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LAMP devstack Docker images

Images for local development in LAMP devstack

Built images

Main features

  • architecture: linux/amd64
  • current PHP versions: 8.3, 8.2 and 8.1 and RC pre-release of 8.4
  • unsupported PHP versions also available: 8.0, 7.4, 7.3, 7.2, 7.1, 7.0, 5.6, 5.5 and 5.4 (with limited stability, unoptimized, unmaintained)
  • current versions of MariaDB 11.5, 11.4, 11.2, 11.1, 11.0, 10.11, 10.6, 10.5, and RC pre-release of 11.6
  • unsupported versions of MariaDB 11.3, 11.0, 10.10, 10.9, 10.8, 10.7, 10.4 and 10.3 (unmaintained)
  • current version of Apache 2.4 (in non-CLI images)
  • current version of Xdebug 3.3
  • extra PHP extensions: bmath, bz2, calendar, exif, gd with PNG, WebP, AVIF (for PHP 8.1+), FreeType fonts support gettext, gmp, imap (up to PHP 8.3), intl, memcached, mysqli, pdo_mysql, opcache, pcntl, semaphore, sockets, soap, sodium, xsl and zip
  • Apache modules: expires, headers and rewrite
  • Apache DocumentRoot changed to: /var/www/html/www (configurable by ENV)
  • PHP image comes with Composer 2.7+ and Git 2.39+ to use it in guest shell
  • MySQL properly configured to use utf8mb4 as a default charset, an optional support of Windows Host is also available
  • timezones are correctly supported
  • optimized for small image size and short load times

Basic usage

Copy the docker-compose.yml file (download) to your project's root (you don't need to clone/download the whole repo, just copy that one file).

Call docker compose up. After docker container runs, your project will be served at http://localhost:8080/.

Only /www subdirectory from your project is served but PHP scripts have access to the whole project's root.
That means only the /www subdirectory is publicly accessible from web, not your whole application.


my_project/                 <-- project's root
    docker-compose.yml      <-- docker config from this repository
    www/                    <-- Document Root, accessible at http://localhost:8080/
        index.php           <-- your PHP app
        logo.png            <-- accessible at http://localhost:8080/logo.png
            photo1.jpg      <-- accessible at http://localhost:8080/gallery/photo1.jpg
        autoload.php        <-- not accessible but PHP can via: require(__DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php')

Version tags

Images are tagged by the cascaded SemVer:

  • jakubboucek/lamp-devstack-php:latest – means latest available stable PHP image,
  • jakubboucek/lamp-devstack-php:8 – represents the highest PHP image of 8 version, but lower than 9.0.0,
  • jakubboucek/lamp-devstack-php:8.3 – represents the highest PHP image of 8.3 version, but lower than 8.4.0,
  • jakubboucek/lamp-devstack-php:8.3.0 – represents most specific PHP image, directly version 8.3.0.

Legacy PHP images are tagged using different strategy, only latest revision for each minor version is available, use -legacy tag suffix:

  • jakubboucek/lamp-devstack-php:8.0-legacy
  • jakubboucek/lamp-devstack-php:7.4-legacy
  • jakubboucek/lamp-devstack-php:7.3-legacy
  • jakubboucek/lamp-devstack-php:7.2-legacy
  • jakubboucek/lamp-devstack-php:7.1-legacy
  • jakubboucek/lamp-devstack-php:7.0-legacy
  • jakubboucek/lamp-devstack-php:5.6-legacy
  • jakubboucek/lamp-devstack-php:5.5-legacy
  • jakubboucek/lamp-devstack-php:5.4-legacy-fixed

Note: Version 5.4 is using -fixed suffix because is unable to rebuild them from scratch.

