Basic Finite State Machine with Datapath (FSMD) example to calculate the Fibonacci series up to the 12th index.
These examples use ModelSim® and Quartus® Prime from Intel FPGA, GIT, Visual Studio Code, make sure they are installed locally on your computer before proceeding.
Grab a copy of this repository to your computer's local folder (i.e. C:\projects):
$ cd projects $ git clone
Use Visual Studio Code (VSC) to edit and view the design files:
$ cd fsmd-fibonacci $ code .
Click on the fibo_toplevel.vhd file in the left pane to view its contents.
From the VSC View menu, choose Terminal, in the VCS Terminal, create a "work" library:
$ vlib work
Compile all the design units:
$ vcom *.vhd
Simulate your design. For example, if i = 12, then fib = 233:
$ vsim work.fibo_toplevel_tb