iNav 1.0
1.0 final release.
- Accelerometer FIR filtering fixes
- Minor change to althold controller - smoother descend and landing
- Resolved issue with target position not always being logged to blackbox
- Issue with failsafe RTH dropping out of the sky if no GPS is available at the moment
- New scheduling method. New cli command "tasks" will show all running tasks and their processing times.
- CLI "status" command will show overall system load
- Massive GPS code refactoring - completely new GPS driver model and lots of new code
- DJI NAZA GPS support (including compass on the NAZA GPS module)
- Fixed GPS-only heading for fast airplanes.
- Complete GPS-only airplane navigation (Althold, Poshold, RTH)
- UBLOX: option to select gps nav model (LowG - Pedestrian, HighG - Airborne>4G)
- INAV: option to opt-out of using GPS VelNED for position estimation (Ublox modules in Pedestrian mode delay this information beyond any usable limits)
- GPS: receiving and logging position accurace (EPH/EPV)
- Enabled NAV for SPARKY target
- Sonar guard for landing - if iNav will detect the ground it will slow down and touchdown gently regardless of baro altitude
- Optimised MIN/MAX functions - saves a few bytes of code