- Solidity: v >=4.21 < 0.6.0
- solc: v0.5.1
- Web3: 1.0.0beta.52
- ganache or ganache-cli required
"networks": {
"development": {
"host": "",
"port": 8545,
"network_id": "*",
- @dev InvestReceipt: event emitted when a backer invests on this project
- @dev FundGoalSuccess: event emitted when the total fund has been reached
- @emit InvestClose: event emitted when the funding is closed by the project director (manager)
- creates a mile step of the project (campaign)
- @param _dependingMile the mile number that the new current mile is depending
- @param _description description for the mile
- @param _value request amount of the fund from total funding
- @param _recipient address of person that would be given the requsted _value
- @param _participants list of address that working on this mile
- @dev NewMileAdded event emitted whena a new mile is added
- backers would approve on the mile step of the project if the mile step satisfies the backer's interest
- once approvals' majority is over the decisionMajority, the fund automatically is sent to the recipient.
- @param mileNumber the mile number that the backer (request sender) wants to the requested fund to be sent
- @dev ApproveMile event emitted when a backer sends approve request on finished mile
- @dev MileRequestAmountTransfered event emitted when the approve condition to lock off the fund is satisfied to be sent to the recipient
- generate residual for backers, investors, and other customers
- @param _holderID the owner of the residual
- @param _holderType the type of the holder can be backer (investor), actors, any other merchants
- @param _rewardType type of the reward; what the holder was given
- @param _start the effective starting date of the residual
- @param _expiary the ending date of the effectiveness of the residual
- @param _weight the weight of the profit amount
- @param _decimal the decimal unit of the weight
- @dev NewResidual event emitted when a new residual is assigned to a holder
- returns the residual types that a holder has
- returns a residual details that _id indicates
- @param _id the id (number) of the residual
- @return residualID the id of the residual
- @return residualType the type of the residual
- @return holderID the address id of the holder
- @return holderType the type of the holder backer, investor, merchant, actors ...
- @return start start date
- @return expiary date when the residual expiary (0 -> permanant)
- @return weight the weight of the profit
- @return decimal the unit of the weight
- @return media the media type
- ganache-cli (or use the ganache app)
- truffle test