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Shell Framework 3

Shell framework is a Bash 3 based script library designed for fast development and advanced bash scripting.


the framework is a directory hierarchy which you should install into your $HOME directory:

cd $HOME
git clone git://

Enable shf3 by editing your .bashrc or .profile:

source $HOME/shf3/bin/shfrc

or activate it by typing the above command into your shell.


You can update the framewrok from Github by:

shfmgr -u

Backup or relocate

The framework is self-contained. All you need to do is copy or move the entire $HOME/shf3 directory to a new location or a new machine or an encrypted external drive (eg. USB or flash drive). All your SSH keys, GSI certificates and any other configurations are included.

SSH Wrapper

The framework contains a sophisticated SSH wrapper. You can use ssh, scp, sshfs and even gsi-ssh in the same manner. The wrapper is independent of your $HOME/.ssh/config settings and employs command line arguments only.

For every user@login pair you have to create a descriptor file where the options and details of the account is stored. Descriptor files are located in $HOME/shf3/mid/ssh directory. The name of the file is a meta-id (MID) which refers to the account and its options. Wrapper commands use the MID to identify a connection. MIDs are unique and short. All you have to remember is the MID. With the SSH wrapper it is easy to have different SSH keys and options for each account you have. You can create the MID file from a template file located at $HOME/shf3/mid/template.ssh or with the manager.

sshmgr -n <MID>

The manager asks qestions about the connection and lets you edit the MID file and generates SSH keys if you want. Optionally, you can generate keys by hand. Keys are located in the $HOME/shf3/key/ssh directory. Secret key is named <MID>.sec, public key is named <MID>.pub. The public part should be added to authorized_keys on remote machines.

Options in the MID file

The MID file is a regular Bash script file, which contains only key=value pairs. You can source it from any other script.

# ssh for regular ssh, gsi for gsi-ssh (see later) 
# FQDN of the remote host
# remote user name
# SSH port
# check mahcine with ping and check port with nmap
mid_ssh_port_check="ping nmap"
# common SSH options for ssh and scp
# SSH only options
# remote directory where SCP will copy
# SSH tunnel options, eg. proxy redirection
# sshfs remote mount target
# sshfs options

Additional hostnames

It is possible to have multiple names for a remote host if you want to access it via a VPN or TOR. For the VPN you add:

mid_vpn_fqdn="<VPN IP>"

Where the <VPN IP> is the remote address on the VPN. For the TOR you need:

mid_tor_fqdn="<ONION NAME>.onion"

In order to use VPN or TOR change <MID> to vpn/<MID> or tor/<MID>, respectively. Note that this notation can be used everywhere insted of a regular MID, so to copy a file over TOR you have to write:

sshtx put tor/<MID> <FILE>

or if you wan to mount the MID over the vpn:

sshmnt -m vpn/<MID>

or just login:

sshin vpn/<MID>

SSH hoping

Shf3 supports one step SSH hoping. You have to setup a MID for the internal machine (<INT>), and you have to change to original MID:

sshto -m <MID>/<INT>

Login is redirected via <MID> to <INT>. You can use this notaion for other SSH commands as well. eg. mount the internal machine:

sshmnt -m <MID>/<INT>

Login and file transfer

Login to a remote machine is done by:

sshin <MID>

If you have tunnels a lock file is created to prevent duplicated redirection. After a not clean logout lock file remains. To force tunnels against the lock run:

sshin +<MID>

On slow lines use Mosh to improve reception. Login using Mosh by:

sshin %<MID>

You can run Mosh over VPN as well:

sshin %vpn/<MID>

File or directory transfer can be done between your CWD and $mid_ssh_scp_dst directory. To copy a file/dir from CWD:

sshtx put <MID> <FILE or DIR>

To copy back to CWD from $mid_ssh_scp_dst run:

sshtx get <MID> <FILE or DIR>

The transfer command employs rsync with ssh and it is especially suitable to synchronise large files or directories. Transfers can be interrupted and resumed at will.


You can mount the account with sshfs. All you need is the MID and a valid setting of mid_ssh_sshfs_dst in the MID file. Accounts are mounted to $HOME/sshfs/<MID>. To mount a MID:

sshmnt -m <MID>

To unmount:

sshmnt -u <MID>

Note that you have to install fuse and sshfs for your OS.

