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Hardware Wallet Daemon

Build Status GoDoc Go Report Card

The hardware walllet daemon provides an HTTP API to interface with the wallets supported by skycoin. It uses the go bindings provided by the hardware wallet go library.

Table of contents


Hardware Daemon supports go1.10+.

Go 1.10+ Installation and Setup

Golang 1.10+ Installation/Setup

Run Daemon from the command line


The API has two modes:

  1. USB: Communicate with the hardware wallet.
  2. EMULATOR: Communicate with the emulator.

You can use the -daemon-mode flag to enable the required mode or use the make commands.

Example(USB Mode):

$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ make run-usb

Example(Emulator Mode):

$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ make run-emulator

Show Daemon options

$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ make run-help

API Documentation



Development guidelines

Code added in this repository should comply to development guidelines documented in Skycoin wiki.

The project has two branches: master and develop.

  • develop is the default branch and will always have the latest code.
  • master will always be equal to the current stable release on the website, and should correspond with the latest release tag.

Client libraries

Hardware wallet daemon uses swagger for the API specification. It follows OpenAPI 2.0.

The go client has been automatically generated using go-swagger and the swagger specification.

Note: The go client uses a slightly modified response template.

The swagger specification can be used to generate more libraries in the required language.

Running tests

Library test suite can be run by running the following command

$ make test

Running Integration Tests

There are integration tests for the HTTP API interfaces. They have two run modes, "wallet" and "emulator".

The emulator integration tests are run only when an emulator is running.

The wallet integration tests are run only when a physical skycoin hardware wallet is connected.

Emulator Integration Tests

$ make test-integration-emulator


$ ./ci-scripts/ -m emulator -v

The -m emulator option, runs emulator integration tests.

The -v option, shows verbose logs.

Wallet Integration Tests

$ make test-integration-wallet


$ ./ci-scripts/ -m wallet -v

The -m wallet option, runs wallet integration tests.

The -v option, shows verbose logs.

Debugging Integration Tests

Run specific test case:

It's annoying and a waste of time to run all tests to see if the test we real care is working correctly. There's an option: -r, which can be used to run specific test case. For example: if we only want to test TestEmulatorFeatures and see the result, we can run:

$ ./ci-scripts/ -m emulator -v -r TestEmulatorFeatures

Update golden files in integration testdata

Golden files are expected data responses from the HTTP API saved to disk. When some of the tests are run, their output is compared to the golden files.

To update golden files, use the provided make command:


$ make DEVICE_TYPE=USB update-golden-files


$ make DEVICE_TYPE=USB update-golden-files

We can also update a specific test case's golden file with the -r option. For example:

$ ./ci-scripts/ -m emulator -v -u -r TestEmulatorFeatures

Test coverage

Coverage is automatically generated for make test and integration tests run against a stable node. This includes integration test coverage. The coverage output files are placed in coverage/.

To merge coverage from all tests into a single HTML file for viewing:

$ make check
$ make merge-coverage

Then open coverage/all-coverage.html in the browser.


All .go source files should be formatted goimports. You can do this with:

$ make format

Code Linting

Install prerequisites:

$ make install-linters

Run linters:

$ make lint


A full CPU profile of the program from start to finish can be obtained by running the node with the -profile-cpu flag. Once the node terminates, a profile file is written to -profile-cpu-file (defaults to This profile can be analyzed with

go tool pprof

The HTTP interface for obtaining more profiling data or obtaining data while running can be enabled with -http-prof. The HTTP profiling interface can be controlled with -http-prof-host and listens on localhost:6060 by default.

See for guidance on using the HTTP profiler.

Some useful examples include:

go tool pprof http://localhost:6060/debug/pprof/profile?seconds=10
go tool pprof http://localhost:6060/debug/pprof/heap

A web page interface is provided by http/pprof at http://localhost:6060/debug/pprof/.

Dependency Management

Dependencies are managed with dep.

To install dep for development:

go get -u

dep vendors all dependencies into the repo.

If you change the dependencies, you should update them as needed with dep ensure.

Use dep help for instructions on vendoring a specific version of a dependency, or updating them.

When updating or initializing, dep will find the latest version of a dependency that will compile.


