The terraform (v0.12+) code deploys highly-available production ready Consul on GKE using Helm charts.
Download and install Terraform.
Download, install, and configure the Google Cloud SDK. You will need to configure your default application credentials so Terraform can run.
Install the kubernetes CLI (aka
) -
Create terraform.tfvars with required variables:
$ cd terraform/
# GKE cluster options region = "northamerica-northeast1" project = "consul-priject" kubernetes_instance_type = "n1-standard-2" # k8s options kubernetes_nodes_per_zone = 1 # Consul options num_consul_pods = 3
Run Terraform
$ terraform init $ terraform plan $ terraform apply
Check the deployment status using
.$ gcloud container clusters get-credentials CLUSTER_NAME --region=REGION --project=PROJECT $ kubectl get all -n consul NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE service/backend-consul-connect-injector-svc ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP 12m service/backend-consul-dns ClusterIP <none> 53/TCP,53/UDP 12m service/backend-consul-server ClusterIP None <none> 8500/TCP,8301/TCP,8301/UDP,8302/TCP,8302/UDP,8300/TCP,8600/TCP,8600/UDP 12m service/backend-consul-ui ClusterIP <none> 80/TCP 12m NAME DESIRED CURRENT READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE NODE SELECTOR AGE daemonset.apps/backend-consul 3 3 3 3 3 <none> 12m NAME READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE deployment.apps/backend-consul-connect-injector-webhook-deployment 1/1 1 1 12m NAME DESIRED CURRENT READY AGE replicaset.apps/backend-consul-connect-injector-webhook-deployment-f88dfb76c 1 1 1 12m NAME READY AGE statefulset.apps/backend-consul-server 3/3 12m NAME COMPLETIONS DURATION AGE job.batch/backend-consul-server-acl-init 1/1 83s 12m
Check Consul members status.
$ kubectl exec backend-consul-server-0 -n consul -- consul members Node Address Status Type Build Protocol DC Segment backend-consul-server-0 alive server 1.6.2 2 dc1 <all> backend-consul-server-1 alive server 1.6.2 2 dc1 <all> backend-consul-server-2 alive server 1.6.2 2 dc1 <all> gke-consul-default-pool-3bbea03d-9728 alive client 1.6.2 2 dc1 <default> gke-consul-default-pool-88110088-s9b3 alive client 1.6.2 2 dc1 <default> gke-consul-default-pool-9c4df9d1-j8cw alive client 1.6.2 2 dc1 <default>
$ terraform destroy