Employment Tribunal XUI E2E Tests
To run the application on your pc, please ensure you have the followings:
Please note the following before running the e2e test. The claimant is created on the fly , leveraging on API call to
reduce the complexity around account creation. However, all other accounts including caseworker legal rep et al are
available as environmental variables. Therefore, config.js
must be updated accordingly.
Please install the dependencies with the following cmd
$ yarn install
To run the e2e test, use the following cmd
$ yarn run test:fullfunctional
To run the e2e test with specific tag/tags, use the following cmd
$ yarn test:local --grep @<your tag>
The above cmd
is important because CI pipeline is configured to use the same cmd
for jenkins job
To run crossbrowser test on local environment, Please visit *saucelab-setup
after setting up the tunnel please run
$ yarn run test:crossbrowser
To check any linting issue, please run
$ yarn lint
For the nsp check to work as part of the git pre commit hook it requires running
$ npm install -g nsp
$ yarn test:nsp
These are one time task only -- the step is already included in the git precommit step
Please note the following before running the e2e test config.js
must be updated accordingly.
Please install the dependencies with the following cmd
$ yarn install
To run the e2e test in ui mode, use the following cmd
$ yarn playwright test --ui
To debug the e2e test
$ yarn playwright test --debug
To run codegen tool
$ npx playwright codegen