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🐳 Docker and ⚓ Kubernetes with Swarm. My personal notes, projects and configurations.

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Docker and Kubernetes with Swarm

My personal notes, projects and configurations.


Aditya Hajare (Linkedin).

Current Status

WIP (Work In Progress)!


Open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.

Important Notes

  • Must Check Links
  • Docker Installation Tips
    + Installing on Windows 10 (Pro or Enterprise)
    + Installing on Windows 7, 8, or 10 Home Edition
    + Installing on Mac
    + Installing on Linux
    + Play With Docker (PWD) Online
    + Install using
  • Theory
    - Important Points To Remember
    - Difference between Containers and Virtual Machines (VMs)
    - To see what's going on in containers
    - Docker netwroks concepts for Private and Public communications
    - Docker netwroks CLI management of Virtual Networks
    - Docker networks: Default Security
    - What are Images
    - Image Layers
    - Docker Image tagging and pushing to Docker Hub
    - Dockerfile
    - Inside Dockerfile
    - To build Image from Dockerfile
  • Cleaning Up Docker
    + To cleanup all dangling images:
    + To cleanup everything:
    + To see space usage:
  • Container Lifetime And Persistent Data
    + Data Volumes
        - Named Volumes
        - When would we ever want to use 'docker volume create' command?
        - Data Volumes: Important Docker Commands
    + Bind Mounts
        - Bind Mounts: Important Docker Commands
  • Docker Compose - The Multi-Container Tool
    + docker-compose.yml
    + docker-compose CLI
    + docker-compose to build Images at runtime
  • Docker Swarm - Built-In Orchestration
    + How to check if swarm mode is activated and how to activate it
    + What happens behind the scene when we run docker swarm init?
    + Key Concepts
    + Creating a 3-node Swarm Cluster
  • Swarm - Scaling Out With Virtual Networking
    + Overlay Network Driver
    + Example: Drupal with Postgres as Services
  • Swarm - Routing Mesh
    + Docker service logs to see logs from different nodes
  • Swarm - Stacks
    + How to deploy Swarm stack using compose file?
  • Swarm - Secret Storage
    + What is a Secret?
    + How to create a Secret?
    + How to decrypt a Secret?
    + How to remove a Secret?
  • Swarm - Service Updates Changing Things In Flight
    + Swarm Update Examples
  • Docker Healthchecks
    + Where do we see Docker Healthcheck status?
    + Healthcheck Docker Run Example
    + Healthcheck in Dockerfile
  • Container Registeries
    + Docker Hub
    + Running Docker Registry
    + Running A Private Docker Registry
    + Registry And Proper TLS
    + Private Docker Registry In Swarm
  • Kubernetes
    + What is Kubernetes
    + Why Kubernetes
    + Kubernetes vs. Swarm
  • Kubernetes Installation And Architecture
    + Kubernetes Installation
        - Docker Desktop
        - Docker Toolbox on Windows
        - Linux or Linux VM in Cloud
        - Kubernetes In A Browser
    + Kubernetes Architecture Terminology
  • Kubernetes Container Abstractions
    + Kubernetes Container Abstractions
    + Kubernetes Run, Create and Apply
  • Kubernetes - Basic Commands
    + Creating First Pods - nginx
    + Scaling Replica Sets - Apache Httpd
    + Inspecting Kubernetes Objects - Apache Httpd
  • Kubernetes Services
    + Kubernetes Services - ClusterIP (default)
    + Kubernetes Services - NodePort
    + Kubernetes Services - LoadBalancer
  • Kubernetes Management Techniques
    + Run, Create, Expose Generators
    + Generators Example
    + Imperative vs. Declarative
    + Imperative Kubernetes
    + Declarative Kubernetes
    + Three Management Approaches
  • DevOps Style Kubernetes Using YAML
    + Using kubectl apply
    + Kubernetes Configuration YAML
    + How To Build YAML File
    + Dry Runs With Apply YAML
    + Labels And Annotations
  • Generic Examples
    + Running 3 Containers: nginx (80:80), mysql (3306:3306), httpd (Apache Server - 8080:80)
    + To clean up apt-get cache
    + To get a Shell inside Container
    + To create a temp POD in cluser and get an interactive shell in it
    + Docker Swarm - Create Our First Service and Scale it Locally
    + Creating a 3-Node Swarm Cluster
    + Scaling Out with Overlay Networking
    + Scaling Out with Routing Mesh
    + Create a Multi-Service Multi-Node Web App
    + Swarm Stacks and Production Grade Compose
    + Using Secrets in Swarm Services
    + Using Secrets with Swarm Stacks
    + Create A Stack with Secrets and Deploy
    + Service Updates: Changing Things In Flight
    + Healthchecks in Dockerfile

Must Check Links

Docker Installation Tips

+ Installing on Windows 10 (Pro or Enterprise)
  • This is the best experience on Windows, but due to OS feature requirements, it only works on the Pro and Enterprise editions of Windows 10 (with latest update rollups). We need to install Docker for Windows from the Docker Store.
  • With this Edition we should use PowerShell for the best CLI experience.
  • Install Docker Tab Completions For PowerShell Plugin.
  • Useful commands:
    docker version
    docker ps
    docker info
+ Installing on Windows 7, 8, or 10 Home Edition
  • Unfortunately, Microsoft's OS features for Docker and Hyper-V don't work in these older versions, and Windows 10 Home edition doesn't have Hyper-V, so we'll need to install the Docker Toolbox, which is a slightly different approach to using Docker with a VirtualBox VM. This means Docker will be running in a Virtual Machine that sits behind the IP of our OS, and uses NAT to access the internet.
  • NOTE FOR TOOLBOX USERS: On localhost, all urls that use http://localhost , we'll need to replace with
  • Useful commands:
    docker version
    docker-machine ls
    docker-machine start
    docker-machine help
    docker-machine env default
+ Installing on Mac
  • We'll want to install Docker for Mac, which is great. If we're on an older Mac with less than OSX Yosemite 10.10.3, we'll need to install the Docker Toolbox instead.
  • Useful commands:
    docker version
    docker container
    docker container run --
    docker pause
+ Installing on Linux
  • Do not use built in default packages like apt/yum install because those packages are old and not the Official Docker-Built packages.
  • Prefer to use the Docker's automated script to add their repository and install all dependencies: curl -sSL | sh but we can also install in a more manual method by following specific instructions on the Docker Store for our distribution, like this one for Ubuntu.
  • Useful commands:
    curl -fsSL -o
    sudo usermod -aG docker bret
    sudo docker version
    docker version
    sudo docker version
    docker-machine version
    curl -L `uname -s `- `uname -m` >/usr/local/bin/docker-compose
    docker-compose version
    docker image
    docker image ls --
+ Play With Docker (PWD) Online
  • The best free online option is to use, which will run one or more Docker instances inside our browser, and give us a terminal to use it with.
  • We can actually create multiple machines on it, and even use the URL to share the session with others in a sort of collaborative experience.
  • It's only limitation really is it's time bombed to 4 hours, at which time it'll delete our servers.
+ Install using


- Important Points To Remember
  • Forget IP's: Static IP's and using IP's for talking to Containers is an anti-pattern. Always try best to avoid it!
  • Docker daemon has a built-in DNS server that Containers use by default.
  • Docker defaults the hostname to the Container's name, but we can also set aliases.
  • Containers shouldn't rely on IP's for inter-communication.
  • Make sure that we are always creating custom networks instead of using default ones.
  • Alpine is a destribution of linux which is very very small in size. i.e. less than 5 mb.
- Difference between Containers and Virtual Machines (VMs)
  • Containers:
    • Containers aren't Mini-VM's.
    • Containers are just processes. They are processes running in our host OS.
    • Containers are limited to what resources they can access.
    • Containers exit when process stops.
  • A VM provides an abstract machine that uses device drivers targeting the abstract machine, while a container provides an abstract OS.
  • A para-virtualized VM environment provides an abstract hardware abstraction layer (HAL) that requires HAL-specific device drivers.
  • Typically a VM will host multiple applications whose mix may change over time versus a container that will normally have a single application. However, it’s possible to have a fixed set of applications in a single container.
  • Containers provide a way to virtualize an OS so that multiple workloads can run on a single OS instance.
  • With VMs, the hardware is being virtualized to run multiple OS instances.
  • Containers’ speed, agility, and portability make them yet another tool to help streamline software development.
- To see what's going on in containers
  • List all processes in one container:
    docker container top
  • To see details of specific container config:
    docker container inspect
  • To see live performance stats for all containers:
    docker container stats
- Docker netwroks concepts for Private and Public communications
  • When we start a Container, in the background we are connecting to a particular Docker network. And by default that is the bridge network.
  • Each Container is connected to a private virtual network bridge.
  • Each virtual network routes through NAT Firewall on host IP.
  • All Containers on a virtual network can talk to each other without -p.
  • Best Practice is to create a new virtual network for each app. For e.g.
    • Network my_api for mongo and nodejs containers.
    • Network my_web_app for mysql and php/apache containers.
  • Use different Docker Network Drivers to gain new abilities.
  • -p is always in HOST:CONTAINER format. For e.g.
    # In below command, '-p 80:80' means forward traffic of port 80 of 'host' to port 80 of container.
    docker container run -p 80:80 --name webhost -d nginx
  • To see information about published ports for any Container i.e. which ports of Container are listening to which ports of host:
    # 'webhost' is the name of our already running nginx container.
    docker container port webhost
  • To know the IP address of running Container using inspect command:
    # 'webhost' is the name of our already running nginx container.
    docker container inspect --format "{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}" webhost
  • --network bridge is the default Docker Virtual Network NAT'ed behind the host ip.
  • --network host gains performace by skipping virtual networks but sacrifices security of container model.
  • --network none removes eth0 and only leaves us with localhost interface in Container.
  • Network Drivers are built-in or 3rd party extensions that gives us Virtual Network features.
- Docker netwroks CLI management of Virtual Networks
  • To list/show all networks:

