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Bundestag Speech Search

Simple search engine for querying speeches from the Bundestag.

Get started

$ git clone
$ cd fulltext-search

$ sbt run

Configure the App

The application configuration can be specified in src/main/resources/application.conf in HOCON notation. It's also possible to override the application.conf by java system properties or environment variables.

Environment variables need to be prefixed by CONFIG_FORCE_ except there is an env-alias specified for the property.

They will be evaluated in following order (starting from the highest priority):

  1. Environment variable: export CONFIG_FORCE_SERVER_HOST=""
    • This actually doesn't work! - use env-alias if defined
  2. Java system property as argument: sbt '; set javaOptions += """"; run'
  3. application.conf: server { host = }

Configuration properties

identifier description env-alias default
server.port HTTP port of the service HTTP_PORT 8421 Host of the service SERVER_HOST
server.log-body Enables server logging of response bodies SERVER_LOG_BODY true Storage policy for the inverted index INDEX_STORAGE_POLICY local
index.stop-words-location File name of the stopwords resource - stopwords_de.txt
index.sample-speeches-location File name of the sample speeches resource - sample_speeches.json
index.insert-sample-speeches Inserts sample speeches on startup when set - false
index.distribution-interval Interval for scanning and distributing the cached index in ms INDEX_DISTRIBUTION_INTERVAL 120000
index.distribution-chunk-size Size of each concurrently processed chunk of the cached index INDEX_DISTRIBUTION_CHUNK_SIZE 100
index.insertion-ttl Amount of retries for the insertion of single index entry INDEX_INSERTION_TTL 5
search.cache-size Size of cache for search results SEARCH_CACHE_SIZE 5
peers.uri Entrypoint to the P2P network - http://localhost:8090/
peers.log-body Enables client logging of response bodies PEERS_LOG_BODY true
peers.max-wait-queue-limit Max wait queue limit for requests to peers PEERS_MAX_WAIT_QUEUE_LIMIT 1024

Index Storage Policies

The application can be started with three different storage policies. They work as follows:

  • local
    • Indexing and retrieval is both done locally in memory on the host machine.
  • distributed
    • Indexing and retrieval is handled by calling the P2P network directly.
    • ⚠️ Using this option the index request blocks until all entries are distributed to the P2P network. This can possibly take a long while. Therefore, an appropriate timeout should be set on the calling machine.
  • lazy-distributed
    • Indexing is done by first storing the index in a local cache and then distributing it on a background thread.
    • The interval for scanning the cached indexed can be configured with the option index.distribution-interval

Run tests

$ sbt test

Retrieve Search Results

📁 To the API-Doc's

Simple Queries

Only searches with at least one term in the query fields are valid. All the other fields are optional.

To limit the maximum number of results search.max_results can be set to any positive integer.

The simplest possible search request has following form:

  "search": {
    "query": {
      "terms": "your query here..."

In the above example all the terms specified in terms will be combined with AND.

To combine the terms with different boolean operators the search you can extend the search with arbitrary additional terms.

  "search": {
    "query": {
      "terms": "find this ...",
      "additions": [
          "connector": "or",
          "terms": "... or that ..."
          "connector": "and_not",
          "terms": "... but not that"

Evaluation order of boolean operators

  1. First all terms fields are evaluated with AND in isolation.
  2. The results will then be combined by the specified connector and evaluated in the following order:
    • AND_NOT
    • AND
    • OR

Filtered Queries

Up until now the queries can be filtered by speaker or affiliation.

If several filters with same criteria are specified they're combined by OR, while the entire set resulting from all filters of same type will by combined by AND with the actually specified query results.

  "search": {
    "query": {
      "terms": "some search"
    "filter": [
        "criteria": "affiliation",
        "value": "SPD"
        "criteria": "affiliation",
        "value": "Die Linke"
        "criteria": "speaker",
        "value": "Peter Lustig"


Simple search engine for querying Bundestag speeches






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