- Display of temperature and humidity values
- Display of the data on a website
- The possibility for a user to define threshold values
- Respond to particulate matter values
- Trigger events based on the sensor values
- Arduino Uno
- Temperature and humidity sensor DHT22
- Fine dust sensor SDS011
- LCD 1602 to display sensor data and let the users define threshold values
- ESP8266 (connected with the Arduino via UART) to display a website of the sensor values to wlan clients
- 4 pin 5V fan
The following flowcharts describe the workflow, how the data is queried from sensors and how it is processed.
Implemented transmission security via CRC procedure: G (x) = x^16 + x^15 + x^10 + x^3
- Arduino calculates CRC-16 (Xmodem) and sends Data + CRC
- ESP also calculates CRC from data
- ESP checks whether CRCs are the same
- Connect ESP via UART ⇒ fine dust also sends via UART
- All buttons of the LCD display are only activated via a pin A0 had read
- PWM signal for the fan
- Data synchronization for LCD display, user website
- Pin assignment due to the small number of pins
Please also see our German presentation inside the folder Presentation
for more information.