Smart contracts for Hex2x - A lucratively high-interest currency, designed to reward stakers.
- Hex2XToken.sol - ERC-20 compilant token
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
Node >= 10.x
Firstly, you need to clone this repo. You can do so by downloading the repo as a zip and unpacking or using the following git command
git clone
Now, It's time to install the dependencies. Enter the hex2x-smartcontracts directory and use
npm install
Make sure you delete folder bitcore-lib
from node_modules inside modules eth-lightwallet
and bitcore-mnemonic
We need to compile the contracts before deploying.
npm run compile
Now, You should start a private network on port 8545 using Ganache or something similar. To run the private network -
On Windows, Execute file startGanache.bat present in hex2x-smartcontracts/scripts directory
On Linux or Mac OS Systems, run the file while in hex2x-smartcontracts/scripts directory
Then, you can deploy your Hex2X Token using the migrate script.
npm run deploy
If you want, you can run the test cases using
npm run test
And run generate the coverage report using
npm run coverage