Multipot is a small Python-based web application honeypot. It makes it easy to set up fake web applications and record the requests given to them in an easily readable SQLite database. The built-in web analysis tool allows some basic analysis of the gathered requests.
The following pictures show examples of the built-in analysis capabilities of Multipot.
- Web application honeypot
- Saves client requests and server responses in SQLite database
- Built-in web GUI analysis tool
- Use the SQLite database with your favorite tool for further analyses
- Detailed information on gathered IP addresses
- Utilizes free for whois/geoip information (free version doesn't allow SSL access)
- Extensible, create your own fake pages
pip3 install flask
pip3 install flask-sqlalchemy
pip3 install requests
For basic testing, the app can now be run with:
$ python3
By default the server is only reachable on localhost as the development server is not designed to be very stable/secure. You can change that setting in multipot/
and set the
to run on your machines IP address.
Go to the URL below to enter the dashboard:
This should not be used in production. Please follow the more detailed installation procedure below.
For example mod_wsgi via Apache:
# Python 3:
$ sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-wsgi-py3
Create the yourapplication.wsgi
file. Depending on your setup, adjust Python load path in it.
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, '/path/to/the/application')
from yourapplication import app as application
Configure Apache:
<VirtualHost *>
WSGIDaemonProcess yourapplication user=user1 group=group1 threads=5
WSGIScriptAlias / /var/www/yourapplication/yourapplication.wsgi
<Directory /var/www/yourapplication>
WSGIProcessGroup yourapplication
WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}
# old syntax:
# Order deny,allow
# Allow from all
# new syntax:
Require all granted
Use the provided empty app.db
or generate a new basic app.db
$ python3 app/
Have a look at the
for configurations.
Change your secret ANALYSIS_TOKEN
! Otherwise others with access to your webserver can access the API and analysis sections of the honeypot.
After the setup browse to the following URL to see an overview on the recorded requests and their related responses:
- Save your HTML skeleton in
- Create new or modify route in