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Hyprland Touch Gestures


Even though hyprgrass is mostly stable now, there used to be some bugs that render your touch device unusable until you unload the plugin/close Hyprland (#27), keep a keyboard in hand the first time you try this. This plugin is still in alpha, expect breakable changes!

Please open an issue if you find any bugs. Feel free to make a feature request if you have a suggestion.


  • Workspace Swipe
  • Custom commands
  • Swipe From Edge
  • Multi-finger swipe



Asides from Hyprland (duh), this plugin has the following dependencies:


# build dependencies

Install via hyprpm

First, install all dependencies. Then, run these commands:

hyprpm add
hyprpm enable hyprgrass

You can add exec-once = hyprpm reload -n to your hyprland config to have plugins loaded at startup. -n will make hyprpm send a notification if anything goes wrong (e.g. update needed)

see hyprland wiki for more info

Install via Hyprload

(hyprload is deprecated, please use hyprpm instead)

  1. install all dependencies

  2. install hyprload by following the instructions here

  3. put this in ~/.config/hypr/hyprload.toml:

    plugins = [
  4. run this command:

    # install the plugins
    hyprctl dispatch hyprload install
    # load plugins
    hyprctl dispatch hyprload load

Manual compilation

meson setup build
ninja -C build

Install via nix

Flakes are highly recommended (because I don't know how to do anything without them)

Put this in your flake.nix file:

   inputs = {
      # ...
      hyprland.url = "github:hyprwm/Hyprland";
      hyprgrass = {
         url = "github:horriblename/hyprgrass";
         inputs.hyprland.follows = "hyprland"; # IMPORTANT

and in your home-manager module:

wayland.windowManager.hyprland = {
   plugins = [


Configuration options:

plugin:touch_gestures {
  # The default sensitivity is probably too low on tablet screens,
  # I recommend turning it up to 4.0
  sensitivity = 1.0

  # must be >= 3
  workspace_swipe_fingers = 3

  # switching workspaces by swiping from an edge, this is separate from workspace_swipe_fingers
  # and can be used at the same time
  # possible values: l, r, u, or d
  # to disable it set it to anything else
  workspace_swipe_edge = d

  # in milliseconds
  long_press_delay = 400

  # in pixels, the distance from the edge that is considered an edge
  edge_margin = 10

  experimental {
    # send proper cancel events to windows instead of hacky touch_up events,
    # NOT recommended as it crashed a few times, once it's stabilized I'll make it the default
    send_cancel = 0

Other options

I also recommend that you adjust the settings for the built-in gesture to make it easier to switch workspaces:

gestures {
  workspace_swipe = true
  workspace_swipe_cancel_ratio = 0.15

Custom Commands

You can also bind gesture events to dispatchers, using hyprgrass-bind keyword. The syntax is like normal keybinds.


hyprgrass-bind = , <gesture_name>, <dispatcher>, <args>

where (skip to examples if this is confusing):

  • gesture_name is one of:
    1. swipe:<finger_count>:<direction>
      • finger_count must be >= 3
      • direction is one of l, r, u, d, or ld, rd, lu, ru for diagonal directions.
        (l, r, u, d stand for left, right, up, down)
    2. tap:<finger_count>
      • finger_count must be >= 3
    3. edge:<from_edge>:<direction>
      • <from_edge> is from which edge to start from (l/r/u/d)
      • <direction> is in which direction to swipe (l/r/u/d/lu/ld/ru/rd)
    4. longpress:<finger_count>


plugin:touch_gestures {
    # swipe left from right edge
    hyprgrass-bind = , edge:r:l, workspace, +1

    # swipe up from bottom edge
    hyprgrass-bind = , edge:d:u, exec, firefox

    # swipe down from left edge
    hyprgrass-bind = , edge:l:d, exec, pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ -4%

    # swipe down with 4 fingers
    # NOTE: swipe events only trigger for finger count of >= 3
    hyprgrass-bind = , swipe:4:d, killactive

    # swipe diagonally left and down with 3 fingers
    # l (or r) must come before d and u
    hyprgrass-bind = , swipe:3:ld, exec, foot

    # tap with 3 fingers
    # NOTE: tap events only trigger for finger count of >= 3
    hyprgrass-bind = , tap:3, exec, foot

    # longpress can trigger mouse binds:
    hyprgrass-bindm = , longpress:2, movewindow
    hyprgrass-bindm = , longpress:3, resizewindow


Special thanks to wayfire for the awesome wf-touch library!