This is a simple wallet application that stores users, their wallets, and transactions between wallets. This app uses a mysql database with the schema and some data sql script inside its folders. It is also monitored with prometheus and containerized with docker.
Currently, the auth service is not implemented, you can login sending a request to the login url and it will set the default user for you.
Go 1.18
Set Environment Variables
export GO111MODULE=on
export GOFLAGS=-mod=vendor
To download the app correctly you must run:
go get
Once downloaded you will have the code in folder
cd $GOPATH/src/
Or you could just run
To have the repository
To install the application in your local machine:
1- Install required libs
go mod download
go mod vendor
2- build and execution
go install
NOTE: to run the application in development and with docker containers you must add the .env file with the following content:
in walletgo/.env
MYSQL_URL = "root:jose1@/wallet"
Users, wallets and transactions are stored in a mysql database mysql The schema is described in the next image:
To load the schema you must run your local instance of mysql and execute the sql file located in /walletgo/docker/mysql/schema.sql
To load api docs you have to run the application and go to
If you wish to run the application in docker containers you can do so creating the .env file mentioned in the "installation" section and running:
cd /walletgo
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
This will create 3 docker images with their respective containers and run the containers. This containers are Mysqlc, golangApp and PrometheusAPI.
To get the aplication scrapped metrics you can start the prometheus container located in walletgo/docker/prometheus/. and visit
You should see the prometheus panel and interact with it. The walletgo App exposes metrics at
To run tests, you must cd into the desired test folder and run
go test -v