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Elliot Jordan edited this page Nov 16, 2020 · 2 revisions
  • If at first you don't succeed, try try again! I usually enlist the following steps for creating recipes:

    1. Provide the app itself as input to Recipe Robot.
    2. If that doesn't work, go to the developer's website and see if they provide a static download link (usually ends with .zip or .dmg). Try using that with the Recipe Robot [script](Python Script
    3. If that still doesn't work, maybe the app has a GitHub or SourceForge project page? Try providing that to the Recipe Robot [script](Python Script
    4. Still no luck? Write a recipe from scratch like the good old days. It builds character.
  • Run again with --verbose when errors occur, and you'll usually see why. It's often because Recipe Robot couldn't determine how to download the app.

  • If you get Python exceptions while using Recipe Robot, I invite you to create an issue on GitHub so I can track the problem. Include full traceback plus whatever input (URL, path, etc) you provided when you ran Recipe Robot.