    docker network ls
  • To inspect a network:

    docker network inspect NETWORK_ID
  • To create a network:

    docker network create --driver
  • To attach a network to Container:

    docker network connect
  • To detach/disconnect a network from Container:

    docker network disconnect
- Docker networks: Default Security
  • While creating apps, we should make frontend, backend sit on same Docker network.
  • Make sure that their (frontend, backend) inter-communication never leaves host.
  • All externally exposed ports are closed by default in Containers.
  • We must manually expose ports using -p option, which is better default security!
  • This gets even better with Swarm and Overlay Networks.
- What are Images
  • Images are nothing but application binaries and dependencies for our apps and the metada - how to run it.
  • Official Definition: An image is an ordered collection of root filesystem changes and the corresponding execution parameters for use within a Container runtime.
  • Inside an Image, there's no complete OS. No kernel and kernel modules (e.g. drivers). It contains just binaries that our application needs. It is because the host provides the kernel.
  • Image can be small as one file (our app binary) like a golang static binary.
  • Or an Image can be big as a Ubuntu distro with apt and Apache, PHP and more installed.
  • Images aren't necessarily named, Images are tagged. And a version of an Image can have more than 1 tag.
  • To pull the specific version of Image:
    docker pull nginx:1.17.9
    # Or to pull the latest version of any image
    docker pull nginx:latest
  • In production, always lock version by specifying exact version number.
- Image Layers
  • This is a fundamental concept about how Docker works.
  • Images are made up of file system changes and metadata.
  • Each layer is uniquely identified (SHA) and only stored once on a host. This saves storage space on host and transfer time on push/pull.
  • A Container is just a single read/write layer on top of Image.
  • Docker uses a Union File System to present it's series of file system changes as an actual file system.
  • Container runs as an additional layer on top of an Image.
  • Images are designed using Union File System concept to make layers about the changes.
  • Use docker history command to see layers of changes made in image:
    docker history IMAGE_NAME
  • Each layer has a unique SHA associated with it.
  • Copy on Write: When a change is made into some file in base image, Docker will copy that file from base image and put it in Container layer itself.
  • To see the JSON metadata of the Image:
    docker image inspect IMAGE_NAME
- Docker Image tagging and pushing to Docker Hub
  • Images don't technically have names. They have tags. When we do docker image ls, there's no name column, instead there is tag column.
  • latest tag doesn't always means latest version of that Image. It's just the default tag, but Image owners should assign it to the newest stable version.
  • We refer to Image with 3 distinct categories: <user>/<repo>:<tag>.
    • <repo> is made of either an organisation name or username.
  • Official Repositories live at the Root Namespace of the registery, so they don't need account name in front of repo name.
  • tag is just a pointer to a specific image commit, and really could be anything into that repository.
  • To re-tag and existing image:
    # Assuming 'mysql' image already exists in our system.
    docker image tag mysql adityahajare/mysql adityahajare/latestmysql adityahajare/additionaltagname
  • To push our own Image:
    # Uploads changed layers to a image registery.
    docker image push TAG_NAME
    # For e.g.
    docker image push adityahajare/mysql
  • If we get Access Denied error, we need to login with our Docker Hub account. To login:
    docker login
  • docker login defaults to logging into a Docker Hub, but we can modify by adding server url. Do following to see default:
    cat .docker/config.json
    • NOTE: Docker For MAC now stores this auth into Keychain for better security.
  • Always logout from shared machines or servers when done, to protect our account.
  • To make a private repository, login to Docker Hub and create the private repo first and then push Image to it.
- Dockerfile
  • Dockerfile is a recipe to create Image.
  • Dockerfile is not a shell script or a batch file it's a totally different language of file that's unique to Docker and the default name is Dockerfile with a capital D.
  • From a command line, whenever we need to deal with a Dockerfile using the docker command, we can actually use the -f (which is common amongst lot of tools with Docker) option to specify a different file than default Dockerfile. For e.g.
    docker build -f SOME_DOCKER_FILE
- Inside Dockerfile
  • From command:
    • It's in every Dockerfile and required to be there.
    • It denotes a minimal distribution For e.g. debian, alpine etc.
    • One of the main benifits to use these distributions in Containers is to use their package distribution systems to install whatever software we need in our packages.
    • Package Manager: package managers like apt and yum are one of the reasons to build Containers from debian, ubuntu, fedora or centos.
  • Env:
    • Optional block.
    • It's a way to set environment variables.
    • One reason they were chosen as preferred way to inject key/value is they work everywhere, on every OS and config.
  • Run:
    • Optional block.
    • Used to execute shell commands inside Container. It is used when we need to install software with a package repository, on we need to do some unzipping or some file edits inside the Container itself.
    • Run commands can also run shell scripts, or any commands that we can access from inside the Container.
    • Dockerfile can have multiple Run command blocks.
    • All commands are run as root. This is a common problem in Docker. If we are downloading any files using run command and if those files require different permissions then we will have to run another command to change it's permissions. For e.g:
    # -R means recursively.
    # Syntax: chown -R USER:GROUP DIRECTORY
    chown -R www-data:www-data bootstrap
  • Expose:
    • Optional block.
    • By default no TCP or UDP ports are open inside a Container.
    • It doesn't expose anything from the Container to a virtual network unless we list it under Expose block.
    • Expose command does not mean those ports will be opened automatically on our host.
    • We still have to use -p with docker run to open up these ports.
    • By specifying ports under Expose block, we are only allowing Containers to receive packets comming at these ports.
    • Optional block.
    • Used to change Working Directory.
    • Using WORKDIR is preferred over using RUN cd /some/path.
  • COPY:
    • Optional block.
    • Used to copy files/source code from our local machine, or build servers, into our Container Image.
  • CMD:
    • It is a required parameter in every Dockerfile.
    • It is the final command that will be run every time we launch a new Container from the Image, or every time we restart a stopped Container.
- To build Image from Dockerfile
  • To build an Image from Dockerfile:
    # '-t' to specify tag name.
    # '.' says Dockerfile is in current directory location.
    docker image build -t SOME_TAG_NAME .

Cleaning Up Docker

  • We can use prune commands to clean up images, volumes, build cache, and containers.
  • Useful YouTube video about prune:
+ To remove all containers and images:
    # Unix
    docker rm -vf $(docker ps -a -q) # delete all containers including its volumes
    docker rmi -f $(docker images -a -q) # delete all the images

    # Windows (PowerShell)
    docker images -a -q | % { docker image rm $_ -f }
+ To cleanup all dangling images:
    # We can use '-a' option to clean up all images.
    docker image prune
+ To cleanup everything:
    docker system prune --all
+ To see space usage:
    docker system df
  • If we're using Docker Toolbox, the Linux VM won't auto-shrink. We'll need to delete it and re-create (make sure anything in docker containers or volumes are backed up). We can recreate the toolbox default VM with following commands:
    docker-machine rm
    docker-machine create

Container Lifetime And Persistent Data

  • Containers are usually meant to be immutable and ephemeral. i.e. Containers are unchanging, temporary, disposable etc.
  • Best Practice: Never update application in Containers, rather replace Containers with new version of application.
  • The idea of Containers having Immutable Infrastructure (Only re-deploy Containers, never change), simply means that we don't change things once they're running. And if a config change needs to happen, or may be the Container Version upgrade needs to happen, then we redeploy a whole new Container.
  • Docker provides 2 solutions for Persistent Data:
    • Data Volumes.
    • Bind Mounts.
+ Data Volumes
  • Docker Volumes are a special option for Containers which creates a special location outside of that Container's UFS (Union File System) to store unique data.

  • This preserves it acrosss Container removals and allows us to attach it to whatever Container we want.

  • The Container just sees it like a local file path or a directory path.

  • Volumes need manual deletion. We can't just clear them out by removing a Container.

  • We might want to use following command to cleanup unused volumes and make it easier to see what we're doing there.

    docker volume prune
  • A friendly way to assign new volumes to Container is using named volumes.