All PHP images have alternative variants with XDebug extension preinstalled, use -debug tag suffix, example:

  • jakubboucek/lamp-devstack-php:debug
  • jakubboucek/lamp-devstack-php:8-debug
  • jakubboucek/lamp-devstack-php:8.3-debug
  • jakubboucek/lamp-devstack-php:8.3.0-debug
  • jakubboucek/lamp-devstack-php:8.4.0-rc-cli
  • jakubboucek/lamp-devstack-php:7.4-legacy-debug

Note: (Pre-release of PHP 8.4 contains unstable version of Xdebug)

All PHP images also have alternative CLI variants, use -cli tag suffix, example:

  • jakubboucek/lamp-devstack-php:cli
  • jakubboucek/lamp-devstack-php:8-cli
  • jakubboucek/lamp-devstack-php:8.3-cli
  • jakubboucek/lamp-devstack-php:8.3.0-cli
  • jakubboucek/lamp-devstack-php:7.4-legacy-cli

The RC pre-release of PHP 8.4 images have the -rc suffix, example:

  • jakubboucek/lamp-devstack-php:8.4-rc
  • jakubboucek/lamp-devstack-php:8.4-0-rc
  • jakubboucek/lamp-devstack-php:8.4-0-rc-RC2
  • jakubboucek/lamp-devstack-php:8.4-rc-cli
  • jakubboucek/lamp-devstack-php:8.4-0-rc-cli
  • jakubboucek/lamp-devstack-php:8.4-0-rc-RC2-cli

Using MySQL

MySQL server starts at the same time as the web server.

Available MySQL images:

  • 10.5: jakubboucek/lamp-devstack-mysql:10.5
  • 10.6: jakubboucek/lamp-devstack-mysql:10.6
  • 10.11: jakubboucek/lamp-devstack-mysql:10.11
  • 11.1: jakubboucek/lamp-devstack-mysql:11.1
  • 11.2: jakubboucek/lamp-devstack-mysql:11.2
  • 11.4: jakubboucek/lamp-devstack-mysql:11.4
  • 11.5: jakubboucek/lamp-devstack-mysql:latest

LTS (long-term support) MySQL images (currently 11.4):

  • jakubboucek/lamp-devstack-mysql:lts

The RC pre-release of MySQL 11.6 images have the -rc suffix, example:

  • jakubboucek/lamp-devstack-mysql:11.6-rc
  • jakubboucek/lamp-devstack-mysql:11.6-1-rc

Default credentials:

  • user: root
  • password: devstack
  • database name: default

From Host, MySQL is accessible using:

  • host:
  • port: 33060

From docker guest, MySQL is accessible using:

  • host: mysqldb
  • port: 3306

If you are connecting to the MySQL server from a PHP application running inside Docker, use the docker guest access values, but when you're connecting from outside (for example, from your computer, using HeidiSQL or Sequel), use host access.

PHP example:

$pdo = new PDO('mysql:host=mysqldb;dbname=default;charset=utf8mb4', 'root', 'devstack');
// or
$mysqli = new mysqli('mysqldb', 'root', 'devstack', 'default');

Windows issue

MySQL may crash when Host is running Windows:

The Auto-extending innodb_system data file './ibdata1' is of a different size 0 pages than specified in the .cnf file

You can try to fix it by adding mysql-windows.cnf (download) and add it to the MySQL config directory /etc/mysql/conf.d/ inside the Docker container.

In docker-compose.yml file, just link this downloaded file to volume section:

    - "./.docker/mysql/data:/var/lib/mysql"
    - "./mysql-windows.cnf:/etc/mysql/conf.d/mysql-windows.cnf"

Extended configuration

PHP configuration

Certain php.ini directives can be modified without manipulating the image content, using environment variables. It can be defined in docker run command or in docker-compose.yml file.

Configurable directives:

Example for docker run command:

docker run --rm -e PHP_MEMORY_LIMIT=1G jakubboucek/lamp-devstack-php php -i

Example docker-compose.yml file:


Document Root

Create custom APACHE_DOCUMENT_ROOT environment variable with the path to Document Root as the value.