Initialize all dependencies:

dep init

Update all dependencies:

dep ensure -update -v

Add a single dependency (latest version):

dep ensure

Add a single dependency (more specific version), or downgrade an existing dependency:

dep ensure


Update the version

  1. If the master branch has commits that are not in develop (e.g. due to a hotfix applied to master), merge master into develop (and fix any build or test failures)
  2. Switch to a new release branch named release-X.Y.Z for preparing the release.
  3. Update move the "unreleased" changes to the version and add the date.
  4. Follow the steps in pre-release testing
  5. Make a PR merging the release branch into master
  6. Review the PR and merge it
  7. Tag the master branch with the version number. Version tags start with v, e.g. v0.20.0. Sign the tag. If you have your GPG key in github, creating a release on the Github website will automatically tag the release. It can be tagged from the command line with git tag -as v0.20.0 $COMMIT_ID, but Github will not recognize it as a "release".
  8. Release builds are created and uploaded by travis. To do it manually, checkout the master branch and follow the create release builds instructions.
  9. Checkout develop branch and bump VERSION to next dev version number.

Pre-release testing

Pre-release testing procedure requires skycoin-cli of version strictly greater than 0.26.0. Please install it if not available in your system. Some operations in the process require running a Skycoin node. Also clone Skywallet firmware repository in advance.

The instructions that follow are meant to be followed for Skywallet devices flashed without memory protection. If your device memory is protected then some values might be different e.g. firmware_features.

During the process beware of the fact that running an Skycoin node in the background can block the Skycoin desktop wallet from running.

Some values need to be known during the process. They are represented by the following variables:

  • WALLET1, WALLET2, ... names of wallets created by skycoin-cli
  • ADDRESS1, ADDRESS2, ... Skycoin addresses
  • TXN1_RAW, TXN2_RAW, ... transactions data encoded in hex dump format
  • TXN1_JSON, TXN2_JSON, ... transactions data encoded in JSON format, if numeric index value matches the one of another variable with RAW prefix then both refer to the same transaction
  • TXN1_ID, TXN2_ID, ... Hash ID of transactions after broadcasting to the P2P network
  • AMOUNT represents an arbitrary number of coins
  • ID1, ID2, ID3, ... unique ID values , usually strings identifying hardware or software artifacts
  • AUTHTOKEN is a CSRF token for the Skycoin REST API

Perform these actions before releasing.

Note : In all cases skycoin-cli would be equivalent to go run cmd/cli/cli.go if current working directory set to $GOPATH/src/

Run project test suite

Perform these actions before releasing:

