After time-consuming research, I discovered that the two existing major SQLite libraries, rusqlite and sqlx, are unable to meet the requirements for transactional updates. This is because transactions must be passed into the Lua VM, but rusqlite's transactions are !Send
/ !Sync
, so they cannot satisfy the constraints. On the other hand, sqlx cannot be used with mlua due to its async characteristics.
I have decided to archive this project to provide future researchers interested in mlua with a substantial project to study.
lmb is a Lua function runner
- Evaluate a Lua script.
- Handle HTTP requests via a Lua script.
- Schedule a Lua script with cron.
- Rust ≥1.80.0
git clone
cd lmb
cargo install --path . --locked
Find some examples:
lmb example ls
Evaluate an example:
lmb example eval --name hello
Evaluate Lua script:
$ lmb eval --file lua-examples/hello.lua
hello, world!
Handle HTTP requests with single script:
$ lmb serve --file lua-examples/echo.lua
(another shell session) $ curl -X POST http://localhost:3000 -d $'hello'