HDFS in /data/dns-mining/01_raw
# Note: choose the nameserver wisely, otherwise you may overload it. In testing I mainly
# used a bind server deployed on each hadoop node so my nameserver was
time hadoop jar $JAR io.covert.dns.collection.CollectionJob \
-D dns.collection.num.resolvers=50 \
-D dns.collection.nameservers= \
IN \
/data/domains/ \
# parse the raw responses into JSON (one record per RR in the DNS responses)
time hadoop jar $JAR io.covert.dns.parse.ParseJob \
/data/dns-mining/01_raw \
# lookup any IP addresses in the results in the maxmind DBs and enrich the records
time hadoop jar $JAR io.covert.dns.geo.GeoJob \
-files /usr/local/lib/maxmind/GeoLiteCity.dat,/usr/local/lib/maxmind/GeoIPASNum.dat \
GeoLiteCity.dat \
GeoIPASNum.dat \
/data/dns-mining/02_parsed \
# run a filter job for the rec types requested as well as for rec types that commonly occur in
# the results as part of normal queries. This will separate the various DNS records into their
# own directories in HDFS
for X REC `echo "$REC_TYPES,SOA,NS,CNAME" | sed 's/,/\n/g'| sort -u`;
time hadoop jar $JAR io.covert.dns.filtering.FilterJob \
"type == '$REC'" \
/data/dns-mining/03_enriched \
# This is a JEXL expression that filters out target fields that are IP addresses
# and returns the target field lowercased
TARGET_EXPR='if(target !~ "^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.$")return target.toLowerCase()'
# extract the 'target' field from the MX records
time hadoop jar $JAR io.covert.dns.extract.ExtractorJob "$TARGET_EXPR" \
/data/dns-mining/04_filtered-type=MX /data/dns-mining/05_extracted-mailservers
# extract the 'target' field from the NS records
time hadoop jar $JAR io.covert.dns.extract.ExtractorJob "$TARGET_EXPR" \
/data/dns-mining/04_filtered-type=NS /data/dns-mining/05_extracted-nameservers
HOST_EXPR='if(host !~ "^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.$")return host.toLowerCase()'
# extract the 'host' field from the SOA records
time hadoop jar $JAR io.covert.dns.extract.ExtractorJob "$HOST_EXPR" \
/data/dns-mining/04_filtered-type=SOA /data/dns-mining/05_extracted-nameservers-SOA