    - Named Volumes
    • It provides us an ability to specify things on the docker run command.
    • -v allows us to specify either a new volume we want to create or a named volume by specifying volume name attached by colon. For e.g.
    # Check '-v mysql-db:/var/lib/mysql'
    # 'mysql-db' is a volume name.
    docker container run -d --name mysql -e MYSQL_ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD=true -v mysql-db:/var/lib/mysql mysql
    • Named Volumes allows us to easily identify and attach same volumes to multiple Containers.
    - When would we ever want to use 'docker volume create' command?
    • There are only few cases when we have to create volumes before we run Containers.
    • When we want to use custom drivers and labels for volumes, we will have to create them volumes before we run our Containers.
    - Data Volumes: Important Docker Commands
    docker pull mysql
    docker image inspect mysql
    docker container run -d --name mysql -e MYSQL_ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD=True mysql
    docker container ls
    docker container inspect mysql
    docker volume ls
    docker volume inspect TAB COMPLETION
    docker container run -d --name2 mysql -e MYSQL_ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD=True mysql
    docker volume ls
    docker container stop mysql
    docker container stop mysql2
    docker container ls
    docker container ls -a
    docker volume ls
    docker container rm mysql mysql2
    docker volume ls
    docker container run -d --name mysql -e MYSQL_ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD=True -v mysql-db:/var/lib/mysql mysql
    docker volume ls
    docker volume inspect mysql-db
    docker container rm -f mysql
    docker container run -d --name mysql3 -e MYSQL_ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD=True -v mysql-db:/var/lib/mysql mysql
    docker volume ls
    docker container inspect mysql3
    docker volume create --help
  • -v command is not compatible with docker services. To use volumes with docker services, we have to use --mount command and specify verious required options with it. For e.g. Creating a volume for postgres service:

    docker service create --name db --network backend -e POSTGRES_HOST_AUTH_METHOD=trust --mount type=volume,source=db-data,target=/var/lib/postgresql/data postgres:9.4
+ Bind Mounts
  • Bind Mounts are simply us sharing or mounting a host directory, or file, into a Container.

  • In other words, Bind Mounts maps a host files or directories to a Container file or directory.

  • The Container just sees it like a local file path or a directory path.

  • In the background, it's just 2 locations pointing to the same file(s).

  • Skips UFS (Union File System) and host files overwrite existing (if any) in Container.

  • Since Bind Mounts are host specific, they need specific data to be on the hard drive of the host in order to work:

    • We can only specify Bind Mounts at docker container run command.
    • We cannot specify Bind Mounts in Dockerfile.
  • It's similar to creating Named Volumes with -v command. Only difference is - instead of named volume name, we specify full path before colon. For e.g.

    # Windows:
    # Check '-v //c/Users/Aditya/stuff:/path/container/'
    # '//c/Users/Aditya/stuff' is a full path
    docker container run -v //c/Users/Aditya/stuff:/path/container/ IMAGE_NAME
    # Mac/Linux:
    # Check '-v /Users/Aditya/stuff:/path/container/'
    # '/Users/Aditya/stuff' is a full path
    docker container run -v /Users/Aditya/stuff:/path/container/ IMAGE_NAME
  • NOTE: Docker identifies difference between Named Volumes and Bind Mounts since there is forward slash (In Windows, there are 2 forward slashses) when we set -v option value.

  • Bind Mounts are great for local development, local testing.

    - Bind Mounts: Important Docker Commands
    pcat Dockerfile
    docker container run -d --name nginx -p 80:80 -v $(pwd):/usr/share/nginx/html nginx
    docker container run -d --name nginx2 -p 8080:80 nginx
    docker container exec -it nginx bash

Docker Compose - The Multi-Container Tool

  • Docker Compose Why's:
    • Helps configure relationships between Containers.
    • Allows us to save our Docker Container run settings in easy-to-read file.
    • With Docker Compose, we can create one-liner developer environment startups.
  • There are 2 parts to Docker Compose:
    • YAML formatted file that describes our solution options for:
      • Containers
      • Networks
      • Volumes
      • Environment Variables
      • Images
    • CLI tool docker-compose:
      • Used for local dev/test automation with those YAML files to simplify our Docker commands.
+ docker-compose.yml
  • It was originally called Fig (years a go).
  • Compose YAML format has it's own versions. For e.g. 1, 2, 2.1, 3, 3.1 etc.
  • It can be used with docker-compose command for local Docker automation or can now be used (v1.13 and above) directly with the Docker command line in production with swarm.
  • docker-compose.yml is the default filename, but any other filename can be used with docker-compose -f option, as long as it's a proper YAML.
+ docker-compose CLI
  • docker-compose CLI tool comes with Docker for windows and mac as well as Toolbox, but there's a separate download of docker-compose CLI for linux.
  • docker-compose CLI is not a production-grade tool but ideal for local development and test.
  • Two common commands that we use are:
    docker-compose up       # Setup Volumes, Networks and start all Containers.
    docker-compose down     # Stop all Containers and remove Containers, Volumes and Networks
    pcat docker-compose.yml
    docker-compose up
    docker-compose up -d
    docker-compose logs
    docker-compose --help
    docker-compose ps
    docker-compose top
    docker-compose down
  • If all our projects had Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml then a new developer onboarding would be running just following 2 commands:
    git clone
    docker-compose up
+ docker-compose to build Images at runtime
  • Another thing docker-compose can do is build our Images at runtime.
  • docker-compose can also build our custom Images.
  • It will look in the cache for Images, and if it has build options in it, it will build the Image when we use the docker-compose up command.
  • It won't build the Image every single time. It will only build it only if it doesn't find it. We will have to use docker-compose build to rebuild Images if we change 'em or we can use docker-compose up --build.
  • This is great for complex builds that have lots of vars or build args.
  • Build Arguments are Environment Variables that are available only during Image builds.
  • Important commands:
    docker-compose up
    docker-compose up --build
    docker-compose down
    docker image ls
    docker-compose down --help
    docker image rm nginx-custom
    docker image ls
    docker-compose up -d
    docker image ls
    docker-compose down --help
    docker-compose down --rmi local

