This allows you to write commands whose input changes when a previous
Command shrinks.
For example, suppose the state contains `someList :: [Bool]` and
you have a command whose input expects "index into `someList` pointing
at `True`". You can generate that index directly, but if an earlier
command shrinks, `someList` might change and your index now points at
(This is contrived, but hopefully points at the sorts of more
complicated situations where it might be useful.)
With this you can instead generate a number between 0 and (the number of
`True` elements). Then use `mkInput` to turn that number into an index
into `someList`. This will still be valid as long as the number of
`True` elements doesn't shrink below the generated value.
You could also pass this number directly into `exec`. But then in `exec`
you'd need to get `someList` directly from the concrete model, which
might be complicated and/or slow.
I implemented this by adding a new `Command` constructor, `CommandA`
where A is for Advanced. I don't love this. I could have simply changed
the existing constructor, but that means every existing Command needs to
be updated. (It's a simple change, `commandMkInput = const Just` means
they work as before, but still a massive pain.) The downside of this
approach is implementation complexity, plus any user functions taking a
`Command` as input may need to be updated.
Other approaches we could take here:
1. We could pass the concrete state into `exec` along with the concrete
input. Then you wouldn't need to get `someList` from the model. But you
might still need to do complicated calculations in `exec` which could
make the failure output hard to follow.
If we did this we'd have the same tradeoff between changing the
existing constructor and adding a new one.
2. We could add a callback
(state Symbolic -> input Symbolic -> Maybe (input Symbolic)
Each of these would be applied in turn to update the input.
(`Require` would be equivalent to a `MapMaybeInput` that ignores
state, and either returns the input unchanged or `Nothing`.)
This would be compatible with existing commands, but functions
accepting a `Command` or a `Callback` as input might still need