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Shapes support
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For rail timetables
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mem48 committed Jul 17, 2023
1 parent 02d0a5e commit d00415c
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Showing 3 changed files with 350 additions and 0 deletions.
347 changes: 347 additions & 0 deletions R/atoc_shapes.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
#' Make shapes.txt for train GTFS
#' @details
#' Uses a internal map of the UK rail network to build shapes.txt
#' @param gtfs a gtfs object
#' @export
#' @return
#' Returns a gtfs object
ATOC_shapes <- function(gtfs) {
trips <- gtfs$trips
routes <- gtfs$routes
stops <- gtfs$stops
stop_times <- gtfs$stop_times

# Make Graph of Railway
# rail <- rail
rail_heavy <- rail_heavy
rail_heavy$type <- "rail"
# rail_light <- rail[rail$type == "light_rail", ]
wts <- c(1)
names(wts) <- as.character(unique(rail_heavy$type))
#gc(verbose = TRUE)
graph <- dodgr::weight_streetnet(rail_heavy, type_col = "type", wt_profile = wts, id_col = "id")

# remove bus and boat routes
routes_rail <- routes[routes$route_type == 2, ]
trips_rail <- trips[trips$route_id %in% routes_rail$route_id, ]
rm(routes_rail, routes, trips)
stop_times_rail <- stop_times[stop_times$trip_id %in% trips_rail$trip_id, ]
stops_rail <- stops[stops$stop_id %in% stop_times_rail$stop_id, ]

# Cleaning check, should be in earlier
stop_times_rail <- stop_times_rail[stop_times_rail$stop_id %in% stops_rail$stop_id, ]

# Make a unique set of stop pairs
pairs <- stop_times_rail[, c("trip_id", "stop_id")]
names(pairs) <- c("trip_id_from", "stop_id_from")
pairs$stop_id_to <- c(pairs$stop_id_from[2:length(pairs$stop_id_from)], NA)
pairs$trip_id_to <- c(pairs$trip_id_from[2:length(pairs$stop_id_from)], NA)
pairs <- pairs[pairs$trip_id_from == pairs$trip_id_to, ]
pairs <- pairs[, c("stop_id_from", "stop_id_to")]
pairs <- pairs[!$stop_id_from), ]
pairs <- unique(pairs)
pairs$id <- od_id_szudzik(pairs$stop_id_from, pairs$stop_id_to)
pairs <- pairs[!duplicated(pairs$id), ]

# Add Coordinates
stops_from <- stops_rail[match(pairs$stop_id_from, stops_rail$stop_id),]
stops_to <- stops_rail[match(pairs$stop_id_to, stops_rail$stop_id),]
stops_from <- stops_from[,c("stop_lat","stop_lon")]
stops_to <- stops_to[,c("stop_lat","stop_lon")]
names(stops_from) = c("from_lat","from_lon")
names(stops_to) = c("to_lat","to_lon")

# match stops to graph
verts <- dodgr::dodgr_vertices(graph)

# Route between pairs
message(paste0(Sys.time()," Starting routing"))
dp.list <- dodgr::dodgr_paths(graph,
from = stops_from,
to = stops_to,
pairwise = TRUE, quiet = TRUE
message(paste0(Sys.time()," converting routes to GTFS format"))

# Convert to Linestrings
dp.list <- unlist(dp.list, recursive = FALSE)

path_to_sf <- function(dp, verts, simplify = FALSE) {
# Check for emplyr paths
if (length(dp) > 0) {
path <- verts[match(dp, verts$id), ]
path <- matrix(c(path$x, path$y), ncol = 2)
path <- sf::st_linestring(path)

if (simplify) {
path <- sf::st_as_sfc(list(path), crs = 4326)
path <- sf::st_transform(path, 27700)
path <- sf::st_simplify(path, 5, preserveTopology = TRUE)
path <- sf::st_transform(path, 4326)
path <- path[[1]]
} else {

dp.list <- pbapply::pblapply(dp.list, path_to_sf, verts = verts)
dp.list <- unname(dp.list)
pairs$geometry <- sf::st_sfc(dp.list, crs = 4326)
rm(dp.list, verts)
pairs <- sf::st_as_sf(pairs)

# Make pairs in opposite direction
pairs_opp <- pairs
names(pairs_opp) <- c("stop_id_to", "stop_id_from", "id", "geometry")

invert_linestring <- function(x) {
x <- sf::st_coordinates(x)
x <- x[seq(nrow(x), 1), 1:2]
x <- sf::st_linestring(x)

message(paste0(Sys.time()," Invert routes"))
pairs_opp$geometry <- pbapply::pblapply(pairs_opp$geometry, invert_linestring)
pairs_opp$geometry <- sf::st_as_sfc(pairs_opp$geometry, crs = 4326)
pairs_opp <- sf::st_as_sf(pairs_opp)
pairs_opp <- pairs_opp[, names(pairs)]
pairs <- rbind(pairs, pairs_opp)

