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Andrey Loskutov edited this page Jan 9, 2019 · 3 revisions


To open the view, Ctrl+3 and type Plug-in Explorer

Initially the view is empty.

You can now either inspect one from existing PDE targets or load a *.t2 file.

To load existig PDE target platform, just select it from the view menu: Screenshot

*.t2 files

Content of a *.t2 file is simple and should consist of directories to scan for plugins & features, each on a new line.

Lines starting with # are ignored, other lines are considered as absolute paths to directories containing some plugins or features or both.

Lines starting with - are special: they allow exclude bundles from the target. Such lines should contain bundle id and optionally a version separated by space, like -org.apache.ant 1.10.5.v20180808-0324

This helps to analyze "what would happen if I remove the bundle from the target platform?".


Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot

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