Provides logarithmic time prefix-sums and updates to numeric data sets in 1, 2, 3, or more dimensions.
Check out Stack Overflow, Wikipedia, and TopCoder for an overview of the data structure in one dimension. GeeksForGeeks has a useful explanation of multi-dimensional generalization, but beware of buggy code.
Install from NPM
$ npm install nd-binary-indexed-tree
const BITree = require('nd-binary-indexed-tree');
let biTree = new BITree({initialValues: [
[3, 1, 5 ],
[0, -1, 9.5],
[4, 4, 90 ]
biTree.sumPrefix([2, 1]); // 11
biTree.adjust([1, 1], +2);
biTree.sumPrefix([2, 1]); // 13
See tests for more examples.