MID Manager

The sshmgr command can be used to manage your MIDs. You can list your accounts by:


Get info of an account by:

sshmgr -i <MID>

Edit a MID file:

sshmgr -e <MID>

GSI SSH Support

Login, transfer and mount commands are GSI aware. Grid proxy is initialized and destroyed automatically. Login proxies are separate. Certificates are sperate from your $HOME/.globus settings.

In order to use GSI you have to include the following options in the MID:

# Grid proxy timeout in HH:MM format
# Grid certificate group

Currently, PRACE grid certificates are supported. You can create a grid certificate file in $HOME/shf3/mid/crt/<GRID>, where <GRID> is the name of the grid certificate group. The content of the <GRID> file is:

mid_crt_url="<URL of the CERTS>.tar.gz"

PRACE is supported out-of-the-box but certificates have to be downloaded or updated by:

sshmgr -g prace

Certificates are downloaded to $HOME/shf3/crt/prace directory. Your grid account certificate should be copied to $HOME/shf3/key/ssh/<MID>.crt and the secret key (pem file) to $HOME/shf3/key/ssh/<MID>.sec . If you create a Grid account with sshmgr -n you have to skip SSH key generation and have to do it manually by the following command:

sshkey -n <MID> -g <URL to OPENSSL CONFIG>

The certificate configuration is used by openssl to generate the secret key and the certificate request. The request is found in $HOME/shf3/key/ssh/<MID>.csr . Note that the sshkey command calls the shf3 password manager to store challenge and request passwords.

Password manager

Shf3 has a basic shell based password manager. Passwords are stored in an sqlite database and encrypted by GPG. Passwords are random strings from and protected by a per password master password. To generate a 21 character long new password:

 passmgr -l 21 -u <ID>

Retrive the generated password:

passmgr -u <ID>

Note that the password is obscured and shown between > and < caharacters and you have to highlight it to reveal.

Search for an ID:

passmgr -s <ID>

List all passwords:


Passwords are stored in $HOME/shf3/sql/enc_pass.sqlite SQLite database.

Encrypted directories

If you install FUSE encfs you can have encripted directories. MID files or encrypted directories are in $HOME/shf3/encfs directory. You can create an encfs MID by:

encfsmgr -n secret

The MID file has to contain one line:

# location of the encrypted directory

Select p for pre-configured paranoia mode and type your encryption password. Note that encryption keys ar located in $HOME/shf3/key/encfs directory (<MID>.sec files) and not in the encrypted directory.

To mount the encrypted directory:

encfsmnt -m <MID>

Encrypted directories are mounted to $HOME/encfs/<MID> . Start to encrypt your secret files by moving stuff into this directory.

Queue Wrapper

Shf3 is not a grid middleware tool and does not have middleware support right now. The only requirement is a properly configured scheduler. You have to read and understand the description of the site specific manual of the scheduler. You have to put constant parameters to a queue MID file. Shf3 queue wrapper helps regular HPC users if they can't use a middleware yet they want some interoperatibility. It is specially suitable for groups where job scripts are shared and version controlled.

Shf3 has no support for UNICORE. However, it has some middleware like features. The only requirement is a local job scheduler. Shf3 is for the local batch system. It provides unified local access on the local batch system level. Lot of users are still and will be local batch users using applications where UNICORE is not applicable.

The main goal is to have simple and portable job scripts as well as workflow like application scripts. At first for every site you have to create a queue MID. For every job you have to create a job file. Actual job scripts are generated acoording to the queue and job file. If you move to an other machine you just move your shf3 directory, configure a new queue MID and submit your jobs with the new queue.

The queue wrapper library is designed to make batch submission of parallel programs very easy. First, you have to configure a MID file for the queue. This MID file contains parameters which are same for every submission. Keys and values are scheduler dependent. Currently, Slurm, PBS and SGE is supported. Queue files (MIDs) are located in $HOME/shf3/mid/que directory.

Queue and job file keys are based on the Slurm rosetta which has a unified interface for the following schedulers: PBS, Slurm, LSF, SGE, LoadLeveler.

Variable Description Input Scheduler
JOBQUEUE Scheduler queue queue All
PARENV Parallel Environment job SGE
NODES Node Count job All
WALLTIME Wall Clock Limit job All
STDOUT Standard Output File job
STDERR Standard Error File job
COPY_ENV Copy Environment queue
EVENTS Event Notification queue
MAILTO Email Address queue All
JOBNAME Job Name job All
RESTART Job Restart job
WORK_DIRECTORY Working Directory job
EXCLUSIVE Resource Sharing job
MEMORY Memory Size per core job
ACCOUNT Account to charge queue
TASKS Tasks Per Node job
TASK_CPUS CPUs per task job
DEPEND Job Dependency job
PROJECT Job Project job
INCLUDE_NODES Job host preference job
EXCLUDE_NODES Job host preference job
QUALITY Quality Of Service job
ARRAYS Job Arrays job
GPUS GPU Resources job
LICENSES Licenses job
BEGIN Begin Time job
CONSTRAINTS Constraints queue
OPTIONS Other Options queue

Example queue MID:

USER_LIMIT="ulimit -s unlimited"
QUEUE_SETUP="${HOME}/shf3/bin/machines ${HOME}/shf3/bin/scratch ${HOME}/shf3/bin/sched/env/${SCHEDULER}"

Note that the setup script machines, scratch and env/${SCHEDULER} are somewhat mandatory. The former sets the variable MACHINES to the hostnames of the allocated nodes. You will need this because MPI implementations do not support every scheduler. The MACHINES variable is used by the MPI wrapper functions to specify hostnames for the mpirun command. The latter sets the SCRATCH variable to your scratch space. Application Wrapper (see later) needs this. Please check each script if you are in doubt. Prace scratch environment variable (PRACE_SCRATCH) is supported. You can find templates in $HOME/shf3/mid/que/templates directory.

Job Submission

If the queue MID is ready all you need is a job file. The job file is independent of the scheduler and contains only your resource needs. The queue wrapper is designed for MPI or OMP parallel programs. Co-array Fortran and MPI-OMP hybrid mode is also supported. A typical job file is the following (jobfile):

# name of the job
# refers to the queue file in shf3/mid/que/skynet
# the program to run
# parallel type of run, here MPI-only run with SGI MPT
# compute resources: 8 nodes with 2 sockets and 4 cores per socket
# 2 hours wall time

The QUEUE refers to the queue MID file (note that it is not real queue of a system). The RUN key sets your application, which can be a script if you need complex pre or post-processing. Please note that you ''do not have to explicitly include mpirun'' before your application, the job wrapper does it. Three modes are supported:

  1. MPI-only (MODE=mpi/<MPI>)
  2. MPI-OMP hybrid (MODE=mpiomp/<MPI>)
  3. OpenMP (MODE=omp)
  4. Co-Array Fortran(MODE=caf)

where <MPI> is opmi (OpenMPI), ipmi (Intel MPI), mpt (SGI MPT). MPI parameters and OMP settings are generated according to the NODES, SCKTS and CORES resource needs, which are number of nodes, number of CPU sockets per node, and number of CPU cores per socket, respectively. The following table is used to determine the parameters:

Par. Mode        # of MPI procs          # of MPI procs/node  # of OMP threads/MPI proc.
MPI-only (mpi)   NODES × SCKTS × CORES   SCKTS × CORES        1
OMP-only (omp)   --                      --                   SCKTS × CORES
MPI-OMP (mpiomp) NODES × SCKTS           SCKTS                CORES

Submit your job file:

jobmgr -b jobfile

This command will run generic checks and shows a summary table of the proposed allocation like that:

   slurm     1     2       4    0  
         SLOTS TASKS sockets      
             8     8       2       
    MODE    np    pn threads
 mpi/mpt     8     8       1

You can also check the actual, scheduler dependent, job script as well. If you have special needs it is possible to use the wrapper to generate actual job script. Currently, OpenMPI, Intel MPI, SGI MPT, OpenMP and Co-Array Fortran is supported.

MPI-OMP hybrid mode

If you specify MODE=mpiomp the wrapper configures SCKTS number of MPI process per node and CORES number of OMP threads per MPI process. You can give any combination of SCKTS and CORES values. If your scheduler does not support node based allocation like SGE you may have to specify the total number of job slots per node by:


In this case 8 slots are allocated per node. You can use the hybrid mode if want to run a large memory job on low memory nodes by overallocating.

Application Wrapper

In practice you want to run a script instead of single program. There is no general solution but you can follow this simple Prepare-Run-Collect (PRC) scheme:

  1. Preprocess inputs and copy them to the scratch directory
  2. Run the application
  • Collect and postprocess outputs (eg. gzip) and move to submit directory (somewhere in your $HOME)

The details of this scheme is application dependent and you have to write wrapper functions for each application. In shf3 there is a general wrapper which does not do application specific input/output processing yet follows this scheme. It is a good starting point to develop new wrappers. The application wrapper does not depend on the queue wrapper, although the queue wrapper detects the application wrapper.

The application wrapper needs a guide file. This file contains information on how to go throught the 3-step scheme. A general guide file contains (guide) the following lines:

# submit dir
# scratch dir
# result dir, usually the same as submit dir
# application binary and options
# data inputs, usually precalculated libraries
# main input
# other inputs, usually for restart
# in case of error outputs are saved
# patterns for outputs to collect

The *DIR variables tell where to copy inputs from: MAIN and OTHER is realtive to INPUTDIR. The DATA key is application specific and "relative" to DATADIR. The main input is also application specific and can start with a 1 character operator: - input is copied but not included int the argument list, < input is stdin redirected, and no operator means the input is put into the argument list. The final command is $PRGBIN $PRGOPT $MAIN . The program call can be augmented by the queue and the parallel environment. You can run the application with:

runprg -p general -g guide

This command creates the scratch, copy inputs, run the application, moves back the results and deletes scratch directory. You can combine the two wrappers by setting RUN="runprg -p general -g guide" .

A Full Example

Lets assume we have a cluster named Skynet and we needd access and want to run a job on the machine. Install shf3 on your local machine. First we create an SSH MID for the login:

sshmgr -n skynet

This command generates keys as well. All you need to do is send the public key to Skynet's administrator. The public key is located in $HOME/shf3/key/ssh/ Login to the remote machine:

sshto -m skynet

Install shf on skynet as well. You need this for the job submission. First you have to setup the queue. On this example machine the job shceduler is Slurm. Create a queue file $HOME/shf3/mid/que/skynet:

QMAILTO="[email protected]"
QSETUP="$HOME/shf3/bin/machines $HOME/shf3/bin/scratch"
QULIMIT="ulimit -s unlimited; ulimit -l unlimited"

All email notification is enabled. The P-20130320 Slurm account, the batch partition and the ib Slurm constraint is used. The job script uses two auxiliary scripts (machines and scratch). The former determines mahcines for the job, the latter sets the scratch space.

Lets assume we want to run a Viennese application VASP. VASP has full support in shf3. You need have the following job file (vasp.job):

BIND="dplace -s 1"
RUN="runprg -p vasp -g"

The name of the job is TEST and will run for 12 hours on 2 nodes and 8 cores per node. The queue is skynet which refers to the parameters defined in $HOME/shf3/mid/que/skynet. The job will run in MPI-only mode and will use the dplace -s 1 command for CPU binding. In the last line you define the command to run. Here it is the application wrapper for vasp which needs the guide file (

The guide file contains the folllowing lines:


Input files copied for the current directory and copied to the WORKDIR which is defined be the scratch variable. Results will copied back to the current directory. Old results are saved and compressed by default. The ${HOME}/vasp/bin/vasp.mpi program will run without any arguments. The MAIN variable defines the main input files. If you put - as the first character the input is not included in the argument list of the program. Auxiliary data libraries come from DATADIR according to DATA. An other input is also copied to the scratch space. Other input files are copied and uncompressed as is. All the result files will copied back (RESULT=*).

Send your job by:

jobmgr -b vasp.job

The actual job file will look like this:

### Date Wed Mar 20 10:32:26 CET 2013

### Scheduler  : slurm
#SBATCH --job-name TEST
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
#SBATCH [email protected]
#SBATCH --time=12:00:00
#SBATCH --nodes=2
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=8
#SBATCH --constraint=ib
#SBATCH --partition=batch
#SBATCH -o StdOut
#SBATCH -e ErrOut

### Resource Allocation
#        slurm     2     2       4    0  
#              SLOTS TASKS sockets      
#                 16     8       4       

### Queue Setup
source /home/bob/shf3/bin/machines
source /home/bob/shf3/bin/scratch
ulimit -s unlimited; ulimit -l unlimited

### MPI Setup
export MPI_MODE="mpi"
export MPI_MPI="mpt"
export MPI_MAX_SLOTS=16
export MPI_MAX_TASKS=8
export MPI_NUM_NODES=2
export MPI_NPPN="8"
export NODES=2
export SCKTS=2
export CORES=4
export BIND="dplace -s 1"
export MPI_OPT="   ${MACHINES} @{MPI_NPPN} ${NUMA} @{BIND}  "
export PRERUN="mpirun ${MPI_OPT}"

### Fortran Multi-processing
export FMP_MPI_NODES=2

### OMP Setup
export KMP_LIBRARY=serial

### Parallel Mode
#         MODE    np    pn threads
#      mpi/mpt    16     8       1 

### Command
runprg -p vasp -g -s slurm

Note on MPI_OPT

This variable is evaluated by runprg on-the-fly since you can run a script function, called kernel, instead of the application specified in the guide. The kernel function will call your application an can change MPI and OMP parameters or restart your application during the run. See Workflow scripts section. If you do not use runprg the MPI_OPT variable does not contain @ characters and you have a normal prerun line in your actual job script:


Lets assume that your colleague works on an other machine called budapest. She wants to reproduce your results and rerun the same calculation. She installed shf3 and configured the following queue MID on the budapest machine ($HOME/shf3/mid/que/budapest):

QMAILTO="[email protected]"
QULIMIT="ulimit -s unlimited"
QOPT="-cwd -V"
QSETUP="${HOME}/shf3/bin/machines ${HOME}/shf3/bin/scratch"

On that machine the scheduler is SGE and different parameters have to be used. You have to send the following files to Alice:

(other application specific inputs)

Since the budapest machine have a different architecture Alice changes the following lines in vasp.job:

BIND="--bycore --bind-to-core"

She switches to OpenMPI and more cores. Every other parameter remains the same. Alice submits the job by the same command:

jobmgr -b vasp.job

She will generate and submit the following actual job script:

### Date Wed Mar 20 12:15:50 CET 2013

### Scheduler  : sge
#$ -N TEST
#$ -S /bin/bash
#$ -m abe
#$ -M [email protected]
#$ -l h_cpu=12:00:00
#$ -pe mpi 48
#$ -q budapest.q
#$ -l exclusive=true
#$ -o StdOut
#$ -e ErrOut
#$ -cwd -V

### Resource Allocation
#          sge     2     2      12    0  
#              SLOTS TASKS sockets      
#                 48    24       4       

### Queue Setup
source /home/alice/shf3/bin/machines
source /home/alice/shf3/bin/scratch
ulimit -s unlimited

### MPI Setup
export MPI_MODE="mpi"
export MPI_MPI="ompi"
export MPI_MAX_SLOTS=48
export MPI_MAX_TASKS=24
export MPI_NUM_NODES=2
export MPI_NPPN="-np 48 -npernode 24"
export NODES=2
export SCKTS=2
export CORES=12
export BIND="--bycore --bind-to-core"
export MPI_OPT="    @{MPI_NPPN} ${NUMA} @{BIND}  "
export PRERUN="mpirun ${MPI_OPT}"

### Fortran Mulit-processing
export FMP_MPI_NODES=2

### OMP Setup
export KMP_LIBRARY=serial

### Parallel Mode
#         MODE    np    pn threads
#     mpi/ompi    48    24       1 

### Command
runprg -p vasp -g -s sge

HPL test example

HPL is a supported application. You have the following hpl.job file:

BIND="--bycore --bind-to-core"
RUN="runprg -p hpl -g"

and the guide file (


Workflow scripts

Program wrapper is a simple workflow manager. It has support for some specific application. You can use the general wrapper to run any kind of application in the PRC scheme. If you want to run the HPL test adove with the general runner (hpl.job):

BIND="--bycore --bind-to-core"
RUN="runprg -p general -g"

The general runner checks only for the PRGBIN. In case of supported apps input files are also checked. By using an application specific wrapper you can reduce faulty submissions considerably.

Workflow kernel

You can run a so-called kernel function insted of PRGBIN if you specify the following line in the guide file:


The kernel file is copied to the scratch space and sourced by runpgr. The most simple kernel file looks like this (kernel):

function general/kernel() {

This kernel runs your application. The kernel functions lives inside runpgr you have to be careful what you do here, although, you can do pretty much anything: modify inputs, restart the application, reconfigure parallel paremeters etc. For example if you want to switch to MPI OMP mode on the fly after you do this:

function general/kernel() {
  # run the first step
  # check outputs and modify inputs
  # set new socket and core per node parameters
  BIND="omplace -s 1"

  # switch to MPI-OMP mode
  run/prg/mode mpiomp

  # rerun the application

You can consider kernels as dynamic applications inside the RPC scheme. It is especially usefule if you have simple workflows eg. you have to call the same application with different inputs in sequence. You can save time and imporove utilization by grouping tightly coupled run steps into a kernel. Do more and submit once!