  • Open a terminal window and run Skywallet emulator. Wait for emulator UI to display.
  • Connect SkyWallet device
  • From a separate terminal window run the test suite as follows, and make sure that all the integration tests are passing.
make lint
make check
Run transaction tests
  • Run daemon service in background or a separate terminal window
cd $GOPATH/src/
make run-usb
  • Create new wallet e.g. with skycoin-cli (or reuse existing wallet for testing purposes)
skycoin-cli walletCreate -f $WALLET1.wlt -l $WALLET1
  • From command output take note of the seed SEED1 and address ADDRESS1
  • List wallet addresses and confirm that ADDRESS1 is the only value in the list.
skycoin-cli listAddresses $WALLET1.wlt
  • Transfer funds to ADDRESS1 in new wallet in two transactions
  • Check balance
skycoin-cli addressBalance $ADDRESS1
  • List unspent outputs for WALLET1 and check in response that head_outputs includes two outputs with address set to ADDRESS1
skycoin-cli walletOutputs $WALLET1.wlt
  • Get device features and check that:
    • vendor is set to Skycoin Foundation
    • device_id is a string of 24 chars, which we'll refer to as ID1
    • write down the value of bootloader_hash i.e. ID2
    • model is set to '1'
    • fw_major is set to expected firmware major version number
    • fw_minor is set to expected firmware minor version number
    • fw_patch is set to expected firmware patch version number
    • firmware_features is set to 0
  • Ensure device is seedless by wiping it. Check that device ends up in home screen with NEEDS SEED! message at the top.
  • Recover seed SEED1 in Skywallet device (dry-run=false, word_count=12).
  • Get device features and check that:
    • vendor is set to Skycoin Foundation
    • device_id is set to ID1
    • pin_protection is set to to false
    • passphrase_protection is set to false
    • label is set to ID1
    • initialized is set to true
    • bootloader_hash is set to ID2
    • passphrase_cached is set to false
    • needs_backup is set to false
    • model is set to '1'
    • fw_major is set to expected firmware major version number
    • fw_minor is set to expected firmware minor version number
    • fw_patch is set to expected firmware patch version number
    • firmware_features is set to 0
  • Set device label to a new value , say ID3. Specify usePassphrase=false.
  • Get device features and check that:
    • label is set to ID3
    • all other values did not change with respect to previous step, especially device_id
    • as a result device label is displayed on top of Skycoin logo in device home screen
  • Ensure you know at least two addresses for test wallet, if not, generate some. Choose the second and third in order, hereinafter referred to as ADDRESS2, ADDRESS3 respectively
  • Check that address sequence generated by SkyWallet matches the values generated by skycoin-cli
skycoin-cli walletAddAddresses -f $WALLET1.wlt -n 5
  • Check once again with desktop wallet
  • Create new transaction from ADDRESS1 to ADDRESS2 in test wallet (say TXN_RAW1) for an spendable amount higher than individual output's coins
export TXN1_RAW="$(skycoin-cli createRawTransaction -a $ADDRESS1 -f $WALLET1.wlt $ADDRESS2 $AMOUNT)"
echo $TXN1_RAW
  • Display transaction details and confirm that it contains at least two inputs
export TXN1_JSON=$(skycoin-cli decodeRawTransaction $TXN1_RAW)
echo $TXN1_JSON
  • Sign transaction with Skywallet by putting together a message using values resulting from previous step as follows.
    • For each hash in transaction inputs array there should be an item in messsage transactions_inputs array with hash field set to the very same hash and index set to 0.
    • For each source item in transaction outputs array there should be an item in messsage transaction_outputs array with fields set as follows:
      • address : source item's dst
      • coins : source item's coins
      • hours : source item's hours
      • address_index : set to 0 if source item address equals ADDRESS1 or to 1 otherwise
  • Check that signatures array returned by hardware wallet includes entries for each and every transaction input
  • Check signatures were signed by corresponding addresses
  • Create transaction TXN2_JSON by
    • replacing TXN1_JSON signatures with the array returned by SkyWallet
    • setting inner hash to an empty string
  • Use TXN2_JSON to obtain encoded transaction TXN2_RAW
export $TXN2_RAW=$( echo "$TXN2_JSON" | skycoin-cli encodeJsonTransaction --fix - | grep '"rawtx"' | cut -d '"' -f4)
echo $TXN2_RAW
  • Broadcast transaction. Refer to its id as TXN2_ID
export TXN2_ID=$(skycoin-cli broadcastTransaction $TXN2_RAW)
  • After a a reasonable time check that balance changed.
skycoin-cli walletBalance $WALLET1.wlt
  • Create a second wallet i.e. WALLET2
skycoin-cli walletCreate -f $WALLET2.wlt -l $WALLET2
  • From command output take note of the seed SEED2 and address ADDRESS4