Docker Swarm - Built-In Orchestration

  • Swarm Mode is a clustering solution built inside Docker.
  • Swarm Mode is not enabled by default in Docker.
  • Its a new feature launched in 2016 (Added in v1.12 via SwarmKit Toolkit) that brings together years of understanding the needs of Containers and how to actually run them live in production.
  • At it's core, Swarm is actually a server clustering solution that brings together different operating systems or hosts or nodes, into a single manageable unit that we can then orchestrate the lifecycle of our Containers in.
  • This is not related to Swarm Classic for pre-1.12 versions.
  • Swarm Mode answers following questions:
    • How do we automate Container lifecyle?
    • How can we easily scale out/in/up/down?
    • How can we ensure our Containers are re-created when they fail?
    • How can we replace Containers without downtime (blue/green deployment)?
    • How can we control where Containers get started?
    • How can we track where Containers get started?
    • How can we create cross-node virtual networks?
    • How can we ensure only trusted servers run our Containers?
    • How can we store secrets, keys, passwords and get them to the right Container (and only that Container)?
  • Once we enable Swarm Mode, following are the set of new commands we can use:
    docker swarm
    docker node
    docker service
    docker stack
    docker secret
  • When we're in a Swarm, we cannot use an image that's only on 1 node. A Swarm has to be able to pull Images on all nodes from some repository in a registry that they can all reach.
+ How to check if swarm mode is activated and how to activate it
  • To check if Swarm mode is activated or not
    • execute
      docker info
    • Look for Swarm: inactive/active. For e.g. consider following output of docker info command:
      Debug Mode: false
      Containers: 0
      Running: 0
      Paused: 0
      Stopped: 0
      Images: 0
      Server Version: 19.03.8
      Storage Driver: overlay2
      Backing Filesystem: <unknown>
      Supports d_type: true
      Native Overlay Diff: true
      Logging Driver: json-file
      Cgroup Driver: cgroupfs
      Volume: local
      Network: bridge host ipvlan macvlan null overlay
      Log: awslogs fluentd gcplogs gelf journald json-file local logentries splunk syslog
      Swarm: inactive     # Check for this one.
      Runtimes: runc
      Default Runtime: runc
      Init Binary: docker-init
      containerd version: 7ad184331fa3e55e52b890ea95e65ba581ae3429
      runc version: dc9208a3303feef5b3839f4323d9beb36df0a9dd
      init version: fec3683
      Security Options:
      Profile: default
      Kernel Version: 4.19.76-linuxkit
      Operating System: Docker Desktop
      OSType: linux
      Architecture: x86_64
      CPUs: 4
      Total Memory: 2.924GiB
      Name: docker-desktop
      Docker Root Dir: /var/lib/docker
      Debug Mode: true
      File Descriptors: 36
      Goroutines: 53
      System Time: 2020-03-21T05:55:58.0263795Z
      EventsListeners: 3
      HTTP Proxy: gateway.docker.internal:3128
      HTTPS Proxy: gateway.docker.internal:3129
      Experimental: false
      Insecure Registries:
      Live Restore Enabled: false
      Product License: Community Engine
  • To enable Swarm mode:
    docker swarm init
+ What happen behind the scenes when we run docker swarm init?
  • It does lot of PKI and security automation:
    • Root Signing Certificate created for our Swarm that it will use to establish trust and sign certificates for all nodes and all managers.
    • Special Certificate is issued for first Manager Node because it's a manager vs. a worker.
    • Join Tokens are created which we can actually use on other nodes to join this Swarm.
  • Raft Consensus Database created to store root CA, configs and secrets.
    • Encrypted by default on disk (1.13+).
    • No need for another key/value system to hold orchestration/secrets.
    • Replicates logs amoungst Managers via mutual TLS in control plane.
  • Raft is a protocol that actually ensures consistency across multiple nodes and it's ideal for using in the Cloud where we can't guarentee that any one thing will be available for any moment in time.
  • It creates Raft database on disk. Docker stores the configuration of the Swarm and that first Manager, and it actually encrypts it.
  • Then it will waut for any other nodes before it starts actually replicating the database over to them.
  • All of this traffic that it would be doing once we create other nodes, it all going to be encrypted.
  • We don't need an additional key value storage system or some database architecture to be the backend configuration management of our Swarm.
+ Key Concepts
  • A Service in a Swarm replaces the docker run.
  • There can only be one Leader at a time amoungst all managers.
  • To remove all Containers, we have to remove Swarm Service.
+ Creating a 3-node Swarm Cluster
  • Following example demonstrates where we use multiple hosts/nodes/instances or multiple OS's. And we're going to setup a 3-node Swarm across all 3 of those nodes.
  • How we can try out and implement this setup first:
      • Only needs a browser but resets after 4 hours.
    • docker-machine + VirtualBox.
      • Free and runs locally, but requires a machine with 8gb memory.
      • Comes default with Docker for Win and Mac.
      • For Linux, we will have to download explicitely and setup first.
    • Digital Ocean + Docker Install.
      • Most like a production setup, but costs $5 to $10 per node per month.
      • They run everything on SSD so it's nice and fast.
    • Roll our own.
      • docker-machine can provision machines for Amazon Instances, Azure Instances, Digital Ocean Droplets, Google Compute Nodes etc.
      • Install docker anywhere with
      • It is a tool to simply automate dev and test environments. It was never really designed to set up all of the production settings we might need for multi-node Swarm.
  • To experiment setting up 3-node Swarm Cluster on
    • Go to
    • Launch 3 instances.
    • On any 1 instance, execute:
      # First execute below command, it will give error and display public ips available on eth0 and eth1.
      docker swarm init
      # Copy eth0 ip and specify it as a --advertise-addr
      docker swarm init --advertise-addr
    • Copy the docker swarm join command from there.
    • Go to other 2 nodes and paste docker swarm join command.
    • Go to 1st node and execute following command to list out nodes:
      docker node ls
    • To promore node2 to manager, execute following command on node1 (Leader):
      docker node update --role manager node2
    • To make node3 join as manager by default, go to node1 and execute following command to get join token:
      docker swarm join-token manager
    • Copy join command and execute it on node3.
    • On node1, execute `docker node ls to see status of swarm nodes.
    • Now to run Docker service with 3 replicas on alpine and ping 1 of the Google open DNS (, execute following command on node1:
      docker service create --replicas 3 alpine ping
    • Execute:
      docker service ps SERVICE_NAME
      # For e.g.
      docker service ps busy_hertz

Swarm - Scaling Out With Virtual Networking

  • With Swarm mode enabled, we get access to new networking driver called overlay.
  • To create a network using overlay driver:
    # When we don't specify anything, default driver used is 'bridge'.
    docker network create --driver overlay
    # Or
    docker network create --driver overlay
+ Overlay Network Driver
  • It's like creating a Swarm wide bridge netowrk where the Containers across hosts on the same virtual network can access each other kind of like they're on a VLAN.
  • This driver is only for intra-Swarm communication. i.e. For container-to-container traffic inside a single Swarm.
  • It acts as everything is like on the same subnet.
  • overlay network is the only kind of network we could use in a Swarm. Because overlay allows us to span across nodes as if they are all on the local network.
  • The overlay driver doesn't play a huge amount in traffic coming inside, as it's trying to take a wholistic Swarm view of the network so that we're not constantly messing around with networking settings on individual nodes.
  • We can also optionally enable full network encryption using IPSec (AES) encryption on network creation.
    • It will setup IPSec tunnels between all the different nodes of our Swarm.
    • IPSec (AES) Encryption is off by default for performance reasons.
  • Each services can be connected to multiple networks. For e.g. (front-end, back-end).
  • When we create our services, we can add them to none of the overlay networks, or one or more overlay networks.
  • Lot of traditional apps would have their back-end on the back-end network and front-end on the front-end network. THen maybe they would have an API between the two that would be on both networks. And we can totally do this in Swarm.
+ Example: Drupal with Postgres as Services
  • Create an overlay network first:
    docker network create --driver overlay NETWORK_NAME
    # For e.g.
    docker network create --driver overlay mydrupal
  • Create a Postgres service on mydrupal network:
    docker service create --name psql --network mydrupal -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=adi123 postgres
    • After running above command, we don't see image downloading and all that. That is because Services can't be run in the foreground.
    • Services have to go through orchestrator and scheduler. Execute following command to see and list out services:
    docker service ls
  • To see details:
    # To see the specific `service` details such as on which `node` it is running.
    docker service ps psql
    # To see the logs from Container:
    docker container logs psql.1.gfdsnjkfdjk3kbr3289d # Tab completion is available
  • Create a Drupal service on same mydrupal network:
    docker service create --name drupal --network mydrupal -p 80:80 drupal
  • To see details:
    # To see the specific `service` details such as on which `node` it is running.
    docker service ps drupal
  • Now we have database running on node1 and website running on node2. They can talk to each other using Service Name.

Swarm - Routing Mesh

  • Routing Mesh is a Stateless Load Balancer.
  • Routing Mesh load balancer acts at OSI Layer 3 (TCP) and not at Layer 4 (DNS).
  • Routing Mesh routes ingress (incoming) packets for a Service to a proper Task.
  • The Routing Mesh is an incoming or ingress network that distributes packets for our service to the Tasks for that service, because we can have more than one Task.
  • Spans all nodes in Swarm.
  • It uses Kernel Primitives called IPVS from Linux Kernel.
  • Routing Mesh load balances Swarm Services across their Tasks.
  • Two ways Routing Mesh works:
    • Container-to-Container in an Overlay Network (uses Virtual IP (VIP)). Virtual IP (VIP) is something Swarm puts infront of all Services. It's a private IP inside the virtual networking of Swarm, and it ensures that the load is distributed amongst all the Tasks for a Service.
    • External traffic incoming to published ports (all nodes listen).
  • The benefit of Virtual IP (VIP) over DNS Round Robin is that a lot of times DNS Cache inside our apps prevent us from properly distributing the load.
  • To run multiple websites on a same port, we could use:
    • Nginx Proxy which is also known as HAProxy Load Balancer Proxy. This load balancer will act in OSI Layer 4 (DNS).
    • Docker Enterprise Edition comes with built-in OSI Layer 4 (DNS) Web Proxy. It is called UCP or Docker Data Center.
  • Web Sockets don't do well with Routing Mesh. That is because socket needs persistent connection to a specific Container and because of load balancing Routing Mesh keeps switching between Containers. We could have proxy infront of it to make it work with Web Sockets.
+ Docker service logs to see logs from different nodes
  • To see logs from different docker services, execute:
    docker service logs NODE_NAME
    #For e.g.
    docker service logs adipostgres
  • If logging is not available, turn it on by enabling experimental features of docker.
    // Open /etc/docker/daemon.json and specify following:
    {"experimental": true}

Swarm - Stacks

  • Stacks is another layer of abstraction added to Swarm.
  • Swarm is basically a Docker Engine and it can accept Compose File using stack command.
  • Swarm reads the Compose File without needing Docker Compose anywhere on the server.
  • Basically it's a Compose File for Swarm in production.
  • Stacks accept Compose File as their declarative definition for services, networks and volumes.
  • We use following command to deploy our Stack:
    docker stack deploy
  • Stacks manages all those objects for us, including overlay network per Stack. Also adds Stack Name to start of their name.
  • The key deploy: is what we use in our Compose File. It allows to specify things that are specific to Swarm. For e.g.
    • How many replicas do we want?
    • What we want to do when we failover?
    • How do we want to do rolling updates?
    • And all those sort of things that we wouldn't care about on our local development machine.
  • Stacks Config File doesn't allow Building. And Building should never ever happen on production.
  • docker-compose now ignores deploy: key in Config File.
  • Swarm ignores build: key in Config File.
  • docker-compose cli not needed on Swarm Server. It's not a production tool. It was designed to be a developer and sysadmin helper tool. It's best for local work.
+ How to deploy Swarm stack using compose file?
  • To deploy a Swarm stack using Compose File:
    # '-c' option is for Compose File.
    docker stack deploy -c COMPOSE_FILE APP_NAME
    # For e.g.
    docker stack deploy -c adi-swarm-stack.yml myapp