You can also specify it directly with docker run:

docker run -it --rm -e APACHE_DOCUMENT_ROOT=/my-web jakubboucek/lamp-devstack-php

You can also put it to your docker-compose.yml file:



The default timezone is not defined (UTC will be used). You can modify the default timezone by setting the TZ environment variable to the desired timezone name (e.g., Europe/Prague).

It can also be specified directly with docker run:

docker run -it --rm -e TZ=Europe/Prague jakubboucek/lamp-devstack-php

Or in your docker-compose.yml file:

    TZ: Europe/Prague

The TZ environment variable is recognized by Linux tools as well. By creating the variable you modify the default timezone for the whole Linux operating system, PHP, and also MySQL.

At PHP since version 8.2 is TZ variable set to 'UTC' by default (otherwise is empty).

Temporary, upload and session storage directory

PHP is using native Linux temporary directory for all own temporary files (including session and upload storage). This image does not provide any custom way to modify them. You can use the TEMPDIR environment variable to modify all of them.

You can specify it directly with docker run:

docker run -it --rm -e TEMPDIR=/var/www/temp jakubboucek/lamp-devstack-php

Or in the docker-compose.yml file:

  TEMPDIR: /var/www/temp

Note: The directory MUST already exists and MUST be writable for all users (0777), otherwise PHP can be unstable or can lose data (e.g. sessions data). Moving the temporary directory to a volume shared with the Host can have a big impact on performance.

The TEMPDIR environment variable is also recognized by Linux tools. By setting that variable you modify the default temporary directory for the whole Linux operating system, PHP, and also MySQL.

Apache – listening port

Apache is by default configured to listening on TCP port 80. You can use the PORT environment variable to modify port number where is apache listening to HTTP Requests.

Note: This variable is affect Apache runtime only. When you change port value, don't forget manually publish that port to host, when you want to access it from here or expose port to use at network.

You can specify it directly with docker run:

docker run -it --rm -e PORT=8080 -p 8080:8080 jakubboucek/lamp-devstack-php

Or in the docker-compose.yml file:

  - "8080:8080"
  PORT: 8080

The PORT environment variable is also used by most known services (e.g. Google Cloud Run).

Other PHP configurations

Settings other than those listed above can be set in your INI file. You can add it to /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d directory using Volume mounting without building a custom image.

Create custom.ini file in your project's root, for example:

sendmail_from = [email protected]

Mount the file to the container using the volume directive in your docker-compose.yml file:

  - "./custom.ini:/usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/custom.ini"

Check available docker-compose.yml file for an example of how to use the volume directive.

Advanced usage


I've also prepared a PHP image with Xdebug. Use docker-compose-debug.yml (download) instead (copy and rename it to docker-compose.yml).

Xdebug is not started by default, you must call requests with relevant trigger (tip: how to fire triggers from your browser).

These features are enabled in Xdebug:

Profiler a Tracing outputs are saved to /var/www/html/log directory inside Container. Output files are propagated to the Host to log/ directory (this directory must be manually created first).

You can change the output directory through XDEBUG_CONFIG environment variable with output_dir parameter.

In docker-compose.yml file modify the environment section, for example:

    XDEBUG_CONFIG: "client_host=host.docker.internal output_dir=/another/dir"
    #                                                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Starting with Xdebug 3.3, Profiler a Tracing outputs are compressed with GZip. You can turn off GZip compression through the XDEBUG_CONFIG environment variable with use_compression parameter and value false.

In docker-compose.yml file modify environment section, for example:

    XDEBUG_CONFIG: "client_host=host.docker.internal use_compression=false"
    #                                                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Debugging CLI with PhpStorm

With PhpStorm, you can also debug CLI scripts. First, you need to set the Server name, PhpStorm requires it for path mapping.

In docker-compose.yml file, add PHP_IDE_CONFIG environment variable with serverName parameter:

    PHP_IDE_CONFIG: "serverName=docker-cli"

Building notes

If you need to build custom images based on this repo, see Build notes