#Simplify the lines
pairs <- sf::st_transform(pairs, 27700)
pairs <- sf::st_simplify(pairs, dTolerance = 10)
pairs <- sf::st_transform(pairs, 4326)

# Identify unique trip chains
str <- dplyr::group_by(stop_times_rail, trip_id)
str <- dplyr::summarise(str, stop_chain = paste(stop_id, collapse = ","))
str_uni <- str[!duplicated(str$stop_chain),]

# Match station pairs back to
st_split <- stop_times_rail[stop_times_rail$trip_id %in% str_uni$trip_id,]
st_split$from <- c("foo", st_split$stop_id[seq(1, nrow(st_split) - 1)])
st_split <- dplyr::left_join(st_split, pairs, by = c("from" = "stop_id_from", "stop_id" = "stop_id_to"))
st_split <- dplyr::group_split(st_split, st_split$trip_id, .keep = FALSE)

message(paste0(Sys.time()," final formatting"))
rm(graph, pairs)
shape_res <- pbapply::pblapply(st_split, match_lines)

str5 <- lapply(shape_res, `[[`, 2)
shapes <- lapply(shape_res, `[[`, 1)
rm(shape_res, st_split, trips_rail, stops_rail)
str5 <- dplyr::bind_rows(str5)
shapes <- dplyr::bind_rows(shapes)
names(shapes)[3] = "shape_id"

# Match up with original stop_times
names(str_uni) <- c("shape_id","stop_chain")
str <- dplyr::left_join(str, str_uni, by = "stop_chain")
str$stop_chain <- NULL

str5 <- str5[,c("trip_id","stop_id","stop_sequence","shape_dist_traveled")]
str5 <- dplyr::left_join(str, str5, by = c("shape_id" = "trip_id"))

stop_times = dplyr::left_join(gtfs$stop_times, str5,
by = c("trip_id","stop_id","stop_sequence"))
gtfs$stop_times <- stop_times
gtfs$trips <- dplyr::left_join(gtfs$trips, str, by = "trip_id")

gtfs$shapes <- shapes


# From stplanr
od_id_szudzik = function (x, y, ordermatters = FALSE)
if (length(x) != length(y)) {
stop("x and y are not of equal length")
if (is(x, "factor")) {
x <- as.character(x)
if (is(y, "factor")) {
y <- as.character(y)
lvls <- unique(c(x, y))
x <- as.integer(factor(x, levels = lvls))
y <- as.integer(factor(y, levels = lvls))
if (ordermatters) {
ismax <- x > y
stplanr.key <- (ismax * 1) * (x^2 + x + y) + ((!ismax) *
1) * (y^2 + x)
else {
a <- ifelse(x > y, y, x)
b <- ifelse(x > y, x, y)
stplanr.key <- b^2 + a

match_lines <- function(x) {
x <- sf::st_as_sf(x, crs = 4326)
x$length <- st_length_cheap(x)
x$shape_dist_traveled <- round(cumsum(x$length))

if (!sf::st_is_empty(x$geometry[1])) {
x$geometry[1] <- NULL

if (nrow(x) > 2) {
#shapes <- sf::st_line_merge(sf::st_union(x$geometry))
shapes <-
} else if (nrow(x) == 2) {
#shapes <- x$geometry[2]
shapes <-
} else {
stop("For trip ", x$trip_id[1], " unknown number of geometries")

# if (length(shapes) > 1) {
# stop("For trip ", x$trip_id[1], " unable to construct a single line")
# }
#shapes <-
shapes <- shapes[!duplicated(shapes[,1:2]),]

names(shapes) <- c("shape_pt_lon", "shape_pt_lat", "L1")
shapes <- shapes[, c("shape_pt_lon", "shape_pt_lat")]
shapes$trip_id <- x$trip_id[1]
shapes$shape_pt_sequence <- seq(1, nrow(shapes))
shapes$dist <- geodist::geodist(shapes[,c("shape_pt_lon","shape_pt_lat")],
sequential = TRUE, pad = TRUE)
shapes$dist[1] <- 0
shapes$shape_dist_traveled <- round(cumsum(shapes$dist),0)
shapes$dist <- NULL

x <- sf::st_drop_geometry(x)
x <- x[, c(
"trip_id", "arrival_time", "departure_time", "stop_id", "stop_sequence", "pickup_type",
"drop_off_type", "shape_dist_traveled"

res <- list(shapes, x)
names(res) <- c("shapes", "stop_times")

st_length_cheap <- function(x){
coords <- sf::st_coordinates(x)
coords <- coords[,c(1,2,ncol(coords))]
coords <- split(coords[,c(1,2)], coords[,3])

int_func <- function(y){
y <- matrix(y, ncol = 2)
colnames(y) <- c("lon","lat")
dist <- geodist::geodist(y, sequential = TRUE)

lgths <- vapply(coords, int_func, FUN.VALUE = 1)
if(length(lgths) != nrow(x)){
lgths <- lgths[match(seq(1, nrow(x)),names(lgths))]
lgths <- unname(lgths)
lgths[] <- 0

