This is considered a major, potentially breaking release of DeepLynx.
- Jobs now able to be run on a separate runner instance, set by default
- Corrected errors on GUI’s API client library
- Added UUID’s to all ontology types in order to unify them across versions
- Added ability to create nodes and edges in the graph view
- Streamlined the initial graph view, now loads automatically
- Added loading screen
- Corrected an issue with files for nodes not loading
- Disabled the Jazz data source completely
- Added a timeout configuration value for HTTP poller data sources, defaults to 15 seconds
- Various UI usability fixes
- Removed need for compiling the webapp with certain environment variables when in bundled mode
- Added pm2 to manage the docker instance of the server and worker processes, defaults to running them separately in forked mode
- Added backend foundation for Type Mapping copying
- Removed bad database lock causing deadlock issues
- Fixed Redis caching
- Fixed main thread workers not invalidating their caches correctly when the main thread invalidated - memory caching only and only when the jobs are ran as actual jobs (jobs should never be run separately unless there is a separate cache)
- Completely redid how ontology importing flows, now a worker thread and async notification process
- GUI for manual GraphQL calls to the query layer
- Various performance fixes