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Scott Wilton edited this page Feb 17, 2017 · 4 revisions


All commands are run from the project root, unless otherwise specified. This document is a draft.

Get Project

In your terminal:

git clone
cd rulebook
git checkout 2017



A LaTeX install with pdflatex and a number of LaTeX packages is required. The following install set is known to be sufficient:


If you do not already have texlive installed on your machine, run

sudo apt-get install texlive-latex-base texlive-latex-recommended texlive-latex-extra lmodern

If you already have the basic texlive on your machine, you can skip the texlive-latex-base and texlive-latex-recommended packages.


PO4A is required for the translation build. If you don't require this part of the project, you can skip this step.

On most linux systems, sudo apt-get install po4a should be sufficient. Installing PO4A on OS X is much more difficult and the instruction provided by other online sources are not correct. Contact us for help with a mac install of PO4A.

Additional dependencies

Some additional LaTeX packages must be installed that may not be in the default texlive package you have installed. First check that the texlive package manager installed correctly with tlmgr --version. Also some setup in the repository is required before the makefile will work.

Run ./scripts/ from the repository root to take care of both of these issues.

Additional Setup

You should now be able to build the rulebook pdfs. Run make help to see the available options, or run make rulebook to generate the rulebook pdf. Additional setup is required if you want to run the translation build.

Translation Setup

As described in the dependencies above, PO4A is required for the translation build. You must also have read and write access to the IUF Transifex project in order to push and pull the strings required in the translation build.

If you want to build the translated rulebook locally, you need to set up access to the IUF Transifex project. Run

tx init --host=

It will ask So, do you have an api token?. Answer yes and enter the api token given to you by Scott. If you don't know who Scott is, you probably shouldn't receive permission for the IUF Transifex project ;).

(If you are asked tx: There is already a tx folder! Do you want to delete it and reinit the project?, answer yes.)

You should now be ready to make translation.