Follow this steps to use this package on your Laravel installation
composer require edbizarro/laravel-facebook-ads
You need to update your config/app.php
configuration file to register our service provider, adding this line on providers
This package comes with an facade to make the usage easier. To enable it, add this line at config/app.php
on alias
'FacebookAds' => Edbizarro\LaravelFacebookAds\Facades\FacebookAds::class
If you want to change any configurations, you need to publish the package configuration file. To do this, run php artisan vendor:publish
on terminal.
This will publish a facebook-ads.php
file on your configuration folder like this:
return [
'app_id' => env('FB_ADS_APP_ID'),
'app_secret' => env('FB_ADS_APP_SECRET'),
Note that this file uses environment variables, it's a good practice put your secret keys on your .env
file adding this lines on it:
Now that everything is set up, it's easy to start using!
This package is slit in services to make easy to acess things. At this moment, we just have the addAccounts
Before using it, it's necessary to initialize the library with an valid access token.
/** Your controller */
use Edbizarro\LaravelFacebookAds\FacebookAds;
public function yourMethod(FacebookAds $ads)
$adsApi = $ads->init($accessToken);
To obtain an adAccounts instance:
$adAccounts = $adsApi->adAccounts();
Use this method to retrieve your owned Ad Accounts. This methods accepts an array as argument containing a list of fields.
To obtain a list of all available fields, take a read on this.
$adAccounts->list(['account_id', 'balance', 'name']);
Use this method to retrieve an account ads. This method requires an account_id
and a list of fields to be retrieved.
To obtain a list of all available fields, take a read on this.
$adAccounts->getAds('account_XXXX', ['name', 'adset_id', 'targeting']);