Java project that contains static methods that can be called from Snowpark for performing sentiment analysis on text using CoreNLP.
After cloning the project, run mvn package
. If all goes well, this will create SentiLyzer-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar in the target folder.
Use the Snowflake CLI to upload the jar once it is compiled locally. Follow the instructions here to install the Snowflake CLI.
3.a Start a SnowSQL session at the command line by running snowsql -a <YOUR_SNOWFLAKE_ACCOUNT> -u <YOUR_USER_NAME>
3.b Set the database, schema, and warehouse by running the following command.
use database <YOUR_DATABASE>;
use schema <YOUR_SCHEMA>;
use warehouse <YOUR_WAREHOUSE>;
3.c Upload the jar to Snowflake by running the following command.
put file:///<full-path>/target/SentiLyzer-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
auto_compress = false
overwrite = true;
3.d Create the UDF in Snowflake by running the following command.
create or replace function sentiment_analysis(s varchar)
returns numeric
language java
imports = ('@~/<YOUR_SNOWFLAKE_STAGE_NAME>/SentiLyzer-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar')
handler = 'com.dash.analyzer.AnalyzeSentiment.sentiment_analysis';
Use the sentiment_analysis
UDF in your SQL queries in Snowflake. For example, to score reviews from AMAZON_REVIEWS table in Snowflake:
SELECT REVIEW, sentiment_analysis(REVIEW) as SCORE