Swarm - Secret Storage

  • Easiest secure solution for storing secrets in Swarm.
  • Encrypted on disk and encrypted in transit as well.
  • There are lots of other options like Vault available for storing secrets.
  • Supports generic strings or binary content up to 500kb in size.
  • Doesn't require apps to be rewritten.
  • From Docker v1.13.0, the Swarm Raft Database is encrypted on disk.
  • It's only stored on the disk of the manager nodes and they're the only ones that have the keys to unlock it or decrypt it.
  • Default is Managers and Workers control plane is TLS + Mutual Auth.
  • Secrets are first stored in Swarm (using docker secrets command), then assigned to a Service(s).
  • Only Containers in assigned Service(s) can see them.
  • They look like files in Containers but are actually in-memory filesystem.
  • On disk, they are located at:
    # OR
  • Local docker-compose can use file-based secrets, but they are not secure.
+ What is a Secret?
  • Usernames and Passwords
  • TLS certificates and keys.
  • SSH Keys.
  • Any data we would prefer not to be on the front page of the news.
+ How to create a Secret?
  • There are 2 ways we can create a secret in Swarm:
    • Create a text file and store value in it.
      • Assume, we have a file db_username.txt with text content aditya:
        > cat db_username.txt
      • Now, to create a secret from above file,
        docker secret create SECRET_NAME FILE_PATH
        # For e.g.
        docker secret create DB_USER db_username.txt
      • Running above command will spit out a key in return.
    • Pass secret value at the command line.
      • To pass a value at command line and create a secret out of it:
        echo "myPasswordAdi123" | docker secret create DB_PASSWORD
      • Running above command will spit out a key in return.
+ How to decrypt a Secret?
  • Only Containers and Services have access to the decrypted secrets.
  • For e.g.
    # Demo
    # Create a service first.
    docker service create --name adidb --secret DB_USER --secret DB_PASS -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD_FILE=/run/secrets/DB_PASS -e POSTGRES_USER_FILE=/run/secrets/DB_USER postgres
    # List containers of 'adidb' service and copy the container name.
    docker service ps adidb
    # Get a shell inside Container.
    docker exec -it adidb.1.fbhdbj3738dh2 bash # 'adidb.1.fbhdbj3738dh2' is CONTAINER_NAME
    # Once we have the shell inside Container, list all secrets:
    ls /run/secrets/
    # 'cat' contents of any secret file and it will display decrypted value.
    cat DB_USER
+ How to remove a Secret?
  • Only Containers and Services have access to the decrypted secrets.
  • When we remove/add a secret, it will stop the Container and redeploy a new one. This is not ideal for database services in Swarm.
  • To remove a secret from Swarm:
    # SSH/Get a shell inside Container.
    # List containers of 'adidb' service and copy the container name.
    docker service ps adidb
    # Get a shell inside Container.
    docker exec -it adidb.1.fbhdbj3738dh2 bash # 'adidb.1.fbhdbj3738dh2' is CONTAINER_NAME
    # To remove
    docker service update --secret-rm

Swarm - Service Updates Changing Things In Flight

  • Swarm's update functionality is centered around a rolling update pattern for our replicas.
  • Provides rolling replacement of tasks/containers in a service.
  • In other words, if we have a service with more than one replica, it's going to roll through them by default, one at a time, updating each Container by replacing it with the new settings that we're putting in the update command.
  • Limits downtime (be careful with prevents downtime).
  • Will replace Containers for most changes.
  • There are loads of CLI options (77+) available to control the update.
  • create options will usually change, adding -add or -rm to them.
  • Also includes rollback and healthcheck options.
  • Also has scale and rollback subcommands for quicker access. For e.g.
    docker service scale web=4
    # And
    docker service rollback web
  • If a stack already exists and if we do stack deploy to a same stack, it will issue service updates.
  • In Swarm Updates, we don't have a different deploy command. It's just same docker stack deploy, with the file that we have edited, and it's job is to work with all of the other parts of the API to determine if there are any changes needed, and then roll those out with a service update.
+ Swarm Update Examples
  • Just update the image to a newer version, that is already being used. We will have to use service update command:
    docker service update --image myapp:1.2.1 <SERVICE_NAME>
  • Adding an environment variable and remove a port. We will have to use service update command:
    docker service update --env-add NODE_ENV=production --publish-rm 8080
  • Change number of replicas of two services. We will have to use service scale command:
    # Set number of `web` replicas to 8 and number of `api` replicas to 6.
    docker service scale web=8 api=6
  • Swarm Update, first edit the YAML file and then execute:
    docker stack deploy -c FILE_NAME.yml <STACK_NAME>

Docker Healthchecks

  • Supported in Dockerfile, Compose YAML, docker run and Swarm Services.
  • Docker engine will exec's the command in the Container.
    • For e.g. curl localhost.
  • Docker runs Healthcheck command from inside the Container, and not from outside the Container.
  • It expects exit 0 (OK) or exit 1 (Error).
  • Healthcheck commands are run every 30 seconds by default.
  • Healthcheck in Docker specifically has only 3 states. Follwing are the states:
    • starting: first 30 seconds by default, where it hasn't run a healthcheck command yet.
    • healthy.
    • unhealthy.
  • This is much better than is binary still running?.
  • This isn't a external monitoring replacement. 3rd party monitoring tools provide much better insights including graphs and all.
+ Where do we see Docker Healthcheck status?
  • The Healthcheck status shows up in docker container ls.
  • We can check last 5 healthchecks with docker container inspect.
  • docker run command does not take action on an unhealthy Container. Once the healthcheck is considers a Container unhealthy, docker run is just going to indicate that in the ls and inspect commands.
  • Swarm Services will replace tasks/containers if they fail healthcheck.
  • service update commands wait for healthcheck before continuing.
+ Healthcheck Docker Run Example
  • Adding healthcheck at runtime using docker run command:
    docker run \
        --health-cmd="curl -f localhost:9200/_cluster/health || false" \
        --health-interval=5s \
        --health-retries=3 \
        --health-timeout=2s \
        --health-start-period=15s \
+ Healthcheck in Dockerfile
  • Basic HEALTHCHECK command in Dockerfile:
    HEALTHCHECK curl -f http://localhost/ || false
  • Custom options with HEALTHCHECK command in Dockerfile:
    HEALTHCHECK --timeout=2s --interval=3s --retries=3 \
    CMD curl -f http://localhost/ || exit 1     # `exit 1` is equivalent to `false`.
  • All options for healthcheck command in Dockerfile:
    # How often it should check `healthcheck`.
    --interval=DURATION # Default 30s
    # How long it should wait before marking Container `unhealthy`.
    --timeout=DURATION # Default 30s
    # When should it fire first `healthcheck` command. This gives us
    # ability to specify longer wait period than first 30 seconds.
    --start-period=DURATION # Default 0s.
    # Max number of times it should run `healthcheck` before
    # it marks that container `unhealthy`.
    --retries=N # Default 3.

Container Registeries

  • An image registry needs to be part of our Container Plan.
  • Docker Store is different than Docker Hub.
  • Docker Cloud is different than Docker Hub.
+ Docker Hub
  • It is the most popular public Image registry.
  • Docker Hub is a Docker Registry plus Lightweight Image Building.
  • It provides 1 free private repository. We have to pay for there on wards.
  • We can make use of webhooks to make our repository send webhook notification to services like Jenkins, Codeship, Travis CI or something like that, to have automated builds continue down the lines.
  • Webhooks are there to help us automate the process of getting our code all the way from something like Git or Github to Docker Hub and all the way to our servers where we want to run them.
  • Collaborators are where we provide permissions for other users to our Image.
+ Running Docker Registry
  • Using Docker Registry, we can run a private Image registry for our network.
  • It's a part of Docker/distribution GitHub Repo.
  • The de facto in private container registries.
  • Not as full featured as Docker Hub or Others, no web UI, basic auth only.
  • At it's core, it's just a web API and storage system, written in Go Lang.
  • Storage supports local, S3, Azure, Alibaba, Google Cloud and OpenStack Swift.
  • We should secure our registry with TLS (Transport Layer Security).
  • Storage cleanup via Garbage Collection.
  • Enable Docker Hub Caching via --registry-mirror option.
+ Running A Private Docker Registry
  • Run the registry image on default port 5000.
  • Re-tag an existing Image and push it to our new registry.
  • Remove that Image from our local cache and pull it from new registry.
  • Re-create registry using a bind mount and see how it stores data.
  • Following commands demonstrate How to run private Docker registry:
    docker container run -d -p 5000:5000 --name registry registry
    docker container ls
    docker image ls
    docker pull hello-world
    docker run hello-world
    docker tag hello-world
    docker image ls
    docker push
    docker image remove hello-world
    docker image remove
    docker container rm admiring_stallman
    docker image remove
    docker image ls
    docker pull
    docker container kill registry
    docker container rm registry
    docker container run -d -p 5000:5000 --name registry -v $(pwd)/registry-data:/var/lib/registry registry TAB COMPLETION
    docker image ls
    docker push
+ Registry And Proper TLS
  • Secure by Default: Docker won't talk to registry without HTTPS.
  • Except, localhost (
  • For remote self-signed TLS, enable insecure-registry option in engine.
+ Private Docker Registry In Swarm
  • Works the same way as localhost.
  • Only difference is we don't have to run docker run command. We have to run docker service command or a stack file.
  • Because of Routing Mesh, all nodes can see
  • We don't have to enable insecure registry because that's already enabled by Docker Engine.
  • Remember to decide how to store Images (volume driver).
  • When we're in a Swarm, we cannot use an image that's only on one node. A Swarm has to be able to pull Images on all nodes from some repository in a registry that they can all reach.
  • Note: All nodes must be able to access images.