  • List WALLET2 addresses and confirm that ADDRESS4 is the only value in the list.
skycoin-cli listAddresses $WALLET2.wlt
  • Transfer funds to WALLET2 (if not already done) and check balance
skycoin-cli addressBalance $ADDRESS4
  • Request CSRF token (i.e. AUTHTOKEN) using Skycoin REST API.
  • Use Skycoin REST API to create one transaction grabbing all funds from ADDRESS1 (i.e. first address in WALLET1 previously recovered in Skywallet device), ADDRESS2 (i.e. second address in WALLET1 previously recovered in Skywallet device) and ADDRESS4 (i.e. first address in WALLET2) so as to transfer to the third address of WALLET1 (i.e. ADDRESS3). Change should be sent back to ADDRESS1. In server response transaction JSON object (a.k.a TNX3_JSON) would be the object at data.transaction JSON path. If Skycoin node was started with default parameters this can be achieved as follows:
curl -X POST -H 'content-type: application/json' -H "X-CSRF-Token: $AUTHTOKEN" -d "{
    \"hours_selection\": {
        \"type\": \"auto\",
        \"mode\": \"share\",
        \"share_factor\": \"0.5\"
    \"addresses\": [\"$ADDRESS1\", \"$ADDRESS2\", \"$ADDRESS4\"],
    \"change_address\": \"$ADDRESS1\",
    \"to\": [{
        \"address\": \"$ADDRESS3\",
        \"coins\": \"$AMOUNT\"
    \"ignore_unconfirmed\": false
  • Sign transaction represented by TXN3_JSON for inputs owned by Skywallet (i.e. WALLET1)
    • For each object in transaction inputs array there should be an item in messsage transaction_inputs array with:
      • hash field set to the value bound to object's uxid key
      • index set as follows
        • null if input address is ADDRESS4
        • 0 if input address is ADDRESS1
        • 1 if input address is ADDRESS2
    • For each source item in transaction outputs array there should be an item in messsage transaction_outputs array with fields set as follows:
      • address : source item's address
      • coins : source item's coins * 1000000
      • hours : source item's hours
      • address_index set to 2 (since destination address is ADDRESS3)
  • Check that signatures array includes one entry for every input except the one associated to ADDRESS4, which should be an empty string
  • Ensure device is seedless by wiping it. Check that device ends up in home screen with NEEDS SEED! message at the top.
  • Recover seed SEED2 in Skywallet device (dry-run=false, word_count=12).
  • Sign transaction represented by TXN3_JSON for inputs owned by Skywallet (i.e. WALLET2)
    • For each hash in transaction inputs array there should be an item in messsage transaction_inputs array with:
      • hash field set to the value bound to object's uxid key
      • address index as follows
        • null if input address is ADDRESS1
        • null if input address is ADDRESS2
        • 0 if input address is ADDRESS4
    • For each source item in transaction outputs array there should be an item in messsage transaction_outputs array with fields set as follows:
      • address : source item's dst
      • coins : source item's coins * 1000000
      • hours : source item's hours
      • address_index set to null
  • Create a new transaction JSON object (a.k.a TXN4_JSON) from TXN3_JSON and the previous signatures like this
    • type same as in TXN3_JSON
    • inner_hash should be an empty string
    • sigs returned by SkyWallet in same order as corresponding input
    • inputs is an array of strings. For each item in TXN3_JSON inputs include the value of its uxid field in TXN4_JSON inputs array. Respect original order.
    • outputs is an array of objects constructed out of TXN3_JSON outputs items, in te same order, as follows
      • dst : source item's address
      • coins : source item's coins * 1000000
      • hours : source item's hours as integer
  • Use TXN4_JSON to obtain encoded transaction TXN4_RAW
export $TXN4_RAW=$( echo "$TXN4_JSON" | skycoin-cli encodeJsonTransaction --fix - | grep '"rawtx"' | cut -d '"' -f4)
echo $TXN4_RAW
  • Broadcast transaction. Refer to its id as TXN4_ID
export TXN4_ID=$(skycoin-cli broadcastTransaction $TXN4_RAW)
  • After a a reasonable time check that wallets balance changed.
skycoin-cli walletBalance $WALLET1.wlt
skycoin-cli walletBalance $WALLET2.wlt

Creating release builds

The following instruction creates a full release:

make release

Daemon version will be take from VERSION.

Responsible Disclosure

Security flaws in the source of any software provided by skycoin or infrastructure can be sent to [email protected]. Bounties are available for accepted critical bug reports.

PGP Key for signing:



Key ID: 0x5801631BD27C7874

The fingerprint for this key is:

pub   ed25519 2017-09-01 [SC] [expires: 2023-03-18]
      10A7 22B7 6F2F FE7B D238  0222 5801 631B D27C 7874
uid                      GZ-C SKYCOIN <[email protected]>
sub   cv25519 2017-09-01 [E] [expires: 2023-03-18] account:


No description, website, or topics provided.






No packages published


  • Go 86.5%
  • Shell 11.4%
  • Makefile 2.1%