a simple modification of Chris Dyer's stack LSTM Parser
- dynet 2.0.3 (build from source at github)
- torchtext
- conllu
- python3
It is a simple stack lstm parser using Arc-Standard transition system implemented with dynet, the structure is shown below.
- embedding for word form, upos, xpos, and word form is replaced by with a probability of c/(c+alpha), where c is the frequency of that word. Word form embedding, xpos embedding, upos embedding is independently droppout out with a probability of p.
- a stack lstm representation of the stack,
- a bi-directional lstm representation of the buffer,
- a mlp to decide with transition to take at each step from representation of the stack and the buffer,
- a mlp to decide which deprel to take where the oracle transition is a kind of reduction. The mlp for transition and the mlp for deprel are both a one-hidden-layer mlps, which share a common hidden layer.
- a mlp for composition of the two lstm outputs from the top 2 elements in the stack, it is also a on-hidden-layer mlp. Embedding for deprel for composition is not implemented yet.
It achives
- UAS: 0.8447712418300654 LAS: 0.8099415204678363 for Universal Dependency for Chinese.
- UAS: 0.8747954173486089 LAS: 0.843268154018434 for Universal Dependenvy for English.
- preprocess the datasets and save them as pickle binaries, and build vocabularies for word forms, upos tags, xpos tags in each training corpus. I use torchtext for convenience.
python3 build_corpus.py
python3 build_vocabs.py
- Train the model and test it. It saves model in
directory. Resuming from the best model of last training is the default behavior.
python3 test_model.py
Hyper-parameters are just saved in test_model.py
and I would consider use configParer for the next try.