Pro Tip: Use a hosted SaaS Registry if possible.

  • Following commands demonstrate How to run Private Docker Registry In Swarm?:
    • Go to
    • Start session and click on wrench/spanner icon and launch 5 Managers And No Workers template.
    • Commands:
      docker node ls
      docker service create --name registry --publish 5000:5000 registry
      docker service ps registry
      docker pull hello-world
      docker tag hello-world
      docker push
      docker pull nginx
      docker tag nginx
      docker push
      docker service create --name nginx -p 80:80 --replicas 5 --detach=false
      docker service ps nginx


+ What is Kubernetes
  • Kubernetes is a popular Container orchestrator.
  • Container Orchestration is Make many servers act like one.
  • Kubernetes was released in 2015 by Google Inc. and now it is maintained by open source community which Google Inc. is also part of.
  • Kubernetes runs on top of Docker (usually) as a set of APIs in Containers.
  • Kubernetes provides set of APIs or CLI to manage Containers across servers/nodes.
  • Like in Docker we were using docker command a lot, in Kubernetes we use kubectl (kube control) command.
  • kubectl is also referred to as Kube Control tool or Kube Cuddle tool or Koob Control etc. but the standard name from official repo is now Kube Control.
  • Many cloud vendors provide Kubernetes as a service to run our Containers.
  • Many vendors make a distribution of Kubernetes. It's similar to the concept of linux distribution. For e.g. same linux kernel is running of different distributions of linux.
  • In short, Kubernetes is a series of Containers, CLI's and configurations.
+ Why Kubernetes
  • Not every solution needs orchestration.
  • Simple formula whether or not to use orchestration:
    • Take the number of servers that we need for particular environment and then the change rate of our applications or the environment itself. The multiplication of those 2 is equals to the benefit of Orchestration.
  • If our application is changing only 1ce a month or less, then the Orchestration and the efforts involved in deploying it, managing it, securing it, may be unnecessary at this state. Especially if we're a solo developer or just a very small team. That's where things like Elastic Beanstalk, Heroku etc. start to shine as alternatives to doing our own Orchestration.
  • Carefully decide which Orchestration platform we need.
  • There are Cloud specific Orchestration platforms like AWS ECS. It is more traditional offering that have been around a little bit longer like Cloud Foundry, Mesos and Marathon.
  • If we're concerned about running Containers on premise, and in the Cloud or potentially multi-Cloud, then we may not want to go with those Cloud specific offerings like ECS. Because those were around before Kubernetes was. So, that was sort of a legacy solution that Amazon still supports and it's still a neat option, but only if we're specific to AWS and that's the only place we ever plan to deploy Containers.
  • Swarm and kubernetes are most popular Container Orchestrators that run on every Cloud, and in data centers, and even small environments possibly like IoT.
  • If we decide on Kubernetes as our Orchestrator then next big decision comes down to which distribution we are going to use?
    • First part of this decision is to figure out if we want a Cloud Managed solution or if we want to roll our own solution with a vendor's product that we would install on the servers ourselves.
    • Some of the common distributions that are vendor supported are Docker Enterprise, Rancher, OpenShift from RedHat, Canonical from Ubuntu Company, PKS from VMware etc. Check out this list of Kubernetes Certified Distributors
    • We probably don't usually need pure upstream version of GitHub's Kubernetes.
+ Kubernetes vs. Swarm
  • Kubernetes and Swarm both solve similar problems. THey are both Container orchestrators that run on top of a Container runtime. There are different Container runtimes like Docker, Containerd, CRI-O, frakti etc. Docker is #1.
  • Kubernetes and Swarm both are solid platforms with vendor backing.
  • Swarm is easier to deploy/manage.
  • Kubernetes has more features and flexibility. It can solve more problems in more ways and also has wide adoption and support.
  • Advantages Of Swarm:
    • Comes with Docker, single vendor Container platform i.e Container runtime and the Orchestrator both built by the same company (Docker).
    • Easiest orchestrator to deploy/manage ourselves.
    • Follows 80/20 rule i.e. 20% of features for 80% of use cases.
    • Runs anywhere where Docker can run:
      • local, cloud, datacenter
      • ARM, Windows, 32-bit
    • Secure by default.
    • Easier to troubleshoot because there are less moving parts in it and less things to manage.
  • Advantages Of Kubernetes:
    • Clouds will deploy/manage Kubernetes for us. Has the widest Cloud and vendor support.
    • Now a days, even Infrastructure vendors like VMware, Red Hat, NetApp etc. are making their own distributions.
    • Widest adoption and community.
    • Flexible: Covers widest set of use cases.
    • Kubernetes First vendor support.
    • No one ever got fired for buying IBM.
      • i.e. Picking solution isn't 100% rational.
      • Trendy, will benefit our career.
      • CIO/CTO Checkbox.

Kubernetes Installation And Architecture

+ Kubernetes Installation
  • Docker Desktop:
    • Best one! It provides many things out of the box.
    • Enable Kubernetes in Docker's settings and installation is done!
    • Sets up everything inside Docker's existing Linux VM.
    • Runs/Configures Kubernetes Master Containers.
    • Manages kubectl install and certs.
    • Docker Desktop Enterprise (paid) allows us to swap between different versions of Kubernetes on the fly.
  • Docker Toolbox on Windows: MiniKube
    • If we're using Docker Toolbox on Windows then we should use MiniKube.
    • We don't even need Docker Toolbox installed. We can run MiniKube separately.
    • Download MiniKube windows installer minikube-installer.exe from GitHub.
    • Type minikube start in shell after installation.
    • MiniKube has similar to docker-machine experience.
    • Creates a VirtualBox VM with Kubernetes master setup.
    • We separately have to install kubectl for Windows.
  • Linux or Linux VM in Cloud: MicroK8s
    • If we are using Linux OS or any VM with Linux on it, we should use MicroK8s.
    • MicroK8s is made by Ubuntu.
    • MicroK8s installs Kubernetes right on the OS.
    • MicroK8s installs Kubernetes (without Docker Engine) or localhost (Linux).
    • Uses snap (rather than apt or yum) for install. So we have to install snap first on our Linux OS. snap can be installed using apt-get or yum.
    • Control the MicroK8s service via microk8s. commands. For e.g. microk8s.enable command.
    • kubectl accessible via microk8s.kubectl. It's better to add alias for this command in our bash/zsh profile:
      • alias kubectl=microk8s.kubectl.
  • Kubernetes In A Browser:
+ Kubernetes Architecture Terminology
  • Kubernetes:
    • The whole orchestration system.
    • Shortly mentioned as K8s or Kube.
  • Kubectl:
    • Kubectl stands for Kube Control.
    • It's a CLI to configure Kubernetes and manage apps.
  • Node:
    • Node is a single server in the Kubernetes Cluster.
  • Kubelet:
    • Kubelets are the Kubernetes Agent running on nodes.
  • Control Plane:
    • Sometimes called as master.
    • Control Plane are the set of Containers that manage the cluster.
    • Control Plane includes API Server, Scheduler, Controller Manager, etcd, coreDNS and more..
  • Kube-Proxy:
    • It's for networking in Control Plane..

Kubernetes Container Abstractions

+ Kubernetes Container Abstractions
  • Pod: One or more Containers running together on one Node.
    • Pod is the basic unit of deployment.
    • Containers are always in Pod.
    • We don't deploy Containers independently. Instead, Containers are inside Pods and we deploy Pods.
  • Controller: For creating/updating Pods and other objects.
    • Controllers are on top of Pods and we use them for creating/updating Pods and other objects.
    • It's a differencing engine that has many types.
    • There are many types of Controllers such as:
      • Deployment Controller.
      • ReplicaSet Controller.
      • StatefulSet Controller.
      • DemonSet Controller.
      • Job Controller.
      • CronJob Controller.
      • And lot more..
  • Service: The Service is a little bit different in Kubernetes than it is in Swarm.
    • A Service is specifically the endpoint that we give to a set of Pods, often when we use a Controller For e.g. deployment controller to deploy a set of replica pods, we would then set a service on that.
    • Service means a persistent endpoint in the cluster so that everything else can acess that set of Pods at a specific DNS name and port.
  • Namespace: Filtered group of objects in a cluster.
    • It's an optional, advanced feature.
    • It's a simply a filter for our views when we are using kubectl command line.
    • For e.g. When we are using Docker desktop, it defaults to the default namespace and filters out all of the system containers running Kubernetes in the background. Because normally, we don't want to see them containers when working with kubectl command line.
  • There are many other things to Kubernetes such as:
    • Secrets.
    • ConfigMaps.
    • And more..
+ Kubernetes Run, Create and Apply
  • kubectl run: This command is changing to be only for Pod creation.
  • kubectl create: Create some resources via CLI or YAML.
  • kubectl apply: Create/update anything via YAML.

