Checkout Documentation.docx for more details
File: models/main_code.m Change necessary details as explained in the comments and run the matlab file to load the parameters into the workspace.
simulink models can access the workspace so when you run simulation model or Controller model to upload code onto the Arduinos is can use these parameters.
File: Model/Full_Sys_Sim.slx
use this model to test controller before deploying to Arduino.
Note: this simulation doesnt include dynamics of motor or belt pulley, so it won't be realistic.
use Model Selector box to chose model to run,
- Linearized Discrete state-space
- Linearized Continous state-space
- Non Linear Continous Model (Simulink)
- Non Linear Continous Model (Simscape)
File: model/scope_can_read.slx
COM port to 8 Arduino Mega, CAN spi ss pin changed to 9 for seed studio CAN shield
CAN interrupt pin 2
File: models/Duo_Controller.slx (moved to duo)
File: models/Controller.slx
error:External Mode Open Protocol Connect command failed tried: External mode serial insted XPC serial didn't work
maybe because Encoder arduino keep sending messages and causing the interrupt to trigger
The following error occurred during deployment to your hardware board:
Could not connect to specified Arduino board.
Verify that the board is connected to your host, and that the host COM port number set in the model matches the COM port number in Windows.
To change the host COM port number in the model, click 'Simulation ', click 'Model Configuration Parameters'... In the dialog that opens, select the 'Hardware Implementation' pane, click 'Target hardware resources > Host-board connection' and set the COM port number.
To find out the COM port number in Windows, open Device Manager and open your board in the COM ports group.
tried: keep host board COM automatic not sure if it worked tried: unplug replug