## Testing Scripts
# check that all stations are near the rail network
#gtfs <- gtfs_read("C:/Users/malco/OneDrive - University of Leeds/Data/UK2GTFS/GTFS/gtfs_20200502/")

# stops <- gtfs$stops
# routes <- gtfs$routes
# trips <- gtfs$trips
# stop_times <- gtfs$stop_times
# routes <- routes[routes$route_type == 2, ]
# trips <- trips[trips$route_id %in% routes$route_id, ]
# stop_times <- stop_times[stop_times$trip_id %in% trips$trip_id, ]
# stops <- stops[stops$stop_id %in% unique(stop_times$stop_id),]
# track <- UK2GTFS::rail_heavy
# stops <- st_as_sf(stops, coords = c("stop_lon","stop_lat"), crs = 4326)
# track$type <- "rail"
# wts <- c(1)
# names(wts) <- as.character("rail")
# graph <- dodgr::weight_streetnet(track, type_col = "type", wt_profile = wts, id_col = "id")
# verts <- dodgr::dodgr_vertices(graph)
# stops <- cbind(st_drop_geometry(stops), st_coordinates(stops))
# near <- RANN::nn2(data = verts[, c("x", "y")], query = stops[, c("X", "Y")], k = 1)
# stops$vert <- verts$id[near$nn.idx]
# stops$dist <- as.numeric(near$nn.dists)
# stops$vert[stops$dist > 1e-7] <- NA
# graph <- dodgr::dodgr_contract_graph(graph, verts = unique(stops$vert))
# verts <- dodgr::dodgr_vertices(graph)
# near <- RANN::nn2(data = verts[, c("x", "y")], query = stops[, c("X", "Y")], k = 1)
# stops$vert <- verts$id[near$nn.idx]
# stops$dist <- as.numeric(near$nn.dists)
# stops$vert[stops$dist > 1e-7] <- NA
# # Make a unique set of stop pairs
# pairs <- stop_times[, c("trip_id", "stop_id")]
# names(pairs) <- c("trip_id_from", "stop_id_from")
# pairs$stop_id_to <- c(pairs$stop_id_from[2:length(pairs$stop_id_from)], NA)
# pairs$trip_id_to <- c(pairs$trip_id_from[2:length(pairs$stop_id_from)], NA)
# pairs <- pairs[pairs$trip_id_from == pairs$trip_id_to, ]
# pairs <- pairs[, c("stop_id_from", "stop_id_to")]
# pairs <- pairs[!$stop_id_from), ]
# pairs <- unique(pairs)
# pairs$id <- od_id_szudzik(pairs$stop_id_from, pairs$stop_id_to)
# pairs <- pairs[!duplicated(pairs$id), ]
# # match stops to graph
# pairs <- dplyr::left_join(pairs[, c("stop_id_from", "stop_id_to")],
# stops[, c("stop_id", "vert")],
# by = c("stop_id_from" = "stop_id")
# )
# names(pairs) <- c("stop_id_from", "stop_id_to", "vert_from")
# pairs <- dplyr::left_join(pairs,
# stops[, c("stop_id", "vert")],
# by = c("stop_id_to" = "stop_id")
# )
# names(pairs) <- c("stop_id_from", "stop_id_to", "vert_from", "vert_to")
# pairs <- pairs[!$vert_from),]
# pairs <- pairs[!$vert_to),]
# # Route between pairs
# print(Sys.time())
# dp.list <- dodgr::dodgr_paths(graph,
# from = pairs$vert_from,
# to = pairs$vert_to,
# pairwise = TRUE, quiet = FALSE
# )
# print(Sys.time())
# track_points <- st_cast(track, "POINT")
# near <- st_nn(stops, track_points, returnDist = TRUE)
# stops$dist <- unlist(near$dist)
# stops$near <- unlist(near$nn)
# qtm(track) + qtm(stops[stops$dist > 10,])
# stops$geom2 <- track_points$geometry[stops$near]
# stops$geometry <- ifelse(stops$dist < 100, stops$geom2, stops$geometry)

3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions R/write_gtfs.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -69,6 +69,9 @@ gtfs_write <- function(gtfs,
if ("transfers" %in% names(gtfs)) {
data.table::fwrite(gtfs$transfers, paste0(tempdir(), "/gtfs_temp/transfers.txt"), row.names = FALSE, quote = quote)
if ("shapes" %in% names(gtfs)) {
data.table::fwrite(gtfs$shapes, paste0(tempdir(), "/gtfs_temp/shapes.txt"), row.names = FALSE, quote = quote)
zip::zipr(paste0(folder, "/", name, ".zip"), list.files(paste0(tempdir(), "/gtfs_temp"), full.names = TRUE), recurse = FALSE)
unlink(paste0(tempdir(), "/gtfs_temp"), recursive = TRUE)
message(paste0(folder, "/", name, ".zip"))
Expand Down
Binary file modified data/rail_heavy.rda
Binary file not shown.

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