Kubernetes - Basic Commands

+ Creating First Pods - nginx
  • Create:
    kubectl version
    kubectl run my-nginx --image nginx
    kubectl get pods
    kubectl get all
  • Cleanup
    kubectl get pods
    kubectl get all
    kubectl delete deployment my-nginx
    kubectl get all
+ Scaling Replica Sets - Apache Httpd
  • Create:
    kubectl run my-apache --image httpd     # 'run' gives us a single 'pod' or 'replica'
    kubectl get all
  • Scale
    # Use either below command to scale:
    kubectl scale deploy/my-apache --replicas 2
    # Or use following command:
    # kubectl scale deployment my-apache --replicas 2 # Both above and this command are same.
    kubectl get all
+ Inspecting Kubernetes Objects - Apache Httpd
  • Create:
    kubectl run my-apache --image httpd     # 'run' gives us a single 'pod' or 'replica'
    kubectl scale deploy/my-apache --replicas 2     # Scale it to 2 replica sets.
    kubectl get all
  • Inspect Kubernetes Objects Commands
    kubectl get pods
    # Get Container logs
    kubectl logs deployment/my-apache
    kubectl logs deployment/my-apache --follow --tail 1
    kubectl logs -l run=my-apache   # '-l' is for label.
    # Get bunch of details about an object, including events!
    kubectl get pods
    kubectl describe pod/my-apache-<pod id>
    # Watch a command (without needing 'watch')
    kubectl get pods -w     # Run this command in one terminal window.
    kubectl delete pod/my-apache-<pod id>   # Run this command in another terminal window.
    kubectl get pods    # Run this command in another terminal window.
  • Cleanup
    kubectl delete deployment my-apache

Kubernetes Services

  • A service is a stable address for pod(s).
  • If we want to connect to pod(s), we need a service.
  • kubectl expose command creates a service for existing pods.
  • CoreDNS allows us to resolve services by their names.
    • But this only works for services in a same namespace. To get all namespaces, run kubectl get namespaces.
  • Services also has FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name).
    • We can do CURL hit service with FQDN as below:
    curl <hostname>.<namespace>.svc.cluster.local
  • There are four different types of services in Kubernetes:
    • ClusterIP
    • NodePort
    • LoadBalancer
    • ExternalName
  • ClusterIP and NodePort are the services which are always available in Kubernetes.
  • There's one more way, external traffic can get inside our Kubernetes - It is called Ingress.
  • Following 3 service types are additive, each one creates the ones above it:
    • ClusterIP
    • NodePort
    • LoadBalancer
+ Kubernetes Services - ClusterIP (default)
  • It's only available in the cluster.
  • This is about one set of Kubernetes Pods talking to another set of Kubernetes Pods.
  • It gets it's own DNS stress. That's going to be the DNS address in the core DNS control plane.
  • Single, internal virtual IP allocated. In other words, it's going to get an IP address in that virtual IP address space inside the cluster. And that allows our other pods running in the cluster to talk to this service using the port of the service.
  • Only reachable from within cluster (nodes and pods).
  • Pods can reach service on apps port number.
  • Following commands are useful for creating ClusterIP service:
    kubectl get pods -w
    kubectl create deployment httpenv --image=bretfisher/httpenv
    kubectl scale deployment/httpenv --replicas=5
    kubectl expose deployment/httpenv --port 8888
    kubectl get service
    kubectl run --generator run-pod/v1 tmp-shell --rm -it --image bretfisher/netshoot -- bash
    curl httpenv:8888
    curl [ip of service]:8888
    kubectl get service
+ Kubernetes Services - NodePort
  • When we create a NodePort, we're going to get a High Port on each node that's assigned to this service.
  • Port is open on every node's IP.
  • Anyone can connect (if they can reach node).
  • NodePort service also creates a ClusterIP internally.
+ Kubernetes Services - LoadBalancer
  • This service is mostly used in Clouds.
  • It controls a LB endpoint external to the cluster.
  • When we create LoadBalancer service, it will automatically create ClusterIP and NodePort services internally.
  • Only available when infra provider gives us a LB (e.g. AWS ELB etc).
  • Creates ClusterIP and NodePort services and then tells LB to send to NodePort.
  • Following commands are useful for creating a NodePort and LoadBalancer service:
    kubectl get all
    kubectl expose deployment/httpenv --port 8888 --name httpenv-np --type NodePort
    kubectl get services
    curl localhost:32334
    kubectl expose deployment/httpenv --port 8888 --name httpenv-lb --type LoadBalancer
    kubectl get services
    curl localhost:8888
    kubectl delete service/httpenv service/httpenv-np
    kubectl delete service/httpenv-lb deployment/httpenv
+ Kubernetes Services - ExternalName
  • This service is used less often.
  • Adds CNAME DNS record to CoreDNS only.
  • Not used for Pods, but for giving Pods a DNS Name to use for something outside Kubernetes.

Kubernetes Management Techniques

+ Run, Create, Expose Generators
  • Generators are like templates. They essentially create the spec or specification to apply to Kubernetes Cluster based on our command line options.
  • Commands like Run, Create, Expose etc. use helper templates called Generators.
  • Every resource in Kubernetes has a specification or spec. For e.g.
    kubectl create deployment aditest --image nginx --dry-run -o yaml
  • We can output these templates with --dry-run -o yaml. We can use these YAML defaults as a startin point.
  • Generators are opinionated defaults.
+ Generators Example
  • Using dry-run with yaml output we can see the generators.
  • Examples:
    kubectl create deployment aditest --image nginx --dry-run -o yaml
    kubectl create job aditest --image nginx --dry-run -o yaml
    # We need the deployment "aditest " to exist before below command works.
    kubectl expose deployment/aditest --port 80 --dry-run -o yaml
+ Imperative vs. Declarative
  • Imperative: Focus on how a program operates.
  • Declarative: Focus on what a program should accomplish.
  • For e.g. Coffee
    • Imperative: I will boil water, scoop out 42 grams of medium-fine grounds, pour over 700g of water, etc.
    • Declarative: Barista, I would like a cup of coffee.
      • Barista is a engine that works through the steps, including retrying to make a cup of coffee, and is only finished when I have a cup of coffee.
+ Imperative Kubernetes
  • Examples: kubectl run, kubectl create deployment, kubectl update.
    • We start with a state we know (no deployment exist).
    • We ask kubectl run to create a deployment.
  • Different commands are required to change that deployment.
  • Different commands are required per object.
  • Imperative is easier to get started.
  • Imperative is easier for humans at the CLI.
  • Imperative is easier when we know the state.
  • Imperative is not easy to automate
+ Declarative Kubernetes
  • Declarative means we don't know the state, we just know the end result that we want.
  • Example:
    kubectl apply -f my-resources.yml
    • We don't know the current state.
    • We only know what we want the end result to be (yaml contents).
  • Same command each time (tiny exception for delete).
  • Resources can be in a single file, or multiple files (apply a whole dir).
  • Requires understanding the YAML keys and values.
  • More work than kubectl run for just starting a POD.
  • The easiest way to automate our orchestration.
  • The eventual path to GitOps happiness.
+ Three Management Approaches
  • Imperative Commands: run, expose, scale, edit, create deployment etc.
    • Best for dev/learning/personal projects.
    • Easy to learn, hardest to manage over time.
  • Imperative Objects: create -f file.yml, replace -f file.yml, delete...
    • Good for prod of small environments, single file per command.
    • Store our changes in git-based yaml files.
    • Hard to automate.
  • Declarative Objects: apply -f file.yml or dir\ or diff etc.
    • Best for prod, easier to automate.
    • Harder to understand and predict changes.
    • Don't mix 3 approaches when we have true production dependency.
    • Store yaml in Git, Git Commit each change before we apply.

DevOps Style Kubernetes Using YAML

+ Using kubectl apply
  • Create/Update resource in a file:
    kubectl apply -f myfile.yml
  • Create/Update a whole directory of yaml:
    kubectl apply -f adiYamls/
  • Create/Update from a URL:
    kubectl apply -f
+ Kubernetes Configuration YAML
  • Kubernetes Configuration File (YAML or JSON).
  • A full description of a resource in Kubernetes is a manifest.
  • Each file contains one or more manifests.
  • Each manifest describes an API Object (for e.g. deployment, job, secret).
  • Each manifest needs four parts (root/main key:values in a file). They are:
    • apiVersion
    • kind
    • metadata
    • spec
+ How To Build YAML File
  • kind: We can get a list of resources the cluster supports:
    kubectl api-resources
  • apiVersion: We can get a list of api versions the cluster supports:
    kubectl api-versions
  • metadata: Only name is required.
  • spec: Where all the action is at!
    • We can get all the keys for spec by running following command:
      kubectl explain services.spec
    • We can get all the keys for a specific key in spec by running following command:
      kubectl explain services.spec.<TYPE>
    • We can get all the keys each kind supports:
      kubectl explain services --recursive
  • sub spec: Can have sub spec of other resources.
    • We can get all the keys for sub spec of any resource by running following command:
      kubectl explain deployment.spec.template.spec.volumes.nfs.server
+ Dry Runs With Apply YAML
  • Client Side Only dry run:
    kubectl apply -f app.yml --dry-run
  • Server Side dry run:
    kubectl apply -f app.yml --server-dry-run
  • To See Diff Visually:
    kubectl diff -f app.yml
+ Labels And Annotations
  • Labels goes under metadata in YAML.
    • They are optional.
    • Simple list of key:value for identifying our resource later by selecting, grouping or filtering for it.
    • Common examples:
      • env: prod
      • tier: frontend
      • app: api
      • customer:

Generic Examples

+ Running 3 Containers: nginx (80:80), mysql (3306:3306), httpd (Apache Server - 8080:80)
  • MySQL:
    • To run MySQL:
      docker container run -d -p 3306:3306 --name db -e MYSQL_RANDOM_ROOT_PASSWORD=yes mysql
    • View logs to see generated random password for the root user. To view logs:
      docker container logs db # 'db' is the name we have given in above command.
    • Look for something like below line for the generated random password:
      2020-03-14 12:20:33+00:00 [Note] [Entrypoint]: GENERATED ROOT PASSWORD: ChooHxafdsasd2dsx1ouovo7aegha
  • httpd (Apache Server):
    • To run httpd:
      docker container run -d -p 8080:80 --name webserver httpd
  • nginx:
    • To run nginx:
      docker container run -d -p 80:80 --name proxy nginx
  • All containers are running by now. To list all running containers:
    docker container ls
    # OR
    docker ps   # Old command
  • To clean these containers up:
    docker container stop   # Press TAB to get a list of all running containers
    # OR
    docker container stop proxy webserver db
  • To remove these containers:
    docker container ls -a  # This will give list of all containers, even stopped ones.
    # To remove containers, specify their ids like below:
    docker container rm b520f9b00f89 5eaa2a2b09c6 c782914b7c66
  • To remove Images as well:
    # To remove images, specify their ids like below:
    docker image rm b520f4389 5eaa22b09c6 c782432b7c66
+ To clean up apt-get cache
  • By cleaning up apt-get cache in Containers, we get to keep our Image size small.
  • It's a best practice to clear up apt-get cache once the required packages are installed.
  • Following command cleans up apt-get cache and it is used across many popular Images same way:
    rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
  • FOR EXAMPLE: After installing git in Image, we should clean up cache to save almost 10mb space:
    # Below command installs 'git' and clears cache after installation.
    RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y git \
    && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
+ To get a Shell inside Container
  • To start new Container interactively:
    docker container run -it
  • To run additional command in existing container:
    docker container exec -it
  • For e.g. To start a httpd container interactively and get a bash shell inside it:
    docker container run -it --name webserver httpd bash
  • For e.g. To get a bash shell inside already running nginx Container named as proxy:
    docker container exec -it proxy bash
+ To create a temp POD in cluser and get an interactive shell in it
  • This command will create a temporary POD in a running cluser and launch an interactive shell inside it.
  • NOTE: This temporary POD will be deleted once we exit out of the shell.
    kubectl run --generator run-pod/v1 tmp-shell --rm -it --image bretfisher/netshoot -- bash
+ Docker Swarm - Create Our First Service and Scale it Locally
  • To create a Docker Swarm service and scale it locally, following are the useful commands:
    docker info
    docker swarm init
    docker node ls
    docker node --help
    docker swarm --help
    docker service --help
    docker service create alpine ping
    docker service ls
    docker service ps frosty_newton
    docker container ls
    docker service update TAB COMPLETION --replicas 3
    docker service ls
    docker service ps frosty_newton
    docker update --help
    docker service update --help
    docker container ls
    docker container rm -f frosty_newton.1.TAB COMPLETION
    docker service ls
    docker service ps frosty_newton
    docker service rm frosty_newton
    docker service ls
    docker container ls
+ Creating a 3-Node Swarm Cluster
  • To create a 3-Node Swarm Cluster, following are the useful commands:
    docker info
    docker-machine create node1
    docker-machine ssh node1
    docker-machine env node1
    docker info
    docker swarm init
    docker swarm init --advertise-addr TAB COMPLETION
    docker node ls
    docker node update --role manager node2
    docker node ls
    docker swarm join-token manager
    docker node ls
    docker service create --replicas 3 alpine ping
    docker service ls
    docker node ps
    docker node ps node2
    docker service ps sleepy_brown
+ Scaling Out with Overlay Networking
  • Following set of commands orchestrate scaling out with overlay networking:
    docker network create --driver overlay mydrupal
    docker network ls
    docker service create --name psql --netowrk mydrupal -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mypass postgres
    docker service ls
    docker service ps psql
    docker container logs psql TAB COMPLETION
    docker service create --name drupal --network mydrupal -p 80:80 drupal
    docker service ls
    watch docker service ls
    docker service ps drupal
    docker service inspect drupal
+ Scaling Out with Routing Mesh
  • Following set of commands orchestrate scaling out with Routing Mesh:
    docker service create --name search --replicas 3 -p 9200:9200 elasticsearch:2
    docker service ps search
+ Create a Multi-Service Multi-Node Web App
  • Following set of commands orchestrate creation of a Multi-Service Multi-Node Web App:
    docker node ls
    docker service ls
    docker network create -d overlay backend
    docker network create -d overlay frontend
    docker service create --name vote -p 80:80 --network frontend -- replica 2 COPY IMAGE
    docker service create --name redis --network frontend --replica 1 redis:3.2
    docker service create --name worker --network frontend --network backend COPY IMAGE
    docker service create --name db --network backend COPY MOUNT INFO
    docker service create --name result --network backend -p 5001:80 COPY INFO
    docker service ls
    docker service ps result
    docker service ps redis
    docker service ps db
    docker service ps vote
    docker service ps worker
    cat /etc/docker/
    docker service logs worker
    docker service ps worker
+ Swarm Stacks and Production Grade Compose
  • Following set of commands demonstrate Swarm Stacks and Production Grade Compose:
    docker stack deploy -c example-voting-app-stack.yml voteapp
    docker stack
    docker stack ls
    docker stack ps voteapp
    docker container ls
    docker stack services voteapp
    docker stack ps voteapp
    docker network ls
    docker stack deploy -c example-voting-app-stack.yml voteapp
+ Using Secrets in Swarm Services
  • Useful commands:
    docker secret create psql_usr psql_usr.txt
    echo "myDBpassWORD" | docker secret create psql_pass - TAB COMPLETION
    docker secret ls
    docker secret inspect psql_usr
    docker secret create --name psql --secret psql_user --secret psql_pass -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD_FILE=/run/secrets/psql_pass -e POSTGRES_USER_FILE=/run/secrets/psql_user postgres
    docker service ps psql
    docker exec -it psql.1.CONTAINER NAME bash
    docker logs TAB COMPLETION
    docker service ps psql
    docker service update --secret-rm
+ Using Secrets with Swarm Stacks
  • Useful commands:
    vim docker-compose.yml
    docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml mydb
    docker secret ls
    docker stack rm mydb
+ Create A Stack with Secrets and Deploy
  • Useful commands:
    vim docker-compose.yml
    docker stack deploy - c docker-compose.yml drupal
    echo STRING |docker secret create psql-ps - VALUE
    docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml drupal
    docker stack ps drupal
+ Service Updates: Changing Things In Flight
  • Useful commands:
    docker service create -p 8088:80 --name web nginx:1.13.7
    docker service ls
    docker service scale web=5
    docker service update --image nginx:1.13.6 web
    docker service update --publish-rm 8088 --publish-add 9090:80 web
    docker service update --force web
+ Healthchecks in Dockerfile
  • Useful commands:
    docker container run --name p1 -d postgres
    docker container ls
    docker container run --name p2 -d --health-cmd="pg_isready -U postgres || exit 1" postgres
    docker container ls
    docker container inspect p2
    docker service create --name p1 postgres
    docker service create --name p2 --health-cmd="pg_isready -U postgres || exit 1" postgres


🐳 Docker and ⚓ Kubernetes with Swarm. My personal notes, projects and configurations.






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