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This package is a Go library for interacting with the perf subsystem in Linux. I had trouble finding a golang perf library so I decided to write this by using the linux's perf as a reference. This library allows you to do things like see how many CPU instructions a function takes (roughly), profile a process for various hardware events, and other interesting things. Note that because the Go scheduler can schedule a goroutine across many OS threads it becomes rather difficult to get an exact profile of an individual goroutine. However, a few tricks can be used; first a call to runtime.LockOSThread to lock the current goroutine to an OS thread. Second a call to unix.SchedSetaffinity, with a CPU set mask set. Note that if the pid argument is set 0 the calling thread is used (the thread that was just locked). Before using this library you should probably read the perf_event_open man page which this library uses heavily. See this kernel guide for a tutorial how to use perf and some of the limitations.

Use Cases

If you are looking to interact with the perf subsystem directly with perf_event_open syscall than this library is most likely for you. A large number of the utility methods in this package should only be used for testing and/or debugging performance issues. This is due to the nature of the Go runtime being extremely tricky to profile on the goroutine level, with the exception of a long running worker goroutine locked to an OS thread. Eventually this library could be used to implement many of the features of perf but in pure Go. Currently this library is used in node_exporter as well as perf_exporter, which is a Prometheus exporter for perf related metrics.


  • Some utility functions will call runtime.LockOSThread for you, they will also unlock the thread after profiling. Note using these utility functions will incur significant overhead (~4ms).
  • Overflow handling is not implemented.


Most likely you will need to tweak some system settings unless you are running as root. From man perf_event_open:

   perf_event related configuration files
       Files in /proc/sys/kernel/

                  The perf_event_paranoid file can be set to restrict access to the performance counters.

                  2   allow only user-space measurements (default since Linux 4.6).
                  1   allow both kernel and user measurements (default before Linux 4.6).
                  0   allow access to CPU-specific data but not raw tracepoint samples.
                  -1  no restrictions.

                  The existence of the perf_event_paranoid file is the official method for determining if a kernel supports perf_event_open().

                  This sets the maximum sample rate.  Setting this too high can allow users to sample at a rate that impacts overall machine performance and potentially lock up the machine.  The default value is 100000  (samples  per

                  This file sets the maximum depth of stack frame entries reported when generating a call trace.

                  Maximum number of pages an unprivileged user can mlock(2).  The default is 516 (kB).


Say you wanted to see how many CPU instructions a particular function took:

package main

import (

func foo() error {
	var total int
	for i:=0;i<1000;i++ {
	return nil

func main() {
	profileValue, err := perf.CPUInstructions(foo)
	if err != nil {
	fmt.Printf("CPU instructions: %+v\n", profileValue)


To profile a single function call there is an overhead of ~0.4ms.

$ go test  -bench=BenchmarkCPUCycles .
goos: linux
goarch: amd64
BenchmarkCPUCycles-8        3000            397924 ns/op              32 B/op          1 allocs/op
ok  1.255s

The Profiler interface has low overhead and suitable for many use cases:

$ go test  -bench=BenchmarkProfiler .
goos: linux
goarch: amd64
BenchmarkProfiler-8      3000000               488 ns/op              32 B/op          1 allocs/op
ok  1.981s

The RunBenchmarks helper function can be used to run as function as a benchmark and report results from PerfEventAttrs:

func BenchmarkRunBenchmarks(b *testing.B) {

	eventAttrs := []unix.PerfEventAttr{
		func(b *testing.B) {
			for n := 1; n < b.N; n++ {
				a := 42
				for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
					a += i

go test  -bench=BenchmarkRunBenchmarks
goos: linux
goarch: amd64
BenchmarkRunBenchmarks-8         3119304               388 ns/op              1336 hw_cycles/op             3314 hw_instr/op            0 B/op          0 allocs/op

If you want to run a benchmark tracepoints (ie perf list or cat /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/available_events) you can use the BenchmarkTracepoints helper:

func BenchmarkBenchmarkTracepoints(b *testing.B) {
	tracepoints := []string{
		func(b *testing.B) {
			for n := 1; n < b.N; n++ {
				unix.Getrusage(0, &unix.Rusage{})

go test -bench=.
goos: linux
goarch: amd64
BenchmarkProfiler-8                              1983320               596 ns/op              32 B/op          1 allocs/op
BenchmarkCPUCycles-8                                2335            484068 ns/op              32 B/op          1 allocs/op
BenchmarkThreadLocking-8                        253319848                4.70 ns/op            0 B/op          0 allocs/op
BenchmarkRunBenchmarks-8                         1906320               627 ns/op              1023 hw_cycles/op       3007 hw_instr/op
BenchmarkRunBenchmarksLocked-8                   1903527               632 ns/op              1025 hw_cycles/op       3007 hw_instr/op
BenchmarkBenchmarkTracepointsLocked-8             986607              1221 ns/op                 2.00 syscalls:sys_enter_getrusage/op          0 B/op          0 allocs/op
BenchmarkBenchmarkTracepoints-8                   906022              1258 ns/op                 2.00 syscalls:sys_enter_getrusage/op          0 B/op          0 allocs/op

BPF Support

BPF is supported by using the BPFProfiler which is available via the ProfileTracepoint function. To use BPF you need to create the BPF program and then call AttachBPF with the file descriptor of the BPF program.


Originally I set out to use go generate to build Go structs that were compatible with perf, I found a really good article on how to do so. Eventually, after digging through some of the /x/sys/unix code I found pretty much what I was needed. However, I think if you are interested in interacting with the kernel it is a worthwhile read.