This library reifies dialyzer types as ordinary Erlang functions. It enables e.g. validation of terms against dialyzer typespecs in the runtime.
Simple example using builtin types:
main() ->
%% Define type (in the term Universe!)
Type = {foo, non_neg_integer(), #{atom() => integer()}},
%% Valid term:
ok = typerefl:typecheck(Type, {foo, 3, #{bar => 42}}),
%% Invalid term:
{error,"Expected: {foo, non_neg_integer(), #{atom() => integer()}}\nGot: 1\n"} =
typerefl:typecheck(Type, 1).
Higher kind recursive types are of course supported too:
-type stupid_list(A, B) :: {cons, A, stupid_list(A, B)} | B.
-type stupid_list(A) :: stupid_list(A, nil).
%% Any dialyzer type can be reified:
main() ->
ok = typerefl:typecheck(stupid_list(atom()), {cons, foo, nil}),
{error, _} = typerefl:typecheck(stupid_list(atom()), {cons, 1, nil}).
-type foo() :: #{ foo := integer()
, bar := atom()
, integer() => list()
main() ->
ok = typerefl:typecheck(foo(), #{foo => 1, bar => foo, 1 => []}).
This library typechecks pretty much anything that dialyzer does, except for functions. In the future it may support arity check.