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Staking Contract

Nikolaus Heger edited this page Apr 23, 2024 · 2 revisions


The staking contract is deployed to stake.hypha


  • Stake
  • Unstake
  • Refund
  • (on transfer of HYPHA token)


accounts: account balances for stakers

daoaccounts: balances of DAOs - each dao is referenced by their short name, and total stake quantity

stakes: a table that contains all stakes - id, from (the staker), to (the dao staked to), quantity.


Staking an amount of HYPHA

Staking is done by sending Hypha tokens to the contract, then invoking the "stake" function with the same amount.


Given a user aaa111111111 and a DAO with short name dao111111111 The user wants to stake 10 Hypha on this DAO.

  1. User aaa111111111 transfers "10.00 HYPHA" to stake.hypha
    "account": "hypha.hypha",
    "name": "transfer",
    "authorization": [
            "actor": "aaa111111111",
            "permission": "active"
    "data": {
        "from": "aaa111111111",
        "to": "stake.hypha",
        "quantity": "10.00 HYPHA",
        "memo": ""

  1. User aaa111111111 invokes the function "stake" the following parameters
    "account": "stake.hypha",
    "name": "stake",
    "authorization": [{
        "actor": "aaa111111111",
        "permission": "active"
    "data": {
        "from": "aaa111111111",
        "to": "dao111111111",
        "quantity": "10.00 HYPHA"


The reverse of staking

    "account": "stake.hypha",
    "name": "unstake",
    "authorization": [{
        "actor": "aaa111111111",
        "permission": "active"
    "data": {
        "from": "aaa111111111",
        "to": "dao111111111",
        "quantity": "10.00 HYPHA"

Get a refund

Unstaking does not send money directly back to the user.

It needs to be followed by a call to refund. Refund refunds the user back tokens up to the amount they have as free balance in the "accounts" table.

Refund always refunds the entire free balance of a user.

    [[eosio::action]] void refund(name account);
    "account": "stake.hypha",
    "name": "refund",
    "authorization": [{
        "actor": "aaa111111111",
        "permission": "active"
    "data": {
        "account